SoldRare Swastika Keramos Vase.Produced by the Owens China Company of Ohio in 1906. Hand-painted floral and grapes design on an iridescent glaze. Swastika Keramos wafer mark under base. Condition (Excellent). Size 11 - 1/2" T.See Sold Price
Swastika Keramos vaseExceptional and rare Swastika Keramos vase, large form in colorful metallic glazes with a painted landscape featuring a peacock, marked, design attributed to Lessell, 7"w x 13"hSee Sold Price
Swastika Keramos vase metallic glazes PeacockExceptional and rare Swastika Keramos vase, large broad shouldered form in colorful metallic glazes with a painted landscape featuring a peacock, marked, design attributed to Lessell, 7"w x 13"hSee Sold Price
Swastika Keramos vase, transfer print portrait, 7 7/8”Rare Swastika Keramos portrait vase done with transfer printing. The image of a beautiful young woman with flowing scarf in her hair surrounded by floral garlands and gold trim all seamlessly done witSee Sold Price
SoldVase, Rare Swastika Keramos MarkVase, Rare Swastika Keramos Mark, 6" x 3", Made Only From 1906 To 1908, Beautiful Gold, Maroon And Green "Drip" Design, Very Nice Quality, Patsy Creveling Collection.See Sold Price
SoldSwastika Keramos - Owens China Company Vase c1906-08Rare Swastika Keramos - Owens China Company in Minerva, Ohio scenic vase with metallic luster glaze c1906-1908. This line was designed by John Lessell and pre-dates his work at Weller with a similar LSee Sold Price
SoldSwastika Keramos pottery vase7" tall copper luster floral Rare Swastika Keramos markSee Sold Price
SoldSwastika Keramos Vase - ExcellentSwastika Keramos Vase. Marked with Swastika Keramos 707E. Excellent condition. 7 1/2" tallSee Sold Price
SoldSwastika Keramos vase, luster scenic, 11 1/2", logoSwastika Keramos lustre vase revealing a surreal winter forest backed by bizarre ruby cloud structures. Height 11 1/2 inches. Marked with the raised Swastika Keramos wafer and hand inscribed 512 J onSee Sold Price
SoldSwastika Keramos vase, three handled formSwastika Keramos vase, three handled form with a landscape design covered in a colorful metallic glaze, wafer mark, #305, 6"w x 7.5"hSee Sold Price
SoldSwastika Keramos vase, gold swastikasSwastika Keramos vase, gold swastikas with incised designs against a colorful ground, wafer mark, #262, 5"w x 10.5"hSee Sold Price
SoldOWEN CHINA CO. Large Swastika Keramos vaseJOHN LESSELL OWEN CHINA CO. Large Swastika Keramos vase with wooded landscape, Minerva, OH, 1906-08 Raised Swastika Keramos seal 13 1/4" x 7"See Sold Price
SoldSwastika Keramos vase, intricate designs, 6 3/4"Swastika Keramos 6 3/4 inch metallic luster vase, made under the direction of John Lessell during the 1906-08 period. Marked with the Swasika Keramos raised wafer seal. No crazing and with some very mSee Sold Price
SoldSwastika Keramos vase, baby birds, 8 1/2"Unusual Swastika Keramos vase with decoration of baby blackbirds impatiently awaiting feeding while sitting on a branch from which red blooms have sprouted. Marked with the Swastika Keramos wafer sealSee Sold Price
SoldSwastika Keramos vase, circa 1910Owen China Company "Swastika Keramos" Vase, iridescent metallic glaze, circa 1910; copper & mixed metal luster patina, marked on base. Height is 12 1/8", good condition. Please refer to images for addSee Sold Price
SoldSwastika Keramos vase, 6 5/8"Swastika Keramos vase decorated with a pink trumpet flower, budding and blooming away from its leafy stalk. Bearing the raised Swastika Keramos seal. There is minor wear. Height is 6 5/8 inches.See Sold Price
SoldSwastika Keramos vaseSwastika Keramos vase, double handled shape with a copper-colored glaze and stylized floral design in red and green, 4.5"w x 12"hSee Sold Price
Swastika Keramos Vase by John LessellMaker: Swastika Keramos Minerva, OH Vase Title: Swastika Keramos Vase by John Lessell Origin: USA Date/Period: 1906-1908 Materials: Clay Size: 13" This Swastika Keramos vase stands a tall 13" high bySee Sold Price
SoldSWASTIKA KERAMOS VASESWASTIKA KERAMOS VASE: 5 1/2" h., hand painted landscape design, impressed relief mark to bottom.See Sold Price
SoldA Swastika Keramos vase. Daisy decoration in maroonA Swastika Keramos vase. Daisy decoration in maroon and green iridescent glaze on a gold luster glaze body. Raised Swastika Keramos stamp and 511-L written on bottom. 7 3/4".See Sold Price
SoldSwastika Keramos 12” vase, red poppiesSwastika Keramos vase with two small tab handles, decorated in the Art Nouveau tradition with red poppies on waving stems. Unmarked. In excellent, original condition with a few minor scratches. HeightSee Sold Price
SoldSwastika Keramos Floral Iridescent 7 7/8" VaseSwastika Keramos vase with floral decoration on an iridescent gold body. Marked with wafer. Excellent condition with light glaze wear to the rim. 7 7/8" tall.See Sold Price
SoldSwastika Keramos 12" Floral Vase - ExcellentSwastika Keramos vase with floral applique. Marked with Swastika Keramos wafer. There is some slight darkening to the crazing and a small amount of wear to the applied color and decoration, but overalSee Sold Price
SoldSwastika Keramos 6 3/4" Iris VaseSwastika Keramos vase with a red iris with green leaves on a gold body. Marked 514L. No repairs or overt damage, but there is some light wear to the finish. 6 3/4" tall.See Sold Price
DAUM Nancy - "Coloquinte au Scarabee", rare fructiforme vase.GOLDFIELD AUCTION4.3(32)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Val Saint Lambert et Orivit - Rare large vase "Narcisses" in acid-etched multi-layered glass.GOLDFIELD AUCTION4.3(32)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Royal Doulton Mark Marshall Rare Stoneware Seahorses VaseLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Rare vase ''Stellato a canne di murrina''Dr. Fischer Fine Art Auctions4.5(110)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Bengt Ekeblad (1922-2003), Swedish ceramicist for Rörstrand. Unique miniature ceramic vase withJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Herend Hungary Asian Genie Lidded Vase Rare- Handpainted Porcelain First Edition Signed 6261-0-021/CKing's Auctions Inc4.1(121)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Herend Hungary Asian Men Vase Rare- Handpainted Porcelain First Edition Signed 6641King's Auctions Inc4.1(121)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
ERTE Original Crystal Bowl Flower Among Flowers Signed Art Deco Glass Vase RareActivity Auctions4.5(355)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Erte Original Crystal Bowl Flower Among Flowers Signed Art Deco Glass Vase RareOAB Auctions4.2(96)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024