SoldLot Closed0258: Federal Mahogany, Mahogany-veneer, and Pine Pembroke Table, attributed to John (c. 1738-1818) an...See Sold Price
2023DuMouchellesEnglish Sheraton Mahogany Pembroke Table, Circa 1790, H 29" L 19" D 32"See Sold Price
2023Eldred'sHEPPLEWHITE PEMBROKE TABLE Probably Baltimore, Circa 1790 Height 29î. Width 19î plus twoSee Sold Price
2023Eldred'sHEPPLEWHITE PEMBROKE TABLE Connecticut, Circa 1790 Height 28.25î. Width 20.25î plus twoSee Sold Price
2023Eldred'sENGLISH PEMBROKE TABLE Circa 1800 Height 29î. Width 20.5î plus two 9.25î drop leaves.See Sold Price
2023Eldred'sSHERATON PEMBROKE TABLE 19th Century Height 29î. Width 23.5" plus two 12" drop leaves. DepthSee Sold Price
2023Eldred'sENGLISH PEMBROKE TABLE Circa 1800 Height 26.75î. Width 20î plus two 10.5î dropSee Sold Price
2023AntikBar Original Vintage PostersAdvertising Poster The Rolling Stones Cardiff Pembroke CastleSee Sold Price
2023Hunt and Peck Estate Services, Inc.American Federal Cherrywood Pembroke Table Ca. 1790See Sold Price