BRACKENRIDGE, Henry Marie (1786–1871). Voyage to
1797 VOYAGES 1ed Flowers of Travels Swinburne Lyttelton Tott Addison Montagu 2vMar 10, 2024Hereke silk finely signed, Turkey, around 1960, pureMar 02, 2024Hereke silk finely signed, Turkey, around 1960, pureMar 02, 2024Antique Khamseh, Persia, around 1910, wool on cottonMar 02, 2024Antique 'Dragon Carpet', China, around 1900, wool onMar 02, 2024Us Re-Import Kashan antique, Persia, around 1900Mar 02, 2024Antique Kazak, Caucasus, around 1900, wool on woolMar 02, 2024Antique Khamseh, Persia, 19th century, wool onwoolMar 02, 2024Antique Khamseh, Persia, 19th century, wool onwoolMar 02, 2024Antique Heriz, Persia, around 1900, wool on cottonMar 02, 2024Isfahan fine, Persia, signed (Soroush), around1960Mar 02, 2024Sumakh antique, Caucasus, around 1900, wool onwoolMar 02, 2024Sarkoy Kilim antique, Turkey, 19th century, wool onMar 02, 2024Kuba Shirvan Kilim, Caucasus, 19th century, wool onMar 02, 2024Antique Konya Kilim, Turkey, 19th century, wool onMar 02, 2024Nomads Sofreh antique, Persia, around 1900, wool onMar 02, 2024Nomads Sofreh antique, Persia, around 1900, wool onMar 02, 2024Qum old, Persia, around 1950, wool with silk, approx. 204Mar 02, 2024Book: Journal of a Voyage to Peru - A passage across the Cordillera of the Andes, in the winter ofFeb 26, 2024Jules Verne, Le Tour du Monde/Le Doctor Ox, Aux HarponsMar 03, 2024Smith of Rhode Island SaucerMar 02, 2024OLD ILLUSTRATED 1902 CROSS-COVERED LANDS JOURNEY TO CALCUTTA, INDIA, 2 VOLUMESMar 03, 2024CHRISTINE OF FRANCE: (1606-1663)Mar 14, 2024Jules Verne, Le Village Aerien, A Un Elephant & A L'EventailMar 10, 2024