CHINESE JADE FU LIONS & LINGZHIChinese celadon jade carved unto a model of Fu lions. Larger lion seated in relaxing position on its four legs, with the body slightly bend to left shoulder, the head facing straight forward with moutSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Celadon Jade Carved Fu Lion ToggleChinese jade carved toggle, featuring fu lion with cub and lingzhi. The stone of even white tone. Suspending onto hanging string with yellow jade beads. H: 3.5 cm, W: 6 cm, L: 4 cm, 127 grams.See Sold Price
THREE PIECES OF CHINESE CELADON JADE. ATHREE PIECES OF CHINESE CELADON JADE. A bi carved with three qilin, a figure of a fu lion with a lingzhi in his mouth, a figure of a frog - Largest: 4 in. long.See Sold Price
SoldCHINESE CELADON JADE KYLIN FIGURE WITH CUBSChinese hand carved translucent celadon jade fu lion figure with cubs. She is depicted with two cubs and coins. Also lingzhi stalks can be seen finely relief carved in the figure. Fine carving and traSee Sold Price
SoldSMALL CHINESE FIGURAL JADE CARVINGChinese figural jade carving, Qing Dynasty, the zoomorph possibly a recumbent fu lion biting a spray of lingzhi fungus, the pale green matrix with extensive dark inclusions and brown striations, 2"h,See Sold Price
SoldCHINESE JADE FU LION & ROCKWORKSVERY FINE Chinese Nephrite jade carved resembling a group of Fu lions on a rock works. The Jade shows creme-grayish color, with attarctive golden-russet sporadic natural inclusions along the surface.See Sold Price
SoldTwo Chinese Jade Fu-lions(lot of 2) Chinese jade fu-lions, each of the recumbent beasts with gray-green and russet hues, 2"wSee Sold Price
SoldSet of 2 Chinese Jade Fu Lions TogglesPair of Chinese caved jade toggles; in form of recumbent fu lions; L: 5 cm, W: 2 cm, H: 1 cm, 34 grams (total)See Sold Price
SoldCHINESE JADE FU LION W/ CUBCHINESE, JADE FU LION WITH CUB, H 5", L 8":Depicts a foo lion with cub mounted on it's back. Teakwood base.See Sold Price
SoldQing Period Chinese White Jade Fu LionQing Period, Chinese jade fu lion, the stone of white with russet suffusions. H: 5 cm, W: 7.5 cm, 128 grams. Ma Collection TorontoSee Sold Price
SoldChinese White Jade Fu Lion Holding Money PendantChinese white jade pendant; fu lion in recumbent pose holding and cradling a coin; L: 6 cm, W: 4 cm, H: 3 cm, 78 gramsSee Sold Price
SoldChinese White Jade Fu Lion Holding Money PendantChinese white jade pendant; fu lion in recumbent pose holding and cradling a coin; L: 6 cm, W: 4 cm, H: 3 cm, 78 gramsSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Carved Jade Fu Lion, Ming periodJADE. Chinese carved jade Fu Lion, Ming period, the finely carved recumbent beast with head turned grasping a ruyi sprig in its mouth and tail curled toward its foreleg, length 2 7/8".See Sold Price
SoldChinese Carved Jade Fu Lion Groupdepicting a mother with young. 1 1/4" high, 2 1/4" wide.See Sold Price
SoldCHINESE JADE CARVED FU LION AND CUB白玉雕太獅少獅擺件 Overall in white tone carved with a fu lion accompanied by a playful cub. L. 11.5cm (4 1/2 in.)See Sold Price
CHINESE CARVED JADE FU LIONCHINESE CARVED JADE FU LION, H 11", W 6":A carved foo lion raised on a separate teakwood stand. Marked at the underside of one paw, '9 44'. The figure measures H.11" x 6" x 3 1/2". Overall H.7".See Sold Price
SoldChinese Spinach Jade Fu LionCarved Chinese Spinach Jade Fu Lion on hardwood stand, 9''h x 11''lSee Sold Price
SoldPair Chinese jade carved fulionsPair Chinese jade carved fulions, 6.25"Hx2.6"x3.5' eachSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Carved White Jade Fu LionChinese carved jade fu lion with pup, raised on the accompanying pierce-carved, fitted wood stand. Size: 6" L x 4" HSee Sold Price
A CHINESE GREEN JADE FU LION-FORM CENSORA CHINESE GREEN JADE FU LION-FORM CENSOR. Standing with open jaws and curled tail - 4 3/4 in. x 6 in. PROVENANCE:From the collection of Robert W. Imhoff.See Sold Price
SoldChinese Celadon Jade Fu-lionChinese carved jade fu-lion, probably Ming/Qing dynasty, the recumbent beast with forelegs extended and hind legs tucked under, fashioned with a triangular head with pin-point eyes, a short snout andSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Carved Jade Fu-Lion, 19th c.,CARVING. Chinese Carved Jade Fu-Lion, 19th c., the recumbent animal shown with legs tucked beneath and mouth open showing its fangs, the smoothly polished jade of mottled celadon color, good conditionSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Chinese Jade Figure of Fu LionsTwo Chinese Jade Figure of Fu Lions each softly polished with fitted wood stand, the stone of pale celedon color with natural veins and russet inclusions. Length of larger 3 3/8 in., 8. 57 cm.See Sold Price
A Chinese carved jade 'lion' seal, 18th century or earlierOakridge Auction Gallery4.5(192)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
A Chinese carved jade 'Fu Lu Shou' plaque, 19th centuryOakridge Auction Gallery4.5(192)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
A Chinese carved white jade 'Fu Shou' plaque, 18th centuryOakridge Auction Gallery4.5(192)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024