Sold"PERFECTION" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF"PERFECTION" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF TWO, comprising a large example with original nickel finish, star in circle embossed to oven door, side shelf with embossed "PERFECTION" and scrollSee Sold Price
Sold"PERFECTION" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE"PERFECTION" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE, four-burner top, one working door in front, original nickel finish. Along with several accessories. Late 19th/early 20th century. 9 3/4" HOA, 4 3/4" H top, 4 1/2See Sold Price
Sold"PERFECTION" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVE"PERFECTION" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVE, having working baffle and damper, four original burner covers and reservoir cover, embossed star in circle to door, with one cast-iron accessory. TogetherSee Sold Price
Sold"CROWN" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVECROWN CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVE, original nickel finish, complete with burner covers, side shelf, and pipe. Together with four cast-iron accessories. Late 19th/early 20th century. 6 3/4" H to topSee Sold Price
Sold"EAGLE" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVE"EAGLE" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVE, with original nickel finish, having original side shelf embossed "EAGLE" with floral decoration to edges, four original burner covers and reservoir cover, origiSee Sold Price
Sold"CORA" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF TWO"CORA" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF TWO, comprising one with original nickel finish, working baffle, four period burner covers, and original side shelf, and one with black surface, workingSee Sold Price
Sold"48" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF TWO"48" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF TWO, with original nickel finish, comprising a four-burner example with original burner covers, and two cast-iron accessories with nickel finish, and a twoSee Sold Price
SoldCAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF TWOCAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF TWO, each with original nickel finish, comprising an "OK" example with four original burner covers, and an "ARK" example with lid lifter, two original burner coSee Sold Price
SoldCAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF THREECAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF THREE, with original nickel finish, comprising two-burner examples, the first a "PEARL" example with two original burner covers and a lid lifter, the second embSee Sold Price
Sold"ROYAL" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVE"ROYAL" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVE, with black surface, having opening furnace door and working baffles, original side shelf embossed "ROYAL", six-burner top with three original burner covers andSee Sold Price
SoldCAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF THREECAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF THREE, comprising a four-burner "QUEEN" example with original nickel finish, four period burner covers, original stoveback/shelf, original side shelf embossed "See Sold Price
SoldPENNSYLVANIA "DAINTY" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE / STOVEPENNSYLVANIA "DAINTY" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE / STOVE, complete with side shelf, stove pipe, adjustable interior shelf, working damper, and five removable top plates. Together with four cast-iron accSee Sold Price
SoldCAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVECAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVE, having two-burner top with two-part burner covers, opening oven door, opening furnace door revealing furnace grate/shelf, opening lower furnace door/ash scoop, columnarSee Sold Price
SoldKENTON "ROYAL" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OFKENTON "ROYAL" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF TWO, each with original nickel finish, each having original side shelf embossed "ROYAL", back embossed "KENTON / BRAND", working baffle, make-doSee Sold Price
SoldCAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF TWOCAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF TWO, comprising a "DAISY" example with black-painted surface and remnants of gilt highlights, scrolling decoration to skirt, original side shelf embossed "DAISYSee Sold Price
SoldCAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF TWOCAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF TWO, with original nickel finish, comprising a "PET" example with working baffle and damper, four likely original burner covers and original reservoir cover, orSee Sold Price
Sold"EAGLE" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF TWO"EAGLE" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF TWO, comprising an example with original silver-painted surface, original side shelf embossed "EAGLE", original stoveback shelf, four original burner coSee Sold Price
SoldCAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF TWOCAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF TWO, comprising a "PEARL" example with original nickel finish, four original burner covers and two cast-iron accessories, and a "XX" example with black surface,See Sold Price
SoldCAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF TWOCAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF TWO, with original nickel finish, comprising a two-burner example with embossed eagle to door, original stoveback shelf insert, and one original burner cover, aSee Sold Price
SoldCAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF TWOCAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF TWO, with original nickel finish, comprising a "STAR" example with baffle, two original burner covers, lid lifter, and four cast-iron accessories, and an "A.1."See Sold Price
SoldCAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF TWOCAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVES, LOT OF TWO, with original nickel finish, comprising a "CORA" example with working baffle, original side shelf and stove-top extender/shelf, four likely original burnerSee Sold Price
Sold"CRESCENT" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVE"CRESCENT" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVE, with original nickel finish, having working baffle and damper, four original burner covers and reservoir cover, original side shelf and pierced stovetop exteSee Sold Price
Sold"GEM" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVE"GEM" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE STOVE, with original silver-painted surface, having working baffle, original side shelf, four original burner covers and reservoir cover, likely original stove pipe, andSee Sold Price
Sold"ROYAL" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE"ROYAL" CAST-IRON TOY COOK RANGE, six-burner top, two working doors in front, original worn surface. Along with four later accessories. Late 19th/early 20th century. 16" HOA, 9" H top, 7 1/2" x 15 1/2See Sold Price
Harley Davidson Police Motorcycle and Sidecar - Cast Iron ToyThe RSL Auction Company4.6(240)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Mule Drawn D. P. W. Dump Cart - Cast Iron ToyThe RSL Auction Company4.6(240)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
World's Fair Car Line Trolley for Columbian Expo - Cast Iron ToyThe RSL Auction Company4.6(240)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Deluxe Mule Drawn Coal Wagon - Cast Iron ToyThe RSL Auction Company4.6(240)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Hook & Ladder - 1912 Version - Cast Iron ToyThe RSL Auction Company4.6(240)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024