5" axe
ARMOR MUSEUM LEVEL TURKISH STYLE WARRIOR HELMET ANNULET ARABIC 2 SILVER AXEFeb 28, 2024ARMOR MUSEUM LEVEL MUGHAL STYLE MILITARY WARRIOR AXE PAIR SILVER WIRE INLAY ART ARABIC INSCRIPTIONFeb 28, 20245' Pre Columbian Hafted Bell Shape Axe / Celt, Guatamala, MayanFeb 25, 20246 5/8 Full Grooved Axe All from Lenord Vivan Nelson Estate Dekalb Co. IlFeb 25, 20245 3/4 Full Grooved Axe All from Lenord Vivan Nelson Estate Dekalb Co. IlFeb 25, 20245 5/8 Full Grooved Axe All from Lenord Vivan Nelson Estate Dekalb Co. IlFeb 25, 2024Viking Age Iron Long Bearded AxeheadMar 07, 20246 5/8" 3/4 Grooved Axe. Pike Co, IL. Pictured. Ex Roy Hathcock and Dale RectorMar 09, 20244 5/8" 3/4 Grooved Axe. Buchanan Co, MO. Ex Ben ThompsonMar 09, 20245 3/8" Highly Developed 3/4 Grooved Axe. Ex Thompson, Ritter, BuetellMar 09, 2024Zhang Daqian Songyin Gaoshi Paper Vertical AxisFeb 26, 2024QING YONGZHENG CALLIGRAPHY VERTICAL AXISFeb 25, 20245 1/4" 3/4 Groove Axe, Meadows COA, found in Doniphan Co Kansas, Ex Jerry Mueller CollectionMar 10, 20244 5/8" 3/4 Groove Keokuk Axe, Jackson COA, found in Grundy Co Illinois Ex Jerry Mueller CollectionMar 10, 20245 3/4" Hohokam Axe, found in Pinal Co Arizona-outstanding color and finishMar 10, 20245 1/2" Full Groove Axe, Motley COA, Hardstone with Porphyry Inclusions, found in Nodaway CoMar 10, 20245 1/2" Full Groove Axe, Motley COA, found in Butler Co Missouri, Ex Jim Crawford CollectionMar 10, 20244 5/8" 3/4 Groove Axe, 2x COA- Motley/Meadows, found in Pettis Co. Missouri, Ex Jim CrawfordMar 10, 20245 3/8" Full Groove Axe, found in Adams Co Illinois, Ex Bill Kacer Family Collection-Majority of hisMar 10, 20245" Pre-Colombian Jade AxeMar 10, 20245 3/4" 3/4 Groove Axe, found in Midwestern United StatesMar 10, 20245 1/4" Hohokam 3/4 Groove Axe found in New MexicoMar 10, 2024QI BAISHI'S DOUBLE LIFE, VERTICAL AXISMar 23, 2024Various Knives and BladesJul 09, 2024