SoldLarge color map of Southeast Asia 1928Heading: (Vietnam & Cambodia) Author: Title: Carte Routière de la Cochinchine et du Cambodge Place Published: Phnôm-Penh Publisher:Société d'Editions Khmer Date Published: 1928 DescripSee Sold Price
SoldAuthentic Vintage 1928 - Asia MapAuthentic Vintage 1928 - Asia Map **|**|** This is a beautiful, 87 year old map of Asia. The details are crisp and the aged color has a perfect antique feel. The map is large - measuring approximatelySee Sold Price
SoldGirard-Geslan, Maud et al. Art of Southeast Asia.Girard-Geslan, Maud et al. Art of Southeast Asia. Harry Abrams. New York. 1998. Large 4to, hard cover with dust jacket, 635 pp. with 850 illustrations, including 261 plates in full color and 4 maps. ASee Sold Price
Sold1883 Pamphlet w/ Map Rival Routes to ChinaPamphlet "The Rival Routes to China", by Holt S. Hallett, printed for the Manchester Geographical Society, 1883. Includes folding color map of Southeast Asia. Fine, measures 5.5 x 8". Please note thatSee Sold Price
SoldFrank Buck “Bring ‘Em Back Alive”Frank Buck “Bring ‘Em Back Alive” Scott’s Emulsion Premium Game. 1934. Color pictorial map of Southeast Asia serving as a game board, together with game pieces and instructionSee Sold Price
MAP - Southern & Southeast Asia. OrteliusSouthern & Southeast Asia. Abraham Ortelius, Indiae Orientalis, Insularumque Adiacientium Typus, 1588 (published). Hand Color. Ortelius' important map of Southeast Asia, based on Mercator's 1569 WorldSee Sold Price
MAP - Southern & Southeast Asia. OrteliusSouthern & Southeast Asia. Abraham Ortelius, Indiae Orientalis, Insularumque Adiacientium Typus, 1588 (published). Hand Color. Ortelius' important map of Southeast Asia, based on Mercator's 1569 WorldSee Sold Price
SoldRare 1st ed. 1847 ethno map of Europe/AsiaA large full color map of Europe and Asia showing the ethnographic distribution of people. Includes an accompanying chart. From the first comprehensive physical atlas of the world. This map comes fromSee Sold Price
1700 Le Royaume de Siam Avec les Royaumes qui luy sontBy: Pierre MortierDate: 1700 (circa) AmsterdamDimensions: 31 x 22 inches (78.7 cm x 55.9 cm)This is a lovely full color example of Pierre Mortier's map of Southeast Asia, including the Kingdom of SiamSee Sold Price
1700 Le Royaume de Siam Avec les Royaumes qui luy sontThis is a lovely full color example of Pierre Mortier's map of Southeast Asia, including the Kingdom of Siam and other territories. This remarkable map was one of the largest and most detailed maps ofSee Sold Price
MAP - Asia. BeaupreAsia. A. Beaupre, Carte Generale de l'Asie, 1833 (dated). Hand Color. This large map of Asia features detail of major cities, political boundaries, rivers, and mountains. The map extends south to inclSee Sold Price
SoldMAP, Southeast Asia, JanssonSoutheast Asia. Jan Jansson, Indiae Orientalis Nova Descriptio, 1647 (published). Hand Color. Decorative chart of the region including Indochina, the Philippines and the East Indies. This map is signiSee Sold Price
SoldATLAS OF INDIA 1894 Large Color MapsWe at CNY Book Auctions are pleased to offer a variety of rare and scholarly titles concerning China, Japan, India, the Philippines, and other areas of Asia. Check out the rest of our catalog to viewSee Sold Price
SoldRARE MAP OF SOUTHEAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC BY ORTELIUS,Abraham Ortelius (1527-1598), Antwerp, "Indiae Orientalis Insularumque Adiacientium Typus", copperplate engraving on joined sheets of wove paper, with later color. SE Asia, Japan, and the Philippines,See Sold Price
SoldDe Wit Map of Southeast AsiaDE WIT, Frederick (1630-1706). Tabula Indiae Orientalis... Engraved map with original hand color in outline. Amsterdam, 1662. 21" x 24" sheet. This beautiful map of Southeast Asia was engraved by JoanSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Silk Escape Maps of Asia.Two Silk Escape Maps of Asia. Washington, D.C.: Army Map Service, 1943 - 1944. Large color escape maps, one detailing Osaka, Tokyo and the surrounding waterways; the other No. C-52, Japan and the SoutSee Sold Price
SoldHondius Map of Southeast AsiaHONDIUS, Jodocus the Elder (1563-1612). India Orientalis. Engraved map with original hand color in full. Amsterdam, 1606 or later. 18 1/2" x 22 1/4" sheet. One of the finest early Dutch maps of the reSee Sold Price
SoldMortier Map of Southeast AsiaMORTIER, Pierre (1661-1711). Le Royaume de Siam Avec les Royaumes qui luy sont Tributaires... Engraved Map with original hand color. Amsterdam, c. 1700. 32 1/4" x 23 1/2" sheet. This finely detailed aSee Sold Price
SoldSplendid, Colorful Wall Map of Southeast AsiaD'Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon (1697-1782). Second Part of Asia... Engraved map with full color. Matthew Bolton, 1755. 37 ¼" x 26 ¾" sheet. ..."Being China, part of India and Tartary: theSee Sold Price
SoldMAP - Southern & Southeast Asia. AkermanSouthern & Southeast Asia. Andrew Akerman, Mappa Geogr: Indiae Orients Eller Geogr: Charta Ofwer Ostindien, 1805 (circa). Hand Color. This uncommon, Swedish map depicts the southern portion of Asia inSee Sold Price
MAP - Southern & Southeast Asia. HondiusSouthern & Southeast Asia. Jodocus Hondius, India Orientalis, 1619 (published). Hand Color. This distinctive map is one of the earliest Dutch maps to focus on the region covering the Indian peninsula,See Sold Price
SoldGroup of Maps and book pagesLarge group of maps of various parts of the world, particularly Southeast Asia and South America. Includes "Carta dell'Isole Maldive," map of Athens published by the Society for the Diffusion of UsefuSee Sold Price
1898 Rand McNally India, Burma, Nepal and CeylonItem: 1898 Rand McNally India, Burma, Nepal and Ceylon Description: A very nice map of South East Asia. Highly detailed as to topography, towns and railroads. Political subdivisions are color-coded.,See Sold Price
SoldMap of East Indies (Southeast Asia) by Colton, 1854Original engraving from A General Atlas by J.H. Colton, 1854. Map features decorative border and color key shows the Dutch, British, Spanish and Portugesse Possession. Dimensions: 17 1/4” x 20”See Sold Price
14 kt. Gold - Necklace with pendant - 11.5mm Vibrant White Edison Freshwater Pearl - 0.04ctJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
11.5mm Vibrant White Edison Freshwater Pearl - 0.04ct - 14 kt. White gold - Necklace with pendantJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
11x12mm Round Bright Edison Freshwater Pearl - 14 kt. Gold - Necklace with pendantJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024