SoldCorgi-No.1108 Bristol Bloodhound Guided MissileCorgi - No.1108 Bristol Bloodhound Guided Missile with launching ramp - white, yellow, silver, cream, green - Excellent to Near Mint in Excellent blue and yellow lift off lid box complete with correctSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.1108 Bristol Bloodhound Guided MissileNo.1108 Bristol Bloodhound Guided Missile with launching ramp - lemon yellow, metal booster rockets, unperished rubber nose cone - Excellent in Excellent blue and yellow lift off lid box.See Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.1108 Bristol Bloodhound Guided MissileNo.1108 Bristol Bloodhound Guided Missile with launching ramp - finished in white, yellow, red, green, cream, silver - overall condition is generally Excellent (although does require attention in cleaSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.1108 Bristol Bloodhound Guided MissileCorgi - No.1108 Bristol Bloodhound Guided Missile with Launching Ramp - green, white red and yellow missile (tip slightly perished) otherwise Good including inner packing, outer blue and yellow lift oSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.1108 Bristol Bloodhound Guided MissileNo.1108 Bristol Bloodhound Guided Missile with launching ramp - white, yellow, red, green, silver, cream - Excellent (although does require attention in cleaning), outer blue and yellow lift off lid bSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi 1108 Bristol Bloodhound Guided MissileCorgi - No.1108 Bristol Bloodhound Guided Missile with launching ramp - green, white, yellow, red, silver - Excellent (missile is Good Plus to Excellent), inner carded tray is Excellent, outer blue anSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi - A Group of Empty BoxesCorgi empty boxes a mixed group which includes No.GS16 Ecurie Ecosse Racing Car Transporter Set, No.1108 Bristol Bloodhound Guided Missile, No.GS4 Military Set plus others - conditions are generally PSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi - No.1108 Bloodhound Guided MissileCorgi - No.1108 Bloodhound Guided Missile with launching ramp - white, yellow, red missile which is generally Excellent (although missing one chrome thruster), green, silver and cream loading ramp isSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi 1109 Bristol Bloodhound guided missile... in OBCorgi Major Toys 1109 Bristol Bloodhound Guided Missile on loading trolley in original box and a second trolley. One missile with melted nose. One trailer has some paint splotching and other has someSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.1115 Bristol Bloodhound Guided MissileCorgi - No.1115 Bristol Bloodhound Guided Missile - white, red, - Excellent including inner carded tray and folded Rocket Age leaflet, blue and yellow lift off lid is Good Plus and No.1115 Bristol BloSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.1109 Bristol Bloodhound Guided MissileCorgi - No.1109 Bristol Bloodhound Guided Missile on Loading Trolley - overall condition is generally Good to Good Plus (replacement percussion head), inner carded tray and outer blue and yellow liftSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi 1109 Bristol Bloodhound Guided MissileCorgi - No.1109 Bristol Bloodhound Guided Missile on loading trolley - green, white, yellow, red - Good Plus including inner carded tray, outer blue and yellow lift-off lid box is Good.See Sold Price
SoldCorgi 1109 Bristol Bloodhound Guided MissileCorgi - No.1109 Bristol Bloodhound Guided Missile on Loading Trolley - overall condition is generally Good to Good Plus (replacement percussion head), inner carded tray and outer blue and yellow lift-See Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.1109 Bristol Bloodhound Guided MissileCorgi - No.1109 Bristol Bloodhound Guided Missile on Loading Trolley - green with yellow, white and red missile - overall condition is generally Good to Good Plus (although missile pen badly perished)See Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.1109 Bristol Bloodhound Guided MissileCorgi No.1109 Bristol Bloodhound Guided Missile on loading trolley - green with white, yellow and red missile - Excellent in Good Plus to Excellent blue and yellow lift off lid box, inner packing cardSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.1109 Bristol Bloodhound Guided MissileCorgi - No.1109 Bristol Bloodhound Guided Missile - white, yellow, red - Good complete with loading trolley finished in green with flat spun hubs - Good Plus to Excellent, inner carded tray is Good, oSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.1109 Bristol Bloodhound Guided MissileCorgi - No.1109 Bristol Bloodhound Guided Missile on Loading Trolley - green with white, yellow and red missile - overall condition is generally Good to Good Plus (although missile tip is slightly perSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.1109 Bristol Bloodhound Guided MissileNo.1109 Bristol Bloodhound Guided Missile on loading trolley - green, white, yellow, red missile tip (although partially perished) - otherwise condition is generally Mint including inner carded tray,See Sold Price
SoldCorgi 1108 Bloodhound missile in OB w/loadingCorgi diecast 1108 Bristol Bloodhound guided missile with launching ramp in original box. Included is Airfield Radar, Bloodhound loading trolley, and Land Rover 109 WB. Very nice grouping with littleSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi-No.1109 Bristol Bloodhound Guided MissileCorgi - No.1109 Bristol Bloodhound Guided Missile on loading trolley - white, yellow, red, green - Excellent Plus including inner carded tray, outer blue and yellow lift off lid box is Excellent complSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi 1116 Bristol Bloodhound Missile LauncherCorgi - No.1116 Bristol Bloodhound Guided Missile Launcher finished in military green, silver, cream - Mint, inner carded tray is Excellent, outer blue and yellow lift off lid box is Good complete witSee Sold Price
SoldToys: Four assorted die cast scale models to include aToys: Four assorted die cast scale models to include a Corgi Major Toys International 6x6 Army Truck, with British Army markings, model no. 1118; a Corgi Major Toys Bristol Bloodhound Guided Missile oSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.1115 Bristol Ferranti Guided MissileCorgi No.1115 Bristol Ferranti Bloodhound Guided Missile - white/yellow missile, red rubber nose cone (perished but replacement supplied in box), RAF roundels, Excellent Plus including lift off lid ilSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.1117 Loading Trolley for Guided MissileCorgi - No.1117 Loading Trolley for Bristol Bloodhound Guided Missile - green, flat spun hubs - Excellent in Good blue and yellow lift off lid box and No.414 Bedford "Ambulance" - military green, flatSee Sold Price
Corgi, Hot Wheels, Matchbox Toy Cars, 5The Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Horace Bristol (1909-1997), "Shinto Shrine Melee," 1946, Giclee print on paper, Image: 20" H x 30" WJohn Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
DAMIEN HIRST (Bristol, UK, 1965) for Tribute. "For the love of god", 2009. Photomechanical print onSetdart Auction House4(23)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
[BASEBALL]. 1888 Bristol Base Ball Club. [Boston]: G. H. Ha...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Toys: A quantity of die cast scale model Corgi Toys buses to include Bristol K Utility no. 97857,Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Monumental Flavio Poli Murano Chandelier, Hotel BristolBlair's Estate Sales4.3(5)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Four boxed 1:72 scale limited edition die-cast models of WWII Catalina flying boats and other bo...Bonhams4.1(315)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Five boxed 1:144 scale limited edition die-cast models of passenger and commercial airliners by ...Bonhams4.1(315)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Corgi James Bond Special Edition Chrome Plated 8 piece Gift SetC & T Auctioneers and Valuers Ltd4.3(51)See Sold PriceJul 13, 2024