Sold11th C. Buff Sandstone Stele of Uma MaheshvaraBuff Sandstone Stele of Uma Maheshvara, India, Madya Pradesh, 11th C. Carved to show Shiva seated at royal ease and embracing his consort Parvati, flanked by two youths and seated on the bull Nandi; aSee Sold Price
SoldAn Indian Sandstone Figure of Uma -MaheshvaraCentral India; c. 12th century Shiva and Parvati, seated atop their respective vehicles (Nandi bull and lion), surrounded by attendants and donors. Carved from buff sandstone. Custom base. DimensionsSee Sold Price
SoldA BLACKSTONE STELE DEPICTING UMA-MAHESHVARA PALA PERIODAN INDIAN BLACK STONE STELE DEPICTING UMA-MAHESHVARA, PALA PERIOD Northern India, 12th century. The divine couple seated in lalitasana on a lotus pedestal, each with one foot supported on a lotus footSee Sold Price
SoldA WHITE MARBLE RELIEF OF UMA MAHESHVARA, 12TH-13THAN INDIAN WHITE MARBLE RELIEF OF UMA MAHESHVARA, 12TH-13TH CENTURY Western India, Rajasthan or Gujarat. The divine couple seated in lalitasana on Shiva's mount Nandi. Shiva's primary left hand aroundSee Sold Price
Indische Hinterglasmalerei "Uma-Maheshvara"Szenische Darstellung des thronenden Hindu-Gottes Shiva, die seitlich sitzende Gattin Parvati umarmend, als Manifestation des "großen Gottes" (Maheshvara) und der "Gnädigsten" (Uma). Seitlich flankiSee Sold Price
Uma MaheshvaraNepal, 17./18.Jh. Bronze mit Resten einer Feuervergoldung. Darstellung des Paares Shiva und Parvati auf Lotossockel vor Flammenaureole. H 8,5 cm. - Berieben.See Sold Price
Indian Bronze Uma Maheshvara StatuetteIndia, 19th-early 20th century AD. Cast bronze figure of the god Shiva seated on a lotus flower and holding his consort the goddess Uma; Shiva holds an axe in his right hand and an antelope in his lefSee Sold Price
Uma MaheshvaraNepal, 16./17.Jh. Bronze mit Resten einer Feuervergoldung. Darstellung des Paares Shiva und Parvati auf Lotossockel vor Flammenaureole. H 7 cm. - Rechter Arm gebrochen, berieben.See Sold Price
Indian Bronze Uma Maheshvara StatuetteIndia, 19th-early 20th century AD. Cast bronze figure of the god Shiva seated on a lotus flower and holding his consort the goddess Uma; Shiva holds an axe in his right hand and an antelope in his lefSee Sold Price
SoldNepalese Copper Alloy Shrine Depicting Uma-MaheshvaraNepalese Copper Alloy Shrine Depicting Uma-Maheshvara Shiva seated in lalitasana on a lotus throne on a tiered plinth, his pendant right leg resting upon his bull Nandi, embracing his consort ParvatiSee Sold Price
SoldSandstone Stele Umamaheshvara c.10th centuryA sandstone stele of Umamaheshvara, the God Shiva embracing his goddess wife Parvati, India, c.10th century, 18 x 11.25 x 4.75 inches, the central Hindu figures atop Nandi, the cow mount, and their chSee Sold Price
Sold8th C. Indian Pala Black Schist Panel, Uma-Maheshvara**Originally listed at 600** India, region of Bengal, Pala Empire, ca. 8th to 12th centuries CE. A black schist panel carved with in high-relief, showing a common scene from Pala imagery: Shiva and hiSee Sold Price
Indian Pala Black Schist Panel - Uma-MaheshvaraIndia, region of Bengal, Pala Empire, ca. 8th to 12th centuries CE. A black schist panel carved with in high-relief, showing a common scene from Pala imagery: Shiva and his wife Parvati. Parvati (alsoSee Sold Price
8th C. Indian Pala Black Schist Panel, Uma-MaheshvaraIndia, region of Bengal, Pala Empire, ca. 8th to 12th centuries CE. A black schist panel carved with in high-relief, showing a common scene from Pala imagery: Shiva and his wife Parvati. Parvati (alsoSee Sold Price
UmamaheshvaraTitle: Umamaheshvara Origin: India Date/Period: 19th Century Materials: Marble Dimensions: 8x3x11 Shiva is one of the three primary Gods. He is the force which annihilates all forms in order to give tSee Sold Price
SoldNepalese Stone CarvingNepal, ca. 16th century. A fine and elaborate stone carving of Shiva and Parvati (Uma Maheshvara) seated in a niche and flanked by figures of their sons and surrounded by protective Makara and Kala beSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Indian Bronze GroupsSouth and East India, ca. 17th century. Two Uma Maheshvara groups, the larger figure flanked by figures of their two sons, Ganesh and Kartika. From a lifetime Massachusetts collection. MEASUREMENTS HeSee Sold Price
SUPERB MEDIEVAL INDIA ART LOVERS SHIVA & PARVATIPALA STELE OF SHIVA & PARVATI. Carved dark schist in the Uma-Maheshvara form of the divine Hindu couple, the god seated in the pose of royal ease, holding his characteristic trident, the couple exchanSee Sold Price
THE GOD SHIVA WITH UMABronze, India. 18th cent. This bronze shows the so-called Uma-Maheshvara-Murti, in which Shiva – called Maheshvara here – embraces his wife Uma. Here, the God is depicted four-armed with his typicSee Sold Price
GOD SHIVA WITH UMABronze. India, 18th cent. The Bronze shows the so-called Uma-Maheshvara-Murti, in which Shiva - here Maheshvara – embracing his wife Uma. Depicted four-armed with typical attributes of trident,See Sold Price
SoldA STONE STELE DEPICTING SHIVA AND PARVATI ASA STONE STELE DEPICTING SHIVA AND PARVATI AS UMA-MAHESHVARA, their arms around each other and with Nandi at their feet, 43cm high, on modern wooden plinth. From an established West Country Collection.See Sold Price
SoldTWO STONE FIGURESTWO STONE FIGURES Stone carving, Sandstone India, 19th century; Probably Southeast Asia, c. 18th-19th century The Indian stone carving shows Shiva with Uma in the typical Uma-Maheshvara-Murti. Shiva iSee Sold Price
Massives Tempelrelief mit Uma-Maheshvara-Motiv - hellesMassives Tempelrelief mit Uma-Maheshvara-Motiv - helles Holz, fein geschnitzt, farbig gefasst, Darstellung des Götterpaares Shiva und Uma/Parvati auf Nandi, dem Reittier Shivas, beide zweiarmig,See Sold Price
GOD SHIVA WITH UMABronze. India, 18th cent. This bronze shows the so-called Uma-Maheshvara-Murti, in which Shiva – called Maheshvara here – embraces his wife Uma. Here, the God is depicted four-armed with hSee Sold Price
13th-century Cambodian Bronze Uma FINE, LARGE Bronze only is 22.5 inches tall!The Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
ANDY JENKINS for Girl Skateboard. "B-Ball Series". Screen printed wood. Skateboard.Setdart Auction House4(23)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Collection of vintage Playboy magazines all super model issuesBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
42" Large Sivagami (Goddess Uma) | Madhuchista Vidhana (Lost-Wax) | Panchaloha Bronze fromJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Collection of vintage Playboy magazines all super model issuesBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Sheila Metzner, Uma Patou Dress (from the One of a Kind series)Los Angeles Modern Auctions4.4(24)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
10th C. Khmer Bronze Standing Figure Uma / ParvatiArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024