SoldDickens Dante Swift ANTIQUE LITERATURE StoweThis boxlot includes the group of antique literature books shown in the corresponding image. Due to the high volume of books we are selling at this auction, we will be offering a number of bulk buy opSee Sold Price
SoldDickens Tasso ANTIQUE LITERATURE Stowe Bangs CookThis boxlot includes the group of antique literature books shown in the corresponding image. Due to the high volume of books we are selling at this auction, we will be offering a number of bulk buy opSee Sold Price
SoldDante Smollett ANTIQUE LITERATURE Stuart StoweThis boxlot includes the group of antique books shown in the corresponding image. Due to the high volume of books we are selling at this auction, we will be offering a number of bulk buy opportunitiesSee Sold Price
Sold(2) Phineas Finn First Edition 1869 (3) Curiosities of(2) Phineas Finn First Edition 1869 (3) Curiosities of Literature 1868 by Disraeli (7) Collin's Peerage (4) Swifts Works & Young's Works (10) Red leather assorted volumes Danish, Dickens and TennysonSee Sold Price
Sold5V Beckett DECORATIVE ANTIQUE LITERATURE StoweThis auction lot includes the following group of antique literary titles with decorative, gilt-embossed binding: - The Gem of the Season: A Souvenir for MDCCCLI - Dated 1851 by Leavitt and Company -See Sold Price
SoldDickens Browning ANTIQUE LITERATURE StrindbergThis boxlot includes the group of Antique Literature books shown in the corresponding image. Due to the high volume of books we are selling at this auction, we will be offering a number of bulk buy opSee Sold Price
SoldTolstoi Dickens CLASSIC ANTIQUE LITERATURE CooperThis boxlot includes the group of classic antique literature books shown in the corresponding image. Due to the high volume of books we are selling at this auction, we will be offering a number of bulSee Sold Price
Sold4V Dickens Cornwall ANTIQUE LITERATURE TravellerThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - The Uncommercial Traveller by Charles Dickens - Dated c1870 by Hurst - The Indian Fairy Book by Cornelius Mathews - Dated 1863 by LeavittSee Sold Price
Sold3V Scott Dickens ANTIQUE ENGLISH LITERATURE 19thThis auction lot includes the following group of antique English literature titles with marbled boards: - The Mystery of Edwin Drood by Dickens - Dated 1873 by Hurd and Houghton - bound in three-quaSee Sold Price
Sold5V Twain Beecher Stowe ANTIQUE LITERATURE PilgrimThis auction lot includes the following group of antique titles: - Mark Twain's Autobiography by Mark Twain - Dated 1925 by P.F. Collier and Company - complete two volume set bound in burgundy clothSee Sold Price
Sold5V Decorative ANTIQUE LITERATURE Dickens QuixoteThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - The History of Don Quixote by Cervantes - Dated c1870 by Hurst - illustrated by Gustave Dore - Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby bSee Sold Price
Sold8V Dickens Oliver Goldsmith ANTIQUE LITERATURE AtlanticBook Details: This lot consists of the antique literature books shown in the following image(s).Titles include "Our Mutual Friend," "The Vicar of Wakefield," and "Tales of Firenzuola."To inspect andSee Sold Price
Sold4V Stowe ANTIQUE U.S. LITERATURE Green MountainThis auction lot includes the following group of antique literary titles: - Experiences of a Barrister and Confessions of an Attorney by Samuel Warren - Dated 1856 by Wentworth and Company (Boston)See Sold Price
Sold1850 1ed FAMOUS Literature Shakespeare Bacon Swift1850 1ed FAMOUS Literature Shakespeare Bacon Swift Ben Franklin Dickens 4v In the mid-19th-century, iconic English editor Charles Knight published a periodical entitled ‘Half-Hours with the Best AutSee Sold Price
Sold7V Collectible Books DECORATIVE ANTIQUE LITERATURE7V Collectible Books DECORATIVE ANTIQUE LITERATURE Victorian Gilt Bindings Charles Dickens Childs History England Sir Walter Scott Waverley William Shakespeare Illustrated Poetry Clarence F UnderwoodSee Sold Price
SoldCOLLECTIBLE VINTAGE AND ANTIQUE LITERATURE DecorativeCOLLECTIBLE VINTAGE AND ANTIQUE LITERATURE Decorative Lady Chatterlys Lover Lawrence Salome Oscar Wilde Dead Man Manor Valentine Williams Uncle Toms Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe Old Man and the Sea ErnSee Sold Price
Sold11V Blackmore DECORATIVE ANTIQUE LIT Hugo DickensThis auction lot includes the following group of decorative antique Literature titles: - Lorna Doone. A Romance of Exmoor by Blackmore - by John C. Winston Company - Complete 2 volume set bound in rSee Sold Price
Sold5V Comstock DECORATIVE ANTIQUE LITERATURE CaineThis auction lot includes the following group of decorative antique literary titles: - Dante's Inferno -No date provided by Hurst & Co., Publishers - Translated by Rev. Henry Francis Cary, illustrateSee Sold Price
SoldCharles Dickens OUR MUTUAL FRIEND 1865 First Edition inCharles Dickens OUR MUTUAL FRIEND 1865 First Edition in Book Form Complete Illustrated Plates Marcus Stone Dickens′ Last Novel Satire Social Analysis English Literature Antique Fancy Leather BinSee Sold Price
SoldStowe Verne Lytton CHILDREN'S Burnett Alcott JameThis large lot includes the group of early and first printing, vintage and antique children's literature books shown in the corresponding image. There are between 20 and 25 books in the collection andSee Sold Price
Sold5V De La Mare CHILDREN'S LITERATURE Milne DickensThis auction lot includes the following group of vintage and antique Children's literature titles: - Number Two Joy Street A Medley of Prose & Verse for Boys and Girls by Chesterton, De La Mare, MilSee Sold Price
SoldA Collection of British Literature.A Collection of British Literature. Comprised of works by Charles Dickens, Jonathan Swift, Oliver Goldsmith and othersSee Sold Price
Sold4V Collectible Books DECORATIVE ANTIQUE ITALIAN4V Collectible Books DECORATIVE ANTIQUE ITALIAN LITERATURE & HISTORY Vellum Deluxe Fancy Leather Private Binding Very Scarce Printing Satire Di M Lodovico Ariosto 1779 Dante Alighieri Leondardo da VinSee Sold Price
SoldCharles Dickens HARD TIMES FOR THESE TIMES 1854 FirstCharles Dickens HARD TIMES FOR THESE TIMES 1854 First Edition in Book Form Decorative Antique Novel English Literature Coketown Northern Mill‐Town English Society Satire Social & Economic CoSee Sold Price
Elizabeth Baker (NY,MA,1860-1927) oil painting antiqueBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
Rare First Edition 1848 Charles Dickens "Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain"Cowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Donte and Beatrice Pompeian bronze bookends, Dante stamped "Dante Pompian Bronze 138 " on verso,Neely Auction4.6(224)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1846 CRICKET ON THE HEARTH by CHARLES DICKENS antique ILLUSTRATED 2nd editionJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
FRAMED 1800s DORE Divine Comedy Wood Engraving Virgil & Dante, Lake Cocytus SIGNED COAKCM Galleries4.7(164)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Eugene Delacroix 1800s Antique Print "Dante and Virgil" FramedKCM Galleries4.7(164)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Gustave Dore Charon (Dante's Divine Comedy Enferno) c. 1880 Wood EngravingKCM Galleries4.7(164)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Continental Green Patinated Bronze Figure of a Faun, After the Antique, Chiurazzi FoundrySTAIR4.6(288)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Lot of Antique Leather Bound Books - Fiction.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
3 Antique Illustr WORKS of GOETHE, H Boyesen 1885The Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 20, 2024
A FINE PAIR OF FRANCOIS LINKE GILT BRONZE MOUNTED CABINETSLos Angeles Antiques 4.3(12)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
1960S COMPLETE WORKS OF LION FEUCHTWANGER IN 13 VOLSAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceJun 15, 2024