SoldIMPERIAL FABERGE 24KT GOLD OVER SILVER CHESS SETFaberge Imperial Jewled chess set by Igor Carl Faberge. Board constructed of polished marble set in rosewood. Playing pieces crafted in jasper, onyx and 24k gold over Sterling silver set with rubies,See Sold Price
IMPERIAL FABERGE 24KT GOLD OVER SILVER CHESS SETFaberge Imperial Jewled chess set by Igor Carl Faberge. Board constructed of polished marble set in rosewood. Playing pieces crafted in jasper, onyx and 24k gold over Sterling silver set with rubies,See Sold Price
SoldIMPERIAL FABERGE 24KT GOLD OVER SILVER CHESS SETFaberge Imperial Jewled chess set by Igor Carl Faberge. Board constructed of polished marble set in rosewood. Playing pieces crafted in jasper, onyx and 24k gold over Sterling silver set with rubies,See Sold Price
IMPERIAL FABERGE 24KT GOLD OVER SILVER CHESS SETFaberge Imperial Jewled chess set by Igor Carl Faberge. Board constructed of polished marble set in rosewood. Playing pieces crafted in jasper, onyx and 24k gold over Sterling silver set with rubies,See Sold Price
IMPERIAL FABERGE 24KT GOLD OVER SILVER CHESS SETFaberge Imperial Jewled chess set by Igor Carl Faberge. Board constructed of polished marble set in rosewood. Playing pieces crafted in jasper, onyx and 24k gold over Sterling silver set with rubies,See Sold Price
IMPERIAL FABERGE 24KT GOLD OVER STERLING CHESS SETFaberge Imperial Jewled chess set by Igor Carl Faberge. Board constructed of polished marble set in rosewood. Playing pieces crafted in jasper, onyx and 24k gold over Sterling silver set with rubies,See Sold Price
IMPERIAL FABERGE 24KT GOLD OVER STERLING CHESS SETFaberge Imperial Jewled chess set by Igor Carl Faberge. Board constructed of polished marble set in rosewood. Playing pieces crafted in jasper, onyx and 24k gold over Sterling silver set with rubies,See Sold Price
IMPERIAL FABERGE 24KT GOLD OVER STERLING CHESS SETFaberge Imperial Jewled chess set by Igor Carl Faberge. Board constructed of polished marble set in rosewood. Playing pieces crafted in jasper, onyx and 24k gold over Sterling silver set with rubies,See Sold Price
Faberge Imperial 24K Gold, Silver & Hardstone Chess SetA Faberge Imperial Chess Set by Igor Carl Faberge. 20th century. Mahogany box cover with inset marble game board. Velvet lined interior, fitted for storage of silver gilt mounted and hardstone chess pSee Sold Price
Faberge Imperial 24K Gold, Silver & Hardstone Chess SetA Faberge Imperial Chess Set by Igor Carl Faberge. 20th century. Mahogany box cover with inset marble game board. Velvet lined interior, fitted for storage of silver gilt mounted and hardstone chess pSee Sold Price
SoldFaberge Imperial Jeweled Egg Chess Set1999 Franklin Mint The House of Faberge Imperial jeweled egg chess set, 8 3/4" (h) egg on stand lavishly accented with 24k gold, sterling silver and cabochon onyx and rubies. When the lid is removed aSee Sold Price
SoldFABERGE IMPERIAL GOLD PLATED STERLING CHESS SETA Faberge Imperial Chess Set by Igor Carl Faberge. 20th century. Mahogany box cover with inset marble game board. Velvet lined interior, fitted for storage of silver gilt mounted and hardstone chess pSee Sold Price
SoldIMPERIAL FABERGE 24KT GOLD OVERSILVER MUSICAL EGGMusical Stravinsky's Fire Bird Suite, egg shell solid silver with blue cobalt enameling, 24K gold over sterling apple blossom designs entwining egg, each with fully faceted ruby, 24 rubies in all, claSee Sold Price
SoldIMPERIAL FABERGE 24KT GOLD OVERSILVER MUSICAL EGGMusical Stravinsky's Fire Bird Suite, egg shell solid silver with blue cobalt enameling, 24K gold over sterling apple blossom designs entwining egg, each with fully faceted ruby, 24 rubies in all, claSee Sold Price
SoldIMPERIAL FABERGE 24KT GOLD OVER SILVER MUSICAL EGGMusical Stravinsky's Fire Bird Suite, egg shell solid silver with blue cobalt enameling, 24K gold over sterling apple blossom designs entwining egg, each with fully faceted ruby, 24 rubies in all, claSee Sold Price
SoldIMPERIAL FABERGE 24KT GOLD OVER SILVER MUSICAL EGGMusical Stravinsky's Fire Bird Suite, egg shell solid silver with blue cobalt enameling, 24K gold over sterling apple blossom designs entwining egg, each with fully faceted ruby, 24 rubies in all, claSee Sold Price
IMPERIAL FABERGE 24KT GOLD OVER SILVER MUSICAL EGGMusical Stravinsky's Fire Bird Suite, egg shell solid silver with blue cobalt enameling, 24K gold over sterling apple blossom designs entwining egg, each with fully faceted ruby, 24 rubies in all, claSee Sold Price
SoldIMPERIAL FABERGE 24KT GOLD OVER SILVER MUSICAL EGGMusical Stravinsky's Fire Bird Suite, egg shell solid silver with blue cobalt enameling, 24K gold over sterling apple blossom designs entwining egg, each with fully faceted ruby, 24 rubies in all, claSee Sold Price
SoldIMPERIAL FABERGE 24KT GOLD OVER SILVER MUSICAL EGGMusical Stravinsky's Fire Bird Suite, egg shell solid silver with blue cobalt enameling, 24K gold over sterling apple blossom designs entwining egg, each with fully faceted ruby, 24 rubies in all, claSee Sold Price
IMPERIAL FABERGE 24KT GOLD OVER SILVER MUSICAL EGGMusical Stravinsky's Fire Bird Suite, egg shell solid silver with blue cobalt enameling, 24K gold over sterling apple blossom designs entwining egg, each with fully faceted ruby, 24 rubies in all, claSee Sold Price
IMPERIAL FABERGE 24KT GOLD OVER SILVER MUSICAL EGGMusical Stravinsky's Fire Bird Suite, egg shell solid silver with blue cobalt enameling, 24K gold over sterling apple blossom designs entwining egg, each with fully faceted ruby, 24 rubies in all, claSee Sold Price
IMPERIAL FABERGE 24KT GOLD OVER SILVER MUSICAL EGGMusical Stravinsky's Fire Bird Suite, egg shell solid silver with blue cobalt enameling, 24K gold over sterling apple blossom designs entwining egg, each with fully faceted ruby, 24 rubies in all, claSee Sold Price
SoldImperial Jeweled Faberge Style Gold Plated Egg ChessImperial Jeweled Faberge Style Gold Plated Egg Chess Set, 20th c., by The House of Faberge, Franklin Mint, the cabochon ruby mounted lid lifting to a mirror chess board, over a lower fitted drawer witSee Sold Price
Piero Benzoni Medieval Italian Hand Sculpted BronzePiero Benzoni Medieval Italian Hand Sculpted Bronze (Lost Wax Technique), Sterling Silver, & 24KT Gold Accented Palace Sized Chess Set W/Exquisite Marble & Onyx Chess Board & Matching Bronze Stools -See Sold Price
The Faberge Imperial Chess Set By Igor Carl Faberge, COAFive Star Auctions4.2(3)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
IMPERIAL FABERGE GOLD OVER SILVER ENAMELLED COINLouvre Antique Auction4.3(118)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
IMPERIAL FABERGE 22KT GOLD PLATED ENAMELED DOMINO SETLouvre Antique Auction4.3(118)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
IMPERIAL FABERGE STERLING SILVER MUSICAL FIREBIRD EGGLouvre Antique Auction4.3(118)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
IMPERIAL FABERGE 24KT GOLD OVER STERLING JEWELLED SLEIGHLouvre Antique Auction4.3(118)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024