SoldMUNSTER, Sebastian (1488-1552) - Una collezione diMUNSTER, Sebastian (1488-1552) - Una collezione di numerose tavole colorate a mano all'epoca. (300 x 390mm). The collection of plates includes numerous German regions and cities. In loose sheets in goSee Sold Price
MUNSTER, Sebastian (1488-1552) - Una collezione diMUNSTER, Sebastian (1488-1552) - Una collezione di numerose tavole colorate a mano all'epoca. (300 x 390mm). The collection of plates includes numerous German regions and cities. In loose sheets in goSee Sold Price
SoldMunster, Mappa mundiMUNSTER, Sebastian (1488-1552). From Sebastian Munster's "Cosmographia." after 1552.; Mappa mundi. Basel: 1550. 11 3/4 x 15 1/4 inches.See Sold Price
SoldSebastian Munster Map of the New World, ca 1550 Sebastian Munster Map of the New World, ca 1550 Munster, Sebastian (1488-1552) Die neuwen Inseln - So hinder Hispanien gegen Orient bey dem land Indie ligen. Basle, ca 1540-1556. Woodcut, not coloreSee Sold Price
SoldMunster / Holbein World MapMunster, Sebastian(1488-1552) & Holbein the Younger (1497-1543). Typus Cosmographicus Universalis. Woodcut. Basel: Johannes Hervagius, 1532. 16” x 22 1/4” sheet. This map is one of the most decoraSee Sold Price
SoldMunster Map of AmericaMunster, Sebastian (1488-1552). Tabula Novarum Insularum... Woodcut Map. Basel, 1554. 11 1/4" x 14 3/4" visible, 19 1/4" x 22 3/4" framed.See Sold Price
Munster, Sebastian (1488-1552) Rudimenta Mathematica.Munster, Sebastian (1488-1552) Rudimenta Mathematica. Basel: Heinrich Petri, 1551.First edition, small folio, lacking X6, final leaf with printer's device, and folding diagram; a large woodcut on titlSee Sold Price
Sold(Atlas, World) Munster, Sebastian (1488-1552), Cos(Atlas, World) Munster, Sebastian (1488-1552), Cosmographei Oder Beschreibung aller landen der hersschafften Furnemsten Stetten, Geschichten, Gebreuchen, Hantierungen..., Basel: Henricus Petrus, 1574,See Sold Price
Munster Cosmographiae UniversalisMUNSTER, Sebastian (1488-1552). Cosmographiae universalis Lib. VI. In quibus, iuxta certioris fidei scriptorium traditionem describuntur. Basel: Heinrich Petri, March 1559 [colophon], 1559. 12" x 8".See Sold Price
Munster Map of Asia*** START PRICE IS THE RESERVE *** [Asia] MUNSTER, Sebastian (1488-1552). Die Laender Asie...Nach Ihrer Gelegenheit Bisz in Indian Werden in Diser Tafeln Verzeichnet. Woodcut. Basel, 1544-1572 from CoSee Sold Price
Munster Americas MapMunster, Sebastian (1488-1552). Le table des neufues lefquells on appelle isle d'occifent & d'Indie pour divers regard. Woodcut map. Basel, 1540 (State 12, 1569). 11 1/2" x 15 1/4" sheet, 23" x 26 1/2See Sold Price
Munster Map of AsiaMunster, Sebastian (1488-1552). Die Laender Asie...Nach Ihrer Gelegenheit Bisz in Indian Werden in Diser Tafeln Verzeichnet. Woodcut. Basel, 1544-1572 from Cosmographia Universalis. 13" x 16" sheet, 2See Sold Price
Fine engraved plan of the city of Paris mapLutetia Parisiorum urbs, toto orbe celeberrima notissimaque caput regni Franciae.MUNSTER, Sebastian (1488-1552). A later printing but I wasn't able to determine age , more then likely a reproduction oSee Sold Price
Munster Woodcut Map of AsiaMUNSTER, Sebastian (1488-1552). Die Laender Asie... Woodcut. Basel, 1544-1572 from Cosmographia Universalis. 13" x 16" sheet, 24 1/2" x 28" framed. This is one of the earliest maps of the whole continSee Sold Price
Sold16TH CENTURY LEAF FROM MUNSTER'S COSMOGRAPHIAMUNSTER, Sebastian, (German, 1488-1552): From the original 1997 Early American History Auctions Catalog: '' Early leaf from Munster's COSMOGRAPHIAE UNIVERSALIS, Basel, 1552, Very Fine. Printed by HenrSee Sold Price
Munster, Sebastian Woodcut Theatrum Veronese 1549Munster, Sebastian (German 1488-1552) Original Woodcut of Verona, "Theatrum Veronese 1549". Black and white of woodcute image of Verona theater. Gilt wood frame. Measures: 15.25" x 8.75". Framed: 19.5See Sold Price
SoldSebastian Munster (1488 – 1552) - (Tabula orientalisSebastian Munster (1488 – 1552) (Tabula orientalis regionis, Asiae scilicet extremas complectens terras et regna) 1550 hand-colored 12 1/2” x 16” (31 cm x 40 cm) WRITE UP: WitSee Sold Price
SoldSebastian Munster Map of Paris 1550Sebastian Munster (1488-1552), "La ville de Paris, par tout tant renommee, & principalle ville du royaulme de France," ca. 1568. This hand-colored woodcut map of Paris shows the city from a birdseye vSee Sold Price
SoldMunster, First Map Map of the Americas, 1554Tabula novarum insularum, quas Diversis respectibus Occidentales & Indianas uocant. Sebastian Munster (1488-1552). Basel, 1554. Engraved Map. 11 1/2 x 14 1/2 inches visible, 19 x 23 inches framed. TheSee Sold Price
SoldMunster Woodcut World MapAltera generalis tab. Secundum Ptol... Sebastian Munster (1488-1552). Woodcut map with hand color in full. Basel, 1541 or later (small crack in block right of center). 11 1/2 x 15 inches visible, 20 1See Sold Price
SoldMunster's Updated Map of AmericaAmericae Sive Novi Orbis Nova Descriptio. Sebastian Munster (1488-1552). Woodcut map with hand color in full. Basel: Petri, 1588. 13 x 14 3/4 inches visible, 20 1/4 x 22 inches framed. From a later veSee Sold Price
Sold16TH C. MAP OF GERMANY BY MUNSTER"Tabula Germaniae", Germany, Strabonis Ptolemeic map of part of northern Germany by Sebastian Munster (1488-1552), Basle, circa 1545. Copperplate engraving on laid paper, in water gilt molded stick frSee Sold Price
SoldMunster Typus Cosmographicus UniversalisTypus Cosmographicus Universalis. Sebastian Munster (1488-1552) & Holbein the Younger (1497-1543). Woodcut. Basel: Johannes Hervagius, 1532. 16 x 22 1/2 inches sheet, 24 1/4 x 31 1/4 inches framed. ThSee Sold Price
SoldBible, Hebrew and Latin, trans. Sebastian MunsterBible, Hebrew and Latin, trans. Sebastian Munster (1488-1552) Mikdash Ha-Shem; Hebraica Biblia. Basel: Michael Isingrinus & Henricus Petri, 1546.First edition, two thick folio volumes, beautiful largeSee Sold Price
DOMINIKOS THEOTOKOPOULOS detto EL GRECO (seguace di)Wannenes - Art Auction4.1(38)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024