SoldBanner, California, 31st State, 19th C.Depicting clasped hands in the Masoinc tradition, with the word Constitution in a scroll and an American flag having 31 stars for the inclusion of California in 1850-1.See Sold Price
SoldVictorian Walnut California State Assembly Desk, 19thVictorian Walnut California State Assembly Desk, 19th c., with closed gallery, red tooled leather writing surface and carved medallion, column and panel base. 38"t x 40"w x 29 1/2"d. Very good conditiSee Sold Price
Sold19th c. California State Coat of Arms Copper CastingCopper casting of a rendition of the California State Seal or prior State Coat of Arms. 11 1/2" Square, Center Seal is 9 1/4" - 9 1/2". Exceptional detail.See Sold Price
California State Wonder Yosemite Seal Rock 19th C''California and Its Wonders'' by the Reverand John Todd. New York: T. Nelson & Sons: 1880. New edition sextodecimo runs 208pp. with 17 half-tone illustrations, including fold-outs of a pre-Alcatraz SSee Sold Price
SoldTwo 19th C. MapsTwo framed 19th C. maps: the United States; Mexico/California/Texas. Various dates and publishers.See Sold Price
Sold19th C. Californian Mission / Ohlone Glass Trade Beads**First Time At Auction** Western United States, California, Ohlone culture, ca. 19th century CE. A collection of glass beads purportedly excavated at the San Jose Mission in Northern California, andSee Sold Price
Sold19th c. Schoolgirl map of N. AmericaHand drawn and colored school girl map of North America by Helen C. Bingham. Map depicts British America, Russian America, the United States, Upper California, Mexico, Guatemala, the top of South AmerSee Sold Price
SoldTwo American 19thC MapsTwo American 19thC Maps, A) 19thC map of United States western states, including California, Oregon, Utah, Washington, New Mexico, Nebraska, Kansas, Indian Territory, framed and matted under glass, siSee Sold Price
SoldEUROPEAN CARVED IVORYEUROPEAN CARVED IVORY; St. George slaying the dragon, 19th c.; 6 1/4'' x 6 1/2'' x 3 1/2'' Note: International bids and bids issuing from the State of California may be subject to laws that forbid theSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC FLAG19th C. California Republic silk framed flag (shredded) with bear. 11.5 x 15.5. This design was formally adopted in 1911 by the state of California.See Sold Price
CHINESE IVORY TUSKCHINESE IVORY TUSK; Finely carved fishing scene on wood base, 19th c.; 33'' Note: International bids and bids issuing from the State of California may be subject to laws that forbid the export and/orSee Sold Price
SoldState Seal of Illinois, 19th c., oil on canvas, laid toState Seal of Illinois, 19th c., oil on canvas, laid to board depicting an eagle with the American shield and a banner in its beak; "State Sovereignty and National Union," presented in a gilt shadow bSee Sold Price
3 19th C. Western States LettersIncludes letter advising Mr. Luke Usher advising about trespassers on his game preserver and letter from James M. Kaiser in St. Helena, California to his nephew in New York discussing California paintSee Sold Price
SoldASIAN IVORY LIDDED URNASIAN IVORY LIDDED URN; Two-handled with Foo dog feet and dragon finial, 19th/20th c.; 11'' x 8 1/2'' x 4'' Note: International bids and bids issuing from the State of California may be subject to lawSee Sold Price
SoldASIAN IVORY FIGURESASIAN IVORY FIGURES; A man and a woman with flowers, 19th/20th c.; Taller: 10'' Note: International bids and bids issuing from the State of California may be subject to laws that forbid the export andSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF CHINESE IVORY FOO DOGSPAIR OF CHINESE IVORY FOO DOGS; Coral eyes, 19th/20th c.; Signed; 8 1/2'' x 5'' x 4 1/2'' Note: International bids and bids issuing from the State of California may be subject to laws that forbid theSee Sold Price
SoldCHINESE IVORY FIGURESCHINESE IVORY FIGURES; Two tomb guardians, 19th/20th c.; Taller: 12'' Note: International bids and bids issuing from the State of California may be subject to laws that forbid the export and/or importSee Sold Price
SoldPORTRAIT MINIATURESPORTRAIT MINIATURES; Three on ivory in gold plated frames, 19th/20th c.; Largest: 4'' x 2 1/2'' Note: International bids and bids issuing from the State of California may be subject to laws that forbiSee Sold Price
SoldASIAN IVORY FIGURESCHINESE IVORY FIGURES; Royal man and woman seated on thrones, 19th/20th c.; Signed; Taller: 7 1/2'' Note: International bids and bids issuing from the State of California may be subject to laws that fSee Sold Price
SoldJAPANESE IVORY NETSUKEJAPANESE IVORY NETSUKE; Ten, 19th/20th c.; Most signed; Largest: 3 1/2'' Note: International bids and bids issuing from the State of California may be subject to laws that forbid the export and/or impSee Sold Price
SoldCHINESE IVORY FIGURESCHINESE IVORY FIGURES; Pair of warriors on horseback, 19th/20th c.; Signed; Taller: 8'' Note: International bids and bids issuing from the State of California may be subject to laws that forbid the exSee Sold Price
SoldASIAN IVORY FIGURES AND SNUFF BOTTLESASIAN IVORY FIGURES AND SNUFF BOTTLES; Eleven items, 19th/20th c.; Some signed; Tallest: 5 1/4'' Note: International bids and bids issuing from the State of California may be subject to laws that forbSee Sold Price
SoldCHINESE IVORY FIGURESCHINESE IVORY FIGURES; Pair of warriors on horseback with enameled highlights, 19th/20th c.; Signed; Taller: 9 1/2'' Note: International bids and bids issuing from the State of California may be subjeSee Sold Price
SoldASIAN CARVED TUSKASIAN CARVED TUSK; With a cockatrice and dragon facing a comet, 19th/20th c.; 3 1/2'' x 18 1/2'' x 4 1/2'' Note: International bids and bids issuing from the State of California may be subject to lawsSee Sold Price
19th C. Armenian Painted and Embroidered Church BannerMaterial Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Massive 18th/19th C. Painted Pictorial Church Banner, 12'4'' x 22'8''Material Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
19THC. ARM CHAIR, KNOWN AS STATE HOUSE CHAIR TO THE FAMILY ( 36" X 22 1/2" X 27")Carlsen Gallery, Inc.4.6(163)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
19th C. Filipino Spanish Colonial Santo - Virgin MaryArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
19thc Engraving Castellated Rock, Northern CaliforniaConnoisseur Auctions3.9(335)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
EARLY 19TH C. AMERICAN SCHOOL MINIATURE PORTRAIT.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
19TH C. AMERICAN SPONGE DECORATED MINIATURE BOX.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
English Rosewood & Mahogany Lap Desk, 19Th C., H 6", L 19 1/4", D 11 3/4"DuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024