5" axe
ARMOR MUSEUM LEVEL TURKISH STYLE WARRIOR HELMET ANNULET ARABIC 2 SILVER AXEFeb 28, 20245' Pre Columbian Hafted Bell Shape Axe / Celt, Guatamala, MayanFeb 25, 20246 5/8 Full Grooved Axe All from Lenord Vivan Nelson Estate Dekalb Co. IlFeb 25, 20245 3/4 Full Grooved Axe All from Lenord Vivan Nelson Estate Dekalb Co. IlFeb 25, 20245 5/8 Full Grooved Axe All from Lenord Vivan Nelson Estate Dekalb Co. IlFeb 25, 2024Viking Age Iron Long Bearded AxeheadMar 07, 2024TEN THOUSAND GREEN MOUNTAIN TREES ON THE QI BAISHI RIVER, FINELY DECORATED AND MOUNTED ON VERTICALMar 09, 20246 5/8" 3/4 Grooved Axe. Pike Co, IL. Pictured. Ex Roy Hathcock and Dale RectorMar 09, 20244 5/8" 3/4 Grooved Axe. Buchanan Co, MO. Ex Ben ThompsonMar 09, 20245 3/8" Highly Developed 3/4 Grooved Axe. Ex Thompson, Ritter, BuetellMar 09, 2024Zhang Daqian Songyin Gaoshi Paper Vertical AxisFeb 26, 2024QING YONGZHENG CALLIGRAPHY VERTICAL AXISFeb 25, 20245 1/4" 3/4 Groove Axe, Meadows COA, found in Doniphan Co Kansas, Ex Jerry Mueller CollectionMar 10, 20244 5/8" 3/4 Groove Keokuk Axe, Jackson COA, found in Grundy Co Illinois Ex Jerry Mueller CollectionMar 10, 20245 3/4" Hohokam Axe, found in Pinal Co Arizona-outstanding color and finishMar 10, 20245 1/2" Full Groove Axe, Motley COA, Hardstone with Porphyry Inclusions, found in Nodaway CoMar 10, 20245 1/2" Full Groove Axe, Motley COA, found in Butler Co Missouri, Ex Jim Crawford CollectionMar 10, 20244 5/8" 3/4 Groove Axe, 2x COA- Motley/Meadows, found in Pettis Co. Missouri, Ex Jim CrawfordMar 10, 20245 3/8" Full Groove Axe, found in Adams Co Illinois, Ex Bill Kacer Family Collection-Majority of hisMar 10, 20245" Pre-Colombian Jade AxeMar 10, 20245 3/4" 3/4 Groove Axe, found in Midwestern United StatesMar 10, 20245 1/4" Hohokam 3/4 Groove Axe found in New MexicoMar 10, 2024QI BAISHI'S DOUBLE LIFE, VERTICAL AXISMar 23, 2024Various Knives and BladesJul 09, 2024