Mallet: Antique Map of the Netherlands, 1683
WEST AFRICA Niger/Gambia rivers tribes towns. 'Pays des Negres'. MALLET 1683 mapFeb 28, 2024NORTH & WEST AFRICA. Sahara Niger river 'Zaara ou le Desert'. MALLET 1683 mapFeb 28, 2024WEST AFRICA. People of Guinea. 'Peuples de Guinée'. Costume. MALLET 1683 printFeb 28, 2024WEST AFRICA. Guinea. Nigeria Ghana Benin Togo Sierra Leone. MALLET 1683 mapFeb 28, 2024WEST CENTRAL AFRICA. Congo Angola Gabon Cameroon Sao Tome. MALLET 1683 old mapFeb 28, 2024NORTH AFRICA. 'Biledulgerid', a former North African country. MALLET 1683 mapFeb 28, 2024WEST AFRICA/MAGHREB Tribes Garamantes Getgulie 'Ancienne Libye'. MALLET 1683 mapFeb 28, 2024MALLET. Description de l'Univers. Africa. Volume 3 title page. MALLET 1683Feb 28, 2024NORTH AFRICA. Barbary. Morocco Tunisia Libya Egypt. 'Barbarie'. MALLET 1683 mapFeb 28, 2024NORTH AFRICA. Morocco Tunisia Libya. 'Mauritanie'. Malta Melita. MALLET 1683 mapFeb 28, 2024NUBIA. 'Nubie'. Nile Valley. Sudan Ethiopia Egypt. MALLET 1683 old antique mapFeb 28, 2024SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. 'Ancienne Ethiopie'. Ancient Ethiopia. MALLET 1683 old mapFeb 28, 2024SOUTHERN AFRICA Monomotapa (Mutapa Kingdom) Cafrerie (Kaffraria) MALLET 1683 mapFeb 28, 2024Set of 4 Maps - Netherlands - Seven United Provinces - Germany - Sweden, Denmark, Norway, FinlandFeb 28, 2024Set of 3 Maps - Netherlands - Belgien - Switzerland - J. BarlowFeb 28, 2024MAP, Hispaniola, MalletMar 12, 2024MAP, Guyana, MalletMar 12, 2024ENGRAVING, Chile, MalletMar 12, 2024ENGRAVING, South America, MalletMar 12, 2024MAP, Netherlands, OrteliusMar 12, 2024MAP, Netherlands, WitMar 12, 2024MAP, Netherlands, BlaeuMar 12, 2024MAP, Netherlands, JanssonMar 12, 2024MAP, Japan, MalletMar 12, 2024