SoldMunster (Sebastian) Cosmographie UniverselleMunster (Sebastian) Cosmographie Universelle,33 loose leaves from the French and German editions, with numerous woodcut illustrations, including a map of Asia Minor, with topographical featureSee Sold Price
SoldMunster (Sebastian) CosmographieMunster (Sebastian) Cosmographie,a group of loose leaves from the Latin and German editions, plans, battle scenes, wide-ranging geographical views, animals and mythical creatures, woodcuts, vSee Sold Price
SoldMunster, SebastianMunster, Sebastian Cosmographie 1574, aquarellée. Signature ccclv. 12 x 8 cm.See Sold Price
Franckfurt an der OderHolzschnitt/Papier um 1600 bezeichnet Fernsicht auf Frankfurt an der Oder mit Titelbanner und Legende aus: Münster Sebastian: Cosmographie ab 1553 hier spätere französische Ausgabe alteSee Sold Price
Sold2 maps- Munster's ''Cosmographie...'' [1572-1575][Munster, Sebastian]. 2 woodcut maps, each on leaf with French text on both sides. From: Sebastian Munster, ''Cosmographie Universelle,'' [1552-1575]. (1) De L'Europe Qui Comprend De Nostre. 3 1/4 x 5See Sold Price
Parma: AbcontrafacturParma. Der Statt Parma Abcontrafactur nach ihrer gelegenheit. Holzschnitt auf dem vollen Doppelblatt einer deutschen Ausgaben von Sebastian Münster's Cosmographie. Um 1550.Mit Text auf der RüSee Sold Price
SoldSicily, 1550, Sebastian Munster (1482-1552), fromSicily, 1550, Sebastian Munster (1482-1552), from "Cosmographie universalis" lib. VI. cM 19.5X30, woodcut hand-colored, frame in burr wood cm 41x32. Excellent condition.See Sold Price
Sicily, 1550, Sebastian Munster (1482-1552), fromSicily, 1550, Sebastian Munster (1482-1552), from 'Cosmographie universalis' lib. VI. cM 19.5X30, woodcut hand-colored, frame in burr wood cm 41x32. Excellent condition.See Sold Price
Map of the Holy Land. Sebastian Munster. Basle,Syrie avec ses provinces. By Sebastian Munster. Following Ptolemy. From: La Cosmographie Universelle. Basle, 1556-1568, p. 1237. Woodcut. Black and white. French text above the map and on verso. PageSee Sold Price
SoldLa Cosmographie Universelle, contenant la situation...La Cosmographie Universelle, contenant la situation de toutes les parties du monde, avec leurs proprietez & appartenances. MUNSTER, Sebastian (1489-1552). [Antwerp]: [Colophon: Henrich Petri, 1565]. FSee Sold Price
SoldMunster SebastianMunster Sebastian Italia mit drenen furnemeften inseln Corsica / Sardinia / und Sicilia Cette carte serait tirée de la cosmographie universelle, édition de 1567 (ou seconde moitié XVIe siècle ?).See Sold Price
SoldMunster (Sebastian) MoschovieMunster (Sebastian) Moschovie,from Karelia in the north, just to the Black Sea in the south, and from Rogodiff, or Narva, in Estonia, to the Caspian Sea, from the Cosmographie Universelle, LivSee Sold Price
Munster SebastianMunster Sebastian Partie de l’Italie et Corse. Probablement 1552. In Cosmographie universelle. Feuillet M2, p. 143, au dos texte en français, et bois gravé, aquarellée. Petites restaurations margSee Sold Price
Sold[Sebastian MUNSTER ]- 3 cartes extraites de «La Cosmogr[Sebastian MUNSTER ]- 3 cartes extraites de «La Cosmographie universelle», éditions diverses. Cartes d'Eysalie, du Duché de Brabant et de la Hollande. Dimensions diverses, rehaussées. Fixées surSee Sold Price
Map of the Holy Land. Sebastian Munster. Basle, 1552.Map of the Holy Land. By Sebastian Munstesr. From: La Cosmographie Universelle. Basle, 1552, p. 1149. Woodcut. Black and white. The Israelites' route in the desert. On the verso, p. 1150, French textSee Sold Price
SoldMunster Cosmographie TABULA ASIAE VIII WOODCUT MAPMunster Cosmographie TABULA ASIAE VIII WOODCUT MAP c1550 Asia India Sina Scythia Serica Monster Map Munster Cosmographie TABULA ASIAE VIII WOODCUT MAP c1550 Asia India Sina Scythia Serica Monster MapSee Sold Price
SoldMunster (Sebastian) - Ptolemaisch general tafelptolemaic world map with 12 windheads, from the Cosmographia, woodcut map with hand-colouring, 265 x 340mm., German and Latin text verso with inset architectural title panel, repairs to head and footSee Sold Price
SoldMunster, Sebastian C1580 Early Woodcut. HistoricalWoodcut Published 1544-1628 for the "Cosmographia" by Sebastian Munster. Printed both sides. Paper Size: Up to 14 x 9 inch (37 x 23cm) Some toning. Bottom margin tear.See Sold Price
SoldMunster (Sebastian) Tabula novarum insularum, quasMunster (Sebastian) Tabula novarum insularum, quas diversis respectibus Occidentales & Indianas vocant,very early map of North and South America for the Cosmography, naming the Pacific Ocean,See Sold Price
SoldMunster (Sebastian) Londen oder Lunden die HauptstMunster (Sebastian) Londen oder Lunden die Hauptstatt in Engellande,bird's-eye plan/view of London for the Cosmographia, with Elizabethan costume figures in the foreground, royal and City of LSee Sold Price
SoldMunster (Sebastian) Londinum Feracis: Ang. Met.Munster (Sebastian) Londinum Feracis: Ang. Met.,double page view of the city of London showing the area between Clerkenwell, Wapping, Southwark and Westminster Abbey, based on the Hogenberg viSee Sold Price
SoldMunster (Sebastian) - Londen oder Lunden die Hauptstattbird's-eye plan/view of Westminster, the City and Southwark for Cosmographia, German title above with Latin title banderole in upper centre of plan, arms in upper corners, large costume figures lowerSee Sold Price
SoldMunster (Sebastian) Londen oder Lunden die HauptstMunster (Sebastian) Londen oder Lunden die Hauptstatt in Engellandt,copy of Braun and Hogenberg's plan of London of 1572, German title above, Latin title in banderole in upper image, German teSee Sold Price
Johann Sebastian Bach The father of Music head Bronze StatueHouse of Treasure4.4(51)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A patinated wooden carved sculpture by Saint SebastianOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Johann Sebastian Bach The father of Music head Bronze StatueKamy INC4.3(81)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Disney ROMERO BRITTO The Little Mermaid SEBASTIAN FigurineSouth Florida Auction & Estate Sale Services Inc4.5(522)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Cels of Ariel and Sebastian from "The Little Mermaid."Van Eaton Galleries4.6(99)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Jean-Baptise Camille Corot Saint Sebastian Custom Framed PrintMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Rare and large Saint Sebastian tied on the column, Portuguese colonial work, Goa 17th centuryTemplum Fine Art Auctions4.3(8)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
PAM & TOMMY (2022) - Tommy Lee's (Sebastian Stan) Light-Up Sony SteadyShot Handycam Camcorder withPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
PAM & TOMMY (2022) - Pamela Anderson (Lily James) and Tommy Lee's (Sebastian Stan) Skull Rings withPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Montblanc Johann Sebastian Bach Ballpoint Pen, Limited EditionIshtar Auctions LTD.4.6(173)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Sebastian Tanzanite Solitaire Ring Oval Cabochon GemstoneKing's Auctions Inc4.1(121)See Sold PriceDec 29, 2024