CHINESE HETIAN JADE ORNAMENT, 'HUA KAI FU GUI'Height: 6cm, Width: 2.6cm. Weight: 43g Description Statement: Any description statement is given as a courtesy to a client, is an opinion and should not be treated as a statement of fact and Merces GaSee Sold Price
CHINESE HETIAN JADE ORNAMENT, 'BIAN FU QIU SHOU'Length: 4.2cm, Width: 3.5cm, Thickness: 2.7cm. Weight: 57g Description Statement: Any description statement is given as a courtesy to a client, is an opinion and should not be treated as a statement oSee Sold Price
CHINESE HETIAN JADE OPENWORK ORNAMENT, 'WU FU LING MEN'Height: 5.8cm, Width: 4.8cm. Weight: 86g Description Statement: Any description statement is given as a courtesy to a client, is an opinion and should not be treated as a statement of fact and MercesSee Sold Price
SoldHETIAN JADE 'HUA KAI FU GUI' ORNAMENTTime: Qing Dynasty 17-19 Century / Weight 1092.8g / Length 5.24 in / Width 1.65 in / Height 10.24 inSee Sold Price
Sold18th/19th C. Chinese White Hetian Jade Gui Pendant18th/19th Century Chinese Hetian jade ceremonial Gui-like openwork pendant; fu lion finiale at top; the stone of translucent white tone; L: 13 cm, W: 5 cm, H: 1 cm, 94 gramsSee Sold Price
Sold18th/19th C. White Hetian Jade Gui Pendant18th/19th Century Chinese Hetian jade ceremonial Gui-like openwork pendant, fu lion finiale at top, the stone of translucent white tone. L: 13 cm, W: 5 cm, H: 1 cm, 94 grams.See Sold Price
SoldChinese White Hetian Jade Ceremonial Gui PendantChinese white Hetian jade ceremonial Gui-like openwork pendant; fu lion finiale at top; L: 13cm, W: 5cm, H: 1cm, 94 gramsSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Chinese Wooden Bookends with Jade PlaquesPair of Chinese carved wooden bookends set with jade ornaments, the lobed hardwood block carved with a beaded edge framing a jade locket, one featuring the characters '[man] tang fu gui' and the otherSee Sold Price
SoldA CHINESE HETIAN JADE ORNAMENT和田玉擺件Chinese Hetian Jade Ornament, with a wooden stand. Size: 2.80 " x 1.70" x 0.92".See Sold Price
SoldThree A Chinese Hetian jade ornament和田玉飾品1:Ancient Hetian jade ornament; it has the shape of a maze, with patterns on each cooked parts;Length; 61mm x 19mm x 20mm.2Hetian jade ornament; the jade has aSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Hetian Jade OrnamentChinese Hetian Jade Ornament, depicting a mouse. Length: 1.5"See Sold Price
SoldChinese Hetian Jade OrnamentChinese Hetian Jade Ornament, depicting a dragon standing on peanuts. Comes fitted with a wooden stand. Height: 12.5 "See Sold Price
SoldChinese Hetian Jade ornamentChinese Hetian Jade ornament, depicting two monkeys and peach. Height: 2"See Sold Price
SoldA Chinese Hetian jade ornament和田玉飾品Ancient Hetian jade ornament; it has the shape of a maze, with patterns on each cooked parts;Length; 61mm x 19mm x 20mm.See Sold Price
SoldA Chinese Hetian Jade Ornament Of Elephant ShapedLength: 4.6cm; Width: 1.8cm; Height: 4.5cm; Weight: 60gSee Sold Price
SoldA Chinese Hetian Jade Ornament With Figure&HorseHeight: 7.66cm; Width: 2.76cm; Length: 7.53cm; Weight: 171.1gSee Sold Price
SoldA Chinese Hetian Jade Ornament Shaped In BeastLength: 10.5cm .; Width: 3cm.; Height: 5.3cm. ; Weight: 296.9gSee Sold Price
A Chinese Hetian Jade Ornament Of Beast ShapedHeight: 4.95cm; Width: 7.85cm; Weigth: 155.6gSee Sold Price
CHINESE HETIAN JADE PLAQUE, 'GUANYIN' AND 'FU GUI PING AN'Merces Gallery LLC4.2(13)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024