ATLAS of ANTIENT GEOGRAPHY by SAMUEL BUTLER 1843John McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
18TH C. ANTIQUE MAP: FRENCH & INDIAN WAR, FRAMEDThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Rand McNally Railroad Map Cabinet w/ 21 Railroad MapsRail & Road Auctions4.6(165)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Keith Haring - Ink on New York Map, Best Buddies, Inscribed, Signed, and DatedSapphire Auction Gallery4.1(67)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
LATE 17TH C. FRENCH MAP OF THE NEW WORLD BY ALEXIS-HUBERT JAILLOT (1632-1712)Thomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Central Railroad of New Jersey Map of Sandy Hook Route-ca. 1903JM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Lot of Six Mixed Atlas Box Cars-HO Scale-New in BoxJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Rand McNally/Santa Fe Railroad Map of Iowa-1912JM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
NICOLAES VISSCHER (NETHERLANDS, 1618-1709) MAP OF THE NEW WORLDThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
17TH C. WORLD MAP BY NICOLAES VISSCHER (NETHERLANDS, 1618-1709)Thomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Lot of Six Mixed Atlas Cabooses-HO Scale-New in BoxJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
SoldMap of Brazil by Pierre van der AaMap: Le Bresil, Serviant Les Nouvelles Observations De Messrs. De L'academie Royale Des Sciences, Etc. Augmenties De Nouveau Maker: Pierre van der Aa, A. Leide Size: Quarto - 9 inches high x 11.8 inchSee Sold Price
SoldLa Floride, Suivant les Nouvelles ObservationsÉ.La Floride, Suivant les Nouvelles ObservationsÉ., Pierre (or Pieter) van der Aa, 1713. "A black and white copper-engraved map by Pierre (or Pieter) van der Aa, with a spectacular decorative frame-likSee Sold Price
SoldPierre van der Aa: Belgium 1713Map: Carte des Comte de Hainaut de Namur et de Cambresis (Belgium) Maker: Pieter van der Aa Publishing: Leiden, Netherlands Date: 1713 Size: 9 x 12 inches Medium: Copper engraving with later hand coloSee Sold Price
van der Aa: Antique Map of North Africa, 1730Map: Barbarie, Biledulgerid, (autrefois Libye) et une partie du Pays des Negres, suivant les observations des plus fideles Voyageurs, nouvellement publiez par Pierre Vander Aa, Marchand Libraire a LeiSee Sold Price
SoldA Rare Map of Poland and Prussia,C.1714, Pierre van der Aa (1659-1733), cartouche reads 'Grande Pologne et Prusse avec les frontieres de la Misnie, Lusace, Moravie et Lithuanie . . .' copper plate engraving, hand coloured, no restoraSee Sold Price
Pierre Van Der AA (Dutch 1659-1733)Map of South America Medium: Hand Colored Etching. Framing: Framed. Artist: Pierre Van Der AA. Size: 8.75 x 11.5".See Sold Price
MAP, Brazil, AaLovely Picture-Frame Style Border. Brazil. Pieter van der Aa, Le Bresil, Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, Etc., 1705 (circa). Black & White. Finely engrSee Sold Price
SoldHainaut, County of Namur (Belgium). Pierre van der AaCarte des Comte de Hainaut de Namur et de Cambresis (Belgium). Maker: van der Aa, Pierre. Origin: Leiden, circa 1713. Medium: Original copper engraving with later hand-coloring. Sheet size: 9 x 12 in.See Sold Price
SoldGouvernement de Picardie (France). Pierre Van der AaMaker: Van der Aa, Pierre. Origin: Amsterdam, 1719. Medium: Engraving with hand color. No margins. Sheet size: 9 in x 11 3/4 in. No Reserve: This lot starts at $1 and has no reserve as a courtesy so tSee Sold Price
Brazil. VAN DER AA. Le Bresil.VAN DER AA, Pieter. Le Bresil.Leida, 1729 caAcquaforte di 233x310 mm. Margini. Macchia al margine destro e inferiore. Buon esemplare.Pregevole e dettagliata mappa costiera del Brasile e indicazione deSee Sold Price
Sold[VOLGA RIVER]. Pierre Vander A.A. Le Cours De[VOLGA RIVER]. Pierre Vander A.A. Le Cours De La Riviere De Wolga Anciennement Appellee Rha. Selon la Relation D'Orlearius. Leyden: [1729]. Double-page engraved map, full, tastefull hand-coloring. 9 1See Sold Price
SoldMap of the AmericasL'Amerique Selon Les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs de L'Academie des Sciences. A Leide Chez Pierre vander Aa. Avec Privilege 1646. Early 20th Century hand colored engraving. Sight 22 1/2" x 29", ovSee Sold Price
Sold[England/Maps & Views]. Beeverell, James.[England/Maps & Views]. Beeverell, James. Les Delices De La Grand Bretagne, & De L'Irlande. 8 Vols. A Leide: Pierre Vander Aa, 1707. Sm 8vo. Early paper boards, tan leather spine labels; soiled, moderSee Sold Price
Lot of 4 Maps of India 1721-1808L’Inde de ça le Gange, Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs de l’Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Augmentées de Nouveau. By Pierre Pieter vander Aa, Leiden, ca. 1721 22.5See Sold Price
SoldL'Inde de asa le Gange, Suivant les NouvellesBy Pierre [Pieter] vander Aa, Leiden, [ca. 1721]22.5 cm x 30 cm Laid paper. This map is on a complete engraved plate, which was set into a larger engraved frame, which was cut off at the bottom and maSee Sold Price
SoldVander Aa map of Caspian Sea c.1700Heading: (Maps) Author: Aa, Pierre vander Title: Carte Marine de la Mer Caspienne avec toutes ses Bayes, Rivieres et Havres dressée sur les observations des plus habiles Navigateurs... Place PublisheSee Sold Price
SoldCarte d'Artois, BelgiumMaker: van der Aa, Pierre. Origin: Leiden, circa 1714 Medium: Original copper engraving with later hand-coloring Sheet size: 8 3/4 x 12 in No Reserve: This lot starts at $1 and has no reserve as a couSee Sold Price
SoldDe seer aanmerklijke...Lerius na Brazil in America[Brazil] Lery, Jean de. De seer aanmerklijke en vermaarde Reys van Johannes Lerius na Brazil in America gedaan anno 1556. Pieter Van Der Aa. Leiden, 1706. Folio. 98 numbered columns, [5], folding map,See Sold Price
Van der Aa. P. Carders Zee... BrasilAa (Pieter van der) P. Carders Zee en Land Reyse na Brasil,the coast of Brazil and Argentina, with the Magellen Straits, large title vignette of battle scene and cannibalism, engraved map, 157See Sold Price
SoldMiddle East.- - A mixed group of maps of Turkey inincluding Expeditionis Alexandri Magni, by Pierre Du Val, Theatrum Historicum, by Senex after Delisle, Natolia quae olim Asia Minor, by Blaeu, and others by Zatta, van der Aa, Bowen, Bonne, Weigel, anSee Sold Price
Vander Aa map of Africa c.1720Heading: Author: Aa, Pierre vander Title: L'Afrique Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de de l' Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Place Published: Leiden Publisher: Date Published:See Sold Price
SoldVander Aa map of Africa c.1720Heading: Author: Aa, Pierre vander Title: L'Afrique Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de de l' Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Place Published: Leiden Publisher: Date Published:See Sold Price
Vander Aa map of Caspian Sea c.1700Heading: Author: Aa, Pierre vander Title: Carte Marine de la Mer Caspienne avec toutes ses Bayes, Rivieres et Havres dressée sur les observations des plus habiles Navigateurs... Place Published: LeiSee Sold Price
Vander Aa map of Caspian Sea c.1700Heading: Author: Aa, Pierre vander Title: Carte Marine de la Mer Caspienne avec toutes ses Bayes, Rivieres et Havres dressée sur les observations des plus habiles Navigateurs... Place Published: LeiSee Sold Price