Sold(ARCHITECTURE.) Salmon, William. Palladio Lond(ARCHITECTURE.) Salmon, William. Palladio Londinensis: or, The London Art of Building. 37 plates, most folding. 8vo, rebound in early-20th century cloth; several plates professionally reinforced and wSee Sold Price
SoldSalmon (William) Palladio Londinensis; or The LondSalmon (William) Palladio Londinensis; or The London Art of Building,sixth edition, 54 engraved plates, several folding, advertisements on verso of final leaf, plate 16 bound upside down, platSee Sold Price
Salmon (William) Palladio Londiniensis: or, the LoSalmon (William) Palladio Londiniensis: or, the London Art of Building,first edition, 34 engraved plates only (of 37, lacking plates 1, 32 & 36), some folding, plate 10 defective (lacking foldSee Sold Price
SoldSalmon (William) Palladio Londiniensis: or, the LoSalmon (William) Palladio Londiniensis: or, the London Art of Building,first edition, 34 engraved plates only (of 37, lacking plates 1, 32 & 36), some folding, plate 10 defective (lacking foldSee Sold Price
1755 book, Palladio,1755 book, Palladio, William Salmon, "Palladio Londinensis or The London Art of Building," fifth edition, London, 1755, with eleven fold-out illustrations (several double), full leather, all 54 illustSee Sold Price
SoldHalfpenny (William) Andrea Palladio's First Book ofHalfpenny (William) Andrea Palladio's First Book of Architecture, 28 engraved plates, plate 12 forming overslip to plate 11, one folding and with short tear at fold, rather soiled and stained, contempSee Sold Price
Palladio (Andrea) The Four Books of ArchitecturePalladio (Andrea) The Four Books of Architecture,translated by Isaac Ware, first edition of Ware's translation, 4 engraved architectural titles, engraved head- and tail-piece designed by WilliSee Sold Price
SoldPalladio (Andrea) The Four Books of ArchitecturePalladio (Andrea) The Four Books of Architecture,translated by Isaac Ware, first edition of Ware's translation, 4 engraved architectural titles, engraved head- and tail-piece designed by WilliSee Sold Price
SoldMasters of World Architecture William Alex, Editor,William Alex, Editor, comprising eleven volumes: Walter Gropius, by James Marston Fitch; Richard Neutra, by Esther McCoy; Louis Sullivan, by Albert Bush-Brown; Oscar Niemeyer, by Stamo Papadaki; EricSee Sold Price
Sold[ARCHITECTURE]. PALLADIO, Andrea (1518-1580). Traicte[ARCHITECTURE]. PALLADIO, Andrea (1518-1580). Traicte des cinq ordres d'architecture, desquels se sont seruy les Anciens. Traduit du Palladio augmente de nouvelles inventions pour l'art de bien bastirSee Sold Price
SoldSalmon (William) - Botanologia. The English Herbal: orfirst edition , engraved additional pictorial title by K.Cyrus after K.Solomon, printed title in red and black, woodcut illustrations, without the 6pp. of 'index morborum' (often lacking), occasionalSee Sold Price
SoldArchitecture.- Palladio (Andrea) The First Book ofNO RESERVE Architecture.- Palladio (Andrea) The First Book of Architecture... with an Appendix touching Doors and Windows, translated by Godfrey Richards, eighth edition, engraved additional pictorialSee Sold Price
SoldSalmon (William) - Botanologia. The English Herbal: or,first edition, engraved additional pictorial title by K.Cyrus after K.Solomon, printed title in red and black, woodcut illustrations, with the 6pp. of 'index morborum' (often lacking), occasional browSee Sold Price
SoldCookery.- Salmon (William) The Family-Dictionary or,Cookery.- Salmon (William) The Family-Dictionary or, Household Companion, third edition, title creased, A2 torn and repaired at head, occasional light marginal worming, heavier through gatherings Y &See Sold Price
Sold(ARCHITECTURE.) Palladio, Andrea. Andrea Palla(ARCHITECTURE.) Palladio, Andrea. Andrea Palladio's Architecture in Four Books, Containing a Dissertation on the Five Orders . . . Revis'd and Redelineated by Edward Hoppus. Engraved additional title,See Sold Price
SoldArchitecture. PALLADIO. I 4 libri dell architetturaArchitecture. PALLADIO, Andrea. I quattro libri dell architettura. Venezia, Bartolomeo Carampello, 1601 Folio, mm. 311x215; full vellum binding of the XIX century, covers with linear frame, gilt decorSee Sold Price
SoldMedicine.- Salmon (William) - Parateremata: or Selectlacking portrait frontisipiece, 8 engraved plates, advertisement leaf at the end, rather soiled and browned, a few small marginal tears (without loss to text), contemporary ink inscriptions to title,See Sold Price
SoldArchitecture. PALLADIO. I quattro libriPALLADIO, Andrea. I quattro libri dell'architettura di Andrea Palladio. Ne' quali, dopo vn breue trattato de' cinque ordini, & di quelli auertimenti, che sono piu necessarij nel fabricare; si tratSee Sold Price
SoldSalmon (William) Botanologia. The English Herbal;Salmon (William) Botanologia. The English Herbal; or History of Plants,engraved title, upwards of 1500 text woodcuts (captions cut in the block), minor stains, but a good copy with the rare 'ISee Sold Price
SoldAlmanacs.- Salmon (William) - The London Almanack,printed in red and black, by W.Horton for the Company of Stationers, 1699; bound with 26 other Almanacs for the same year, contemporary red morocco, gilt, spine elaborately gilt in compartments, head-See Sold Price
Sold(Medicine), Salmon, William (1644-1713), Collectan(Medicine), Salmon, William (1644-1713), Collectanea Medica, The Country Physician: or, a Choice Collection of Physick, London, 1703, gilt tooled red morocco, 8vo, (bumped and chipped, end papers wornSee Sold Price
SoldSalmon (William) Pharmacopoeia Bataena: or, Bate'sSalmon (William) Pharmacopoeia Bataena: or, Bate's Dispensatory,title and a few other gatherings loose, contemporary calf, rebacked preserving original backstrip, rubbed, 8vo, for S.Smith, 169See Sold Price
1872 INDIA Land of the Veda Travel Exploration Voyages Hindu Sepoy RebellionSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(422)See Sold PriceMar 31, 2024
New York William Kissam Vanderbilt's "Petit Chateau" Custom FramedMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 23, 2024
William III.- Chevalier (Nicolas) Histoire de Guillaume III, first edition, Amsterdam, 1692.Forum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
(4) American Indian and Style Pottery VesselsWilliam Bunch Auctions & Appraisals4.6(878)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
(4) Palladio Carved Gilt Wood Wall SconcesWilliam Bunch Auctions & Appraisals4.6(878)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
EARLY 19TH C. AMERICAN SCHOOL MINIATURE PORTRAIT.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
ART DECO 3 CT. ASSCHER CUT DIAMOND RING CA. 1925.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
FINE 18TH C. BOSTON CHIPPENDALE MAPLE HIGHBOY.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
EARLY 19TH C. FEDERAL LEADED GLASS TRANSOM WINDOW.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
19TH C. ABIEL CHANDLER SIGNED NH BANJO WALL CLOCK.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
GRAND TOUR CARVED MARBLE BUST, THE YOUNG OCTAVIAN.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
16TH C. JAPANESE MOMOYAMA INLAID LACQUERED CASKET.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
J.J. ENNEKING OIL ON CANVAS, LANDSCAPE AT SUNSET.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
ANTIQUE BOUCHER STEAM BOAT MOTOR ASSEMBLY MODEL.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024