SoldMunster (Sebastian) Affricae Tabula NovaMunster (Sebastian) Affricae Tabula Nova,the continent of Africa, with inset title panel, lower left, second title in upper margin, Africa/Lybia/Morenlandt/mit allen Konigreichen..., woodcut mSee Sold Price
SoldMunster (Sebastian) - Affricae Tabula Nova,the continent of Africa, with southern Europe, Saudi Arabia and the coast of Brazil, title panel lower left of centre, German title above, woodcut map with extensive hand-colouring, 320 x 360mm., GermSee Sold Price
Munster (Sebastian) - Affricae Tabula Nova,the continent of Africa, with southern Europe, Saudi Arabia and the coast of Brazil, title panel lower left of centre, German title above, woodcut map, 320 x 360mm., central vertical fold, slight creaSee Sold Price
SoldFAFR Munster (Sebastian) Africae Tabula NovaFAFR Munster (Sebastian) Africae Tabula Nova,continental Africa, with southern Europe, Arabia and the coast of Brazil, with title panel at lower centre left, ships and sea monster, woodcut mapSee Sold Price
Sold(MAP) MUNSTER, SEBASTIAN. Anglia II. Nova Tabula.(MAP) MUNSTER, SEBASTIAN Anglia II. Nova tabula. [Basel, c. 1550] Woodcut map of England and Wales, with Scotland north to Edinburgh, the east coast of Ireland and north coast of France. Latin text wiSee Sold Price
SoldPairing Of Sebastian Munster Nova Tabula MapsPairing of Sebastian Munster Nova Tabula Maps. Continental, late 16th- early 17th century. Two hand colored engraved maps from Nova Tabula: Nigra Sylva ; Svevia et Bavaria | Dimensions Each: sight 12.See Sold Price
Munster (Sebastian) Anglia II Nova TabulaMunster (Sebastian) Anglia II Nova Tabula,the first printed separate map of England and Wales, with Scotland as far north as Edinburgh, the east coast of Ireland and north coast of France, norSee Sold Price
Munster (Sebastian) - Anglia II Nova Tabula,England and Wales, with parts of Scotland, Ireland and France, north oriented to the left, title above, this edition with graticule border, woodcut map, 290 x 370mm., Latin text verso, central verticaSee Sold Price
SoldEngland & Wales.- Münster (Sebastian) Anglia IIEngland & Wales.- Münster (Sebastian) Anglia II Nova Tabula, early map with north oriented to the left, and the flags of Scotland and England, part of Ireland can be seen in the lower section, woSee Sold Price
France.- Münster (Sebastian) Gallia IIII NovaFrance.- Munster (Sebastian) Gallia IIII Nova Tabula, woodcut map, the place names both Ptolemaic and modern, sheet 310 x 400 mm (12 1/4 x 15 3/4 in.), verso with text panel within a woodcut border asSee Sold Price
SoldMUNSTER, Sebastian, British Isles, Anglia II - NovaMUNSTER, Sebastian, British Isles, Anglia II - Nova Tabula, (1540 or later), uncoloured woodcut map, orientated to the east, 27 x 34.5cm.; 10.75 x 13.75in.See Sold Price
Sebastian Munster, "Nova Graecia XXII Nova Tabula"Year 1552. Rare map of Greece and Turkey-based on Ptolemy's observations. Extracted from the "Cosmographia Universalis", printed in Basel in the 16th century. Technique: Woodcut Plate size: 29.2 x 37.See Sold Price
SoldSebastian Münster, mapSebastian Münster Novae Insulae XXVI Nova Tabula from the Cosmographia 1540 / c. 1562hand-colored woodcut11.75 h × 14.75 w in (30 × 37 cm) Double-page woodcut map of the Western HemisSee Sold Price
Sebastian Münster: 1542 Map of Poland & Hungary. BaselORIGINAL LATIN TITLE: Polonia Et Ungaria XV Nova Tabula Latin text on verso. CARTOGRAPHER: Sebastian Munster, Basel, 1542. Description: One of the earliest maps of Poland, with Lithuania to the North,See Sold Price
Sebastian Munster: Map of Poland & Hungary. 1542, BaselPolonia Et Ungaria XV Nova Tabula. One of the earliest maps of Poland, with Lithuania to the North, south of the Danube, east to the Black Sea with river Dnieper basin and Bessarabia. CARTOGRAPHER SebSee Sold Price
SoldSebastian Munster Map of SpainHispania III Nova Tabula 10 3/4" x 13 3/4" (sight), 16th century together with Ortelius' Map of the Celtic Empire 13 7/8" x 18 1/2" (sight)See Sold Price
Sold1552 Transsylvania XXI Nova TabulaBy: Sebastian Munster Date: 1552 (Published) Basel Dimensions: 12 x 14.75 inches (30.1 cm x 37.5 cm) This marvelous and scarce Munster woodcut is the earliest obtainable map to specifically depict TraSee Sold Price
Terra Sancta XXIII. Nova Tabula, Basel, 1545Map of the Holy Land: "Terra Sancta XXIII Nova Tabula". Latin. Woodcut. From: Ptolemaeus, Claudius, Geographia, Basel: Henricus Petri, 1545. Map no. 51, edited by Sebastian Munster. Dimensions: 25.5X3See Sold Price
Karte von SiebenbürgenKarte von Siebenbürgen Sebastian Münster, Basel, 1552 Bez. Stich: ''TRANSSYLVANIA XXI NOVA TABULA''. Rückseitig ornamental gerahmte Inschrift bezugnehmend auf die in der Karte dargestellten GegendeSee Sold Price
SoldMunster map of AfricaHeading: (Africa) Author: Münster, Sebastian Title: Africae Tabula Nova Place Published: Basel Publisher:Sebastian Petri Date Published: c.1598 Description: Woodcut map. 30.See Sold Price
SoldMunster (Sebastian) Tabula novarum insularum, quasMunster (Sebastian) Tabula novarum insularum, quas diversis respectibus Occidentales & Indianas vocant,very early map of North and South America for the Cosmography, naming the Pacific Ocean,See Sold Price
Sold[Munster (Sebastian)] Tabula Europæ 1[Munster (Sebastian)] Tabula Europæ 1,British Isles with Scotland orientated to the east, panells listing ancient tribes, sailing ship, woodcut map, 335 x 260mm., at widest, Latin text verso wSee Sold Price
SoldMunster (Sebastian) TabulaeMunster (Sebastian) Tabula Asiae II; Tabula Europæ VIII,Europe and the Middle East, including Romania and the Ukraine, Russia and the Euxine Sea, 2 woodcut maps, each approximately 200 x 260mmSee Sold Price
Sold[?Munster (Sebastian)] Tabula Europae X[?Munster (Sebastian)] Tabula Europae X, wood cut map of Europe after Ptolemy, showing Macedonia, Greece and Crete, 185 x 250mm., some ink smudging to vertical fold, [c.1540].See Sold Price
Nova Totius Full Color Geographical World MapThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A patinated wooden carved sculpture by Saint SebastianOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Burberry Nova Check Shadow Horse Tote Bag Green Leather Women's BURBERRYBidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Cels of Ariel and Sebastian from "The Little Mermaid."Van Eaton Galleries4.6(99)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
1751 PIGSKIN BINDING BIBLE BIBLIA SACRA FOLIO 9.5 x 15" antique ILLUSTRATEDJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
3 Vintage The World Lithographs, By JanssonThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024