KONVOLUT AUS VIER LANDKARTEN RUSSLAND UND CHINA Abraham Ortelius, Willem Blaeu, Johannes Blaeu,Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Duesseldorf4.5(136)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
MAP - Russia, Eastern Europe. OrteliusRussia, Eastern Europe & Central Asia. Abraham Ortelius, Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio. Auctore Antonio Ienkensono Anglo..., 1581 (published). Hand Color. Fascinating map of Russia and thSee Sold Price
MAP - Russia, Eastern Europe. OrteliusRussia, Eastern Europe & Central Asia. Abraham Ortelius, Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio. Auctore Antonio Ienkensono Anglo..., 1579 (published). Hand Color. Fascinating map of Russia and thSee Sold Price
MAP - Russia, Eastern Europe. OrteliusRussia, Eastern Europe & Central Asia. Abraham Ortelius, Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio. Auctore Antonio Ienkensono Anglo..., 1579 (published). Hand Color. Fascinating map of Russia and thSee Sold Price
MAP, Russia & Central Asia, OrteliusRussia, Eastern Europe & Central Asia. Abraham Ortelius, Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio. Auctore Antonio Ienkensono Anglo..., 1587 (circa). Hand Color. Fascinating map of Russia and the foSee Sold Price
SoldMAP, Russia in Europe, Ortelius/CoignetRussia in Europe. Ortelius/Coignet, Russia, from Epitome Theatri Orbis Terrarum, 1609 (circa). Black & White. This miniature map covers the Russian Empire in Eastern Europe and is embellished with a sSee Sold Price
MAP, Eastern Europe, OrteliusEastern Europe, Poland. Abraham Ortelius, Poloniae, Lituaniaeq. Descriptio. Auctore Wenceslao Godreccio; et Correctore Andrea Pograbio Pilsnensi, from Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1609 (circa). Black & WhSee Sold Price
Maps, E. Bowen [Russia, Eastern Europe]**** 1: A New and Accurate Map of Moscovy, or Russian in Europe. 12.5" x 8.75". **** 2: A New and Accurate Map of Poland, Lithuania.... 16.75" x 13.5". **** 3: A New and Accurate Map of the Kingdom ofSee Sold Price
SoldMAP, Eastern Europe, Russia, GastaldiEastern Europe, Russia. Giacomo Gastaldi, Moschovia Nova Tabula, from La Geografia di Claudio Ptolemeo Alessandrino, 1548 (published). Black & White. An early map that includes portions of present-daySee Sold Price
SoldMAP - Eastern Europe, Russia. DjurbergEastern Europe, Russia. Daniel Djurberg, Karta over Ryssland, 1808 (dated). Hand Color. This rare small map of Russia extends to include Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, most of Ukraine, and partsSee Sold Price
SoldSayer (Robert) A New Map of the NorthernSayer (Robert) A New Map of the Northern States containing the Kingdoms of Sweden, Denmark, and Norway,Scandinavia, extending to the western regions of Russia and eastern Europe, engraved mapSee Sold Price
SoldRussia & Eastern Europe.- Seutter (Matthäus)Russia & Eastern Europe.- Seutter (Matthäus) Mappae Imperii Moscovitici pars Septentrionalis, Adornata per Guillielmum de l'Isle..., map of northern Russia, engraving with hand-colouring, platemaSee Sold Price
MAP - Russia in Europe. Ortelius/GalleRussia in Europe. Ortelius/Galle, Russiae Moscovia et Tartariae Descriptio Autore Antonio Jenkensono, 1590 (published). Hand Color. This tiny map is a reduced version of Anthony Jenkinson's map of 156See Sold Price
EASTERN EUROPE. Vilna Grodno Volhynia Podoiva Minsk Kiev Smolensk. SDUK 1845 mapTITLE/CONTENT OF MAP: 'RUSSIA IN EUROPE, PART V., Vilna Grodno Volhynia Podolva Minsk Kiev Tchernigov Smolensk' DATE PRINTED: 1845 IMAGE SIZE: Approx 41.0 x 34.5cm, 16.25 x 13.5 inches (Large) TYPE: ASee Sold Price
SoldEastern Europe.- Ortelius (Abraham) Romaniae, (quaeEastern Europe.- Ortelius (Abraham) Romaniae, (quae olim Thracia Dicta) Vicinarumq Regionum, uti Bulgariae, Walachiae, Syrfiae, Etc. Descriptio. Auctore Iacobo Castaldo, map of the classical region ofSee Sold Price
SoldMaps of Eastern Europe and Russia 28x42 Giclee on CanvaSeries: Theatro D'el Orbe La Tierra - OrteliusArtist: A. OrteliusPeriod: Source country: SpainSource Year: 160228 inch by 42 inch Giclee print on Canvas.All files are stored digitally and are ready foSee Sold Price
SoldMaps of Eastern Europe and Russia 20x30 posterSeries: Theatro D'el Orbe La Tierra - OrteliusArtist: A. OrteliusPeriod: Source country: SpainSource Year: 160220inch by 30 inch poster print on standard paper.All files are stored digitally and are rSee Sold Price
Two Maps of Eastern Europe[Poloniae, Litvaniaeq. Descripto...,] by Abraham Ortelius, from [Theatrum Orbis Terrarum,] Antwerp, Belgium, rare Spanish edition published circa 1600, Spanish text verso, laid paper with watermark, 1See Sold Price
SoldChâtelain (H A) ScandinavieChâtelain (Henri Abraham) Nouvelle Carte de Scandinavie ou des Etats du Nord,Scandinavia with part of Russia and eastern Europe, bordered with numerous coats-of-arms, engraved map with explanaSee Sold Price
SoldKoch und Opitz. Atlas von EuropaKoch (Dr. W.) and C. Opitz. Eisenbahn- und Verkehrs-Atlas von Europa,Railway atlas of Russia and eastern Europe, titles and lists of stations, in German and Russian, 27 double-page maps, printSee Sold Price
SoldRussia.- De Vaugondy (Robert) Carte Générale de L'Russia.- De Vaugondy (Robert) Carte Générale de L'Empire des Russes en Europe et en Asietwo-sheet map, illustrating eastern Europe, including Sweden, Russia, and north-eastern Asia, includingSee Sold Price
FRUS De Vaugondy (Robert) Carte GénéFRUS De Vaugondy (Robert) Carte Générale de L'Empire des Russes en Europe et en Asietwo-sheet map, illustrating eastern Europe, including Sweden, Russia, and north-eastern Asia,See Sold Price
SoldMercator (Gerard) - Atlas sive Cosmographicae,Editio Quinta, engraved pictorial title, prelims, 49 double-page maps, including Asia, Russia, Turkey, Lithuania, Asia Minor and Persia, regions of Italy Spain, Germany and Eastern Europe, and 11 singSee Sold Price
1835 Bradford map of Northern AsiaOriginal outline hand coloring of northern Asia. Interesting copperplate map shows all of Russia and northern countries, plus major portion of China and eastern Europe. From Thomas Gamaliel Bradford��See Sold Price
Antique Red Silk Robe, Possibly Roma People, Eastern Europe or Middle EastMaterial Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
1816 MAP SOUTHERN PART OF RUSSIA or MUSCOVY in EUROPE copper engraving ANTIQUEJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1816 MAP NORTHERN PART OF RUSSIA or MUSCOVY in EUROPE copper engraving ANTIQUEJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1749 MAP CARTE DE LA TARTARIE ORIENTALE RUSSIA & CHINA antique EASTERN TARTARYJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1738 RUSSIA SIBERIA & GREAT TARTARY Description illustrated ANTIQUE in ENGLISHJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Russian Enamel - Inkwell, Blotter, Spoon, & CandlestickArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
SVIRIDOV GEORGY: (1915-1998)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Rare Russian Neolithic Stone Age Volosovo Flint ScraperArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Beautiful / Early Russian Enameled Gilt Silver GobletArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Russian Christ Pantocrator Icon Silver Oklad PendantArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024