SoldDickens Browning ANTIQUE LITERATURE StrindbergThis boxlot includes the group of Antique Literature books shown in the corresponding image. Due to the high volume of books we are selling at this auction, we will be offering a number of bulk buy opSee Sold Price
SoldTolstoi Dickens CLASSIC ANTIQUE LITERATURE CooperThis boxlot includes the group of classic antique literature books shown in the corresponding image. Due to the high volume of books we are selling at this auction, we will be offering a number of bulSee Sold Price
SoldDickens Tasso ANTIQUE LITERATURE Stowe Bangs CookThis boxlot includes the group of antique literature books shown in the corresponding image. Due to the high volume of books we are selling at this auction, we will be offering a number of bulk buy opSee Sold Price
Sold5V Browning Meredith ANTIQUE LITERATURE MulockThis auction lot includes the following group of decorative antique literature titles: - Mulock's Poems, New And Old - by Hurst & Company - gilt-edged pages - Selections from the Poetical Works ofSee Sold Price
Sold4V Dickens Cornwall ANTIQUE LITERATURE TravellerThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - The Uncommercial Traveller by Charles Dickens - Dated c1870 by Hurst - The Indian Fairy Book by Cornelius Mathews - Dated 1863 by LeavittSee Sold Price
Sold3V Scott Dickens ANTIQUE ENGLISH LITERATURE 19thThis auction lot includes the following group of antique English literature titles with marbled boards: - The Mystery of Edwin Drood by Dickens - Dated 1873 by Hurd and Houghton - bound in three-quaSee Sold Price
Sold5V Browning DECORATIVE ANTIQUE LITERATURE TennysoThis auction lot includes the following group of decorative antique literature titles: - Poems Vol. I and II. by Browning - Dated 1874 by James R. Osgood and Company - complete 2 volume set - New PoSee Sold Price
SoldDickens Dante Swift ANTIQUE LITERATURE StoweThis boxlot includes the group of antique literature books shown in the corresponding image. Due to the high volume of books we are selling at this auction, we will be offering a number of bulk buy opSee Sold Price
Sold5V Decorative ANTIQUE LITERATURE Dickens QuixoteThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - The History of Don Quixote by Cervantes - Dated c1870 by Hurst - illustrated by Gustave Dore - Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby bSee Sold Price
Sold8V Dickens Oliver Goldsmith ANTIQUE LITERATURE AtlanticBook Details: This lot consists of the antique literature books shown in the following image(s).Titles include "Our Mutual Friend," "The Vicar of Wakefield," and "Tales of Firenzuola."To inspect andSee Sold Price
Sold7V Collectible Books DECORATIVE ANTIQUE LITERATURE7V Collectible Books DECORATIVE ANTIQUE LITERATURE Victorian Gilt Bindings Charles Dickens Childs History England Sir Walter Scott Waverley William Shakespeare Illustrated Poetry Clarence F UnderwoodSee Sold Price
Sold11V Blackmore DECORATIVE ANTIQUE LIT Hugo DickensThis auction lot includes the following group of decorative antique Literature titles: - Lorna Doone. A Romance of Exmoor by Blackmore - by John C. Winston Company - Complete 2 volume set bound in rSee Sold Price
Sold3C Lever Whitman ANTIQUE LITERATURE E. B. BrowninThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Aurora Leigh by Elizabeth Barrett Browning - Dated 1872 by James Miller - Lord Kilgobbin by Charles Lever - Dated c1880 by George RoutledSee Sold Price
SoldCharles Dickens OUR MUTUAL FRIEND 1865 First Edition inCharles Dickens OUR MUTUAL FRIEND 1865 First Edition in Book Form Complete Illustrated Plates Marcus Stone Dickens′ Last Novel Satire Social Analysis English Literature Antique Fancy Leather BinSee Sold Price
Sold10V Illustrated Juvenile Literature ANTIQUE CHROMOLITHO10V Illustrated Juvenile Literature ANTIQUE CHROMOLITHO CHILDRENS Victorian Gilt Decorative Nister Chromolitho Pied Piper of Hamelin Robert Browning Arthur C Payne Henry Payne Grandmothers Story of BuSee Sold Price
Sold5V De La Mare CHILDREN'S LITERATURE Milne DickensThis auction lot includes the following group of vintage and antique Children's literature titles: - Number Two Joy Street A Medley of Prose & Verse for Boys and Girls by Chesterton, De La Mare, MilSee Sold Price
SoldCharles Dickens HARD TIMES FOR THESE TIMES 1854 FirstCharles Dickens HARD TIMES FOR THESE TIMES 1854 First Edition in Book Form Decorative Antique Novel English Literature Coketown Northern Mill‐Town English Society Satire Social & Economic CoSee Sold Price
SoldAntique BooksCollection of seven dating from 1870 to 1900 includes works by Charles Dickens, Elizabeth Barrett Browning and others. Subjects include music, autobiography, poetry and fiction.See Sold Price
Sold1880 RARE 5 Book Lot Elizabeth Browning Goethe Poems Dickens Tales Lord Lytton1880 RARE 5 Book Lot Elizabeth Browning Goethe Poems Dickens Tales Lord Lytton A fine set of books of classic literature, beautifully bound in decorative bindings. A charming display! Item number: #22See Sold Price
Sold[Literature] Twenty-one Easton Press titlesall bound in full leather, gilt; including classics of English literature: poems of Yeats, Keats, Browning, and Donne, and novels by Thomas Hardy, Thackeray, Dickens, Conrad, and othersSee Sold Price
SoldCharles Dickens THE PERSONAL HISTORY OF DAVIDCharles Dickens THE PERSONAL HISTORY OF DAVID COPPERFIELD 1850 First Edition in Book Form Decorative Antique Illustrated Plates Engraved Hablot Knight Browne English Literature Novel First Person AutoSee Sold Price
SoldCharles Dickens HUNTED DOWN 1870 First Edition FirstCharles Dickens HUNTED DOWN 1870 First Edition First State Decorative Antique Mystery Detective Story Thomas Griffiths Wainewright Poisoner English Author Literature Fiction Advertising Original WrapsSee Sold Price
SoldCharles Dickens ALL THE YEAR ROUND A WEEKLY JOURNALCharles Dickens ALL THE YEAR ROUND A WEEKLY JOURNAL 1859 Antique Magazine Compilation First Issues Tale Of Two Cities English Literature Periodical International Affairs Culture Crime Science CharlesSee Sold Price
Sold(2) Phineas Finn First Edition 1869 (3) Curiosities of(2) Phineas Finn First Edition 1869 (3) Curiosities of Literature 1868 by Disraeli (7) Collin's Peerage (4) Swifts Works & Young's Works (10) Red leather assorted volumes Danish, Dickens and TennysonSee Sold Price
Rare First Edition 1848 Charles Dickens "Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain"Cowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1846 CRICKET ON THE HEARTH by CHARLES DICKENS antique ILLUSTRATED 2nd editionJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
3 Antique Illustr WORKS of GOETHE, H Boyesen 1885The Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 20, 2024
Royal Doulton, Charles Dickens & Characters PlateAntiques Online Auctions4.6(410)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
A FINE PAIR OF FRANCOIS LINKE GILT BRONZE MOUNTED CABINETSLos Angeles Antiques 4.3(12)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
1914 COMPLETE WORKS OF VLADIMIR KOROLENKO FULL SETAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceJun 15, 2024
1901 COMPLETE WORKS BY GRIGORY DANILEVSKY FULL SETAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceJun 15, 2024
1980 FACSIMILE EDITION OF THE TWELVE BY ALEXANDER BLOKAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceJun 15, 2024
1960S COMPLETE WORKS OF LION FEUCHTWANGER IN 13 VOLSAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceJun 15, 2024