Sold(Maps and Charts, Western Hemisphere), Jansson, Jo(Maps and Charts, Western Hemisphere), Jansson, Joannes, America Noviter Delineata, Amsterdam, [c. 1650], double-page folio with hand coloring, with German text to verso, inset views of polar regions,See Sold Price
MAP - Western Hemisphere. JanssonWestern Hemisphere - America. Hondius/Jansson, America Noviter Delineata, 1645 (circa). Hand Color. This rare, magnificent map of the Americas is derived from Jodocus Hondius' map of 1618. Joannes JanSee Sold Price
MAP - Western Hemisphere. JanssonWestern Hemisphere - America. Hondius/Jansson, America Noviter Delineata, 1645 (circa). Hand Color. This beautiful and popular map of the Americas was emulated by numerous cartographers and went throuSee Sold Price
Sold(Maps and Charts, Western Hemisphere), Visscher, N(Maps and Charts, Western Hemisphere), Visscher, Nicolaus, Novissima et accuratissima totius Americae descriptio, Amsterdam, [1677 or later], double-page folio, later hand-coloring, unframed, sheet siSee Sold Price
Sold(Maps and Charts, Western Hemisphere), Senex, John(Maps and Charts, Western Hemisphere), Senex, John (d. 1740), A New Map of America from the Latest Observations, London. 1721, double page folio with hand coloring, showing insular California, 20 3/4See Sold Price
Sold(Maps and Charts, Western Hemisphere), Mercator, M(Maps and Charts, Western Hemisphere), Mercator, Michael, America sive India Nova ad magnae Gerardi Mercatoris, [Duisburg, c. 1585 or later], taken from Atlantis pars altera, hand-colored, sheet sizeSee Sold Price
Western Hemisphere. Americas. World on Mercator'sTITLE/CONTENT OF MAP: Chart of the World on Mercator's Projection [Western Hemisphere]The colouration of the map divides into zones or continents; this broadly corresponds to North, South and CentralSee Sold Price
MAP, Western Hemisphere, HondiusWestern Hemisphere - America. Hondius/Jansson, America Noviter Delineata, 1641 (dated). Hand Color. This beautiful and popular map of the Americas was emulated by numerous cartographers and went throuSee Sold Price
SoldMAP, Western Hemisphere, Hondius/JanssonWestern Hemisphere - America. Hondius/Jansson, America Noviter Delineata, from Atlas Novus, 1641 (dated). Hand Color. This beautiful and popular map of the Americas was emulated by numerous cartographSee Sold Price
MAP, Western Hemisphere, Hondius/JanssonWestern Hemisphere - America. Hondius/Jansson, America Noviter Delineata, from Atlas Novus, 1641 (dated). Hand Color. This beautiful and popular map of the Americas was emulated by numerous cartographSee Sold Price
World in Hemispheres - Western & Eastern. STANFORD c1925 old vintage map chartCAPTION PRINTED BELOW PICTURE: 'The World in Hemispheres - Western Hemisphere - Eastern Hemisphere' DATE PRINTED: The map is undated; we estimate publication at either 1924 or 1925 based on the contenSee Sold Price
Western Hemisphere by John Dower. Americas 1845 old antique map plan chartTITLE/CONTENT OF MAP: 'Western Hemisphere' DATE PRINTED: 1845 IMAGE SIZE: Approx 23.0 x 22.5cm, 9 x 8.75 inches (Medium) TYPE: Antique map with original hand colouring CONDITION: Good; suitable for frSee Sold Price
Johnson's Western & Eastern Hemispheres. World 1861 old antique map plan chartCAPTION PRINTED BELOW PICTURE: 'Johnson's Western Hemisphere // Johnson's Eastern Hemisphere' DATE PRINTED: 1861 IMAGE SIZE: Approx 40.5 x 68.0cm, 16 x 26.75 inches (Large); Please note that this is aSee Sold Price
Johnson's Western & Eastern Hemispheres. World 1866 old antique map plan chartCAPTION PRINTED BELOW PICTURE: 'Johnson's Western Hemisphere & Eastern Hemisphere' DATE PRINTED: 1866 IMAGE SIZE: Approx 42.0 x 69.5cm, 16.5 x 27.5 inches (Large); Please note that this is a folding mSee Sold Price
Delahaye: Antique Chart of the Atlantic Ocean, 1750Map: untitled Atlantic chart Cartographer: Delahaye Place & Date: Paris / 1750 Size: 22 1/4" x 19 5/8" Condition: outline color in the Western Hemisphere, the rest in b&w; margins frayed; overall ageSee Sold Price
SoldKEULEN, JOHANNES van. Group of 5 engraved chartsKEULEN, JOHANNES van. Group of 5 engraved charts relating to the Western Hemisphere. Uncolored; approximately 21¼x24 inches each sheet size; various edge wear, scattered light staining and scantSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of (4) 19th C. Maps/Portions of ChartsCollection of four 19th Century framed maps and portions of charts including the Mississippi River, Falmouth England, Plymouth Sound and the Western Hemisphere. All frames approximately 19" x 15". ConSee Sold Price
Pacific Ocean.- Australasia.- Americas.- Jansson (Jan)Pacific Ocean.- Australasia.- Americas.- Jansson (Jan) Mar del Zur Hispanis Mare Pacificum, the first chart of the Pacific Ocean to show California as an Island, including the western coastlines of thSee Sold Price
SoldTallis, John (Pub) 1852 Map. Western HemisphereSteel Engraved Map with Original Outline Hand Color Published 1852-56 by John Tallis, London for "The Universal Pronouncing Dictionary" by Thomas Wright. Drawn & Engraved by John Rapkin. Centre fold aSee Sold Price
de l'Isle/Dezauche: Antique Map Western Hemisphere 1782Hemisphere Occidental Dresse pour l'usage particulier du Roi. De l'Isle's important Americas map updated by Dezauche to take into account the discoveries and voyages of Captain Cook. The map shows CooSee Sold Price
Sold1829 MAP, WESTERN HEMISPHEREAtlas map of Western Hemisphere marked PAGE 6 in top right corner. An original hand colored antique map, Page 6 from ATLAS OF THE WORLD by James Wyld the Elder (1790-1836), Geographer Royal, who introSee Sold Price
SoldMAP, Western Hemisphere, DelisleWestern Hemisphere - America. Delisle/Dezauche, Carte d'Amerique, Dressee pour l'Usage du Roi..., from Atlas Geographique des Quartes Parties du Monde, 1785 (dated). Hand Color. This is a later, updatSee Sold Price
Sold1829 MAP, WESTERN HEMISPHEREAtlas map of Western Hemisphere marked PAGE 6 in top right corner. An original hand colored antique map, Page 6 from ATLAS OF THE WORLD by James Wyld the Elder (1790-1836), Geographer Royal, who introSee Sold Price
SoldMAP, Western Hemisphere, JanvierWestern Hemisphere - America. Janvier/Santini, L'Amerique Divisee en ses Principaux Etats Assujettie aux Observations Astronomiqes, 1784 (circa). Hand Color. This large, handsome map of North and SoutSee Sold Price
19thc Colton Map, Comparitive Size of Lakes & IslandsConnoisseur Auctions3.9(335)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
West coast of Africa from Cape Blanco… Arguin bay, Mauritania. LABAT 1745 mapJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Western coast of Africa… to the River Sanaga. Southern Mauritania LABAT 1745 mapJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024