SoldChinese Blue-and-White Vase, FiguresChinese underglazed blue porcelain vase, late Ming dynasty, of octagonal section meiping form, with a comb tooth pattern to the rim, the body with an official and attendants in a garden landscape, witSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Blue-and-White Vase, FiguresChinese underglaze blue porcelain vase, of baluster form and the neck decorated with birds, prunus and bamboo, the tapering body depicting a dance and music performance, 19.4"hSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Blue-and-White Porcelain Jar, FiguresChinese underglazed blue decorated porcelain jar, with a dished rim above cresting waves to the short neck and a band of mythical horses galloping through clouds, the body painted with a procession ofSee Sold Price
Chinese Blue-and-White Porcelain Jar, FiguresChinese underglazed blue porcelain jar, the bulbous body decorated with a scholar followed by an attendant carrying a qin, 6.5"hSee Sold Price
Two Chinese Blue-and-White Porcelain Plaques, Figures(lot of 2) Chinese underglazed blue porcelain plaques, one depicting a child standing in front of a seated beauty with an open book, backed by plantain plant and scholar's rock; the other featuring aSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Blue-and-White Porcelain Fish Bowl, FiguresChinese underglaze blue porcelain fish bowl, the exterior featuring a group of children in front of an official accompanied by attendant and guards, 8.75"wSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Blue-and-White Porcelain Bottle Vase, FiguresChinese underglazed blue porcelain yuhuchunping vase, figures depicting a beauty forcefully brought in front of a seated general, 12"hSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR WEI HONGTAI CHINESE PORCELAIN FIGURESA pair of Chinese glazed porcelain famille rose polychrome enamelled figurines made in the early 20th century during the Chinese Republic period (1912-1949). The figurines are both marked China and wiSee Sold Price
SoldCHINESE BLUE-AND-WHITE PORCELAIN VESSELChinese blue-and-white decorated porcelain vessel, possibly Ming dynasty, with a wide mouth and tapering to a flat unglazed base, the exterior painted in shades of underglaze cobalt blue with figure iSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Blue-and-White Sauce Dishes, Antiquities(lot of 7) Chinese underglaze blue porcelain sauce dishes, each depicting a selection of scholar's items, including a figure of a qilin, a gu-vase and various vessels, base with Guangxu mark, 3.25"w;See Sold Price
Yellow-glazed blue-and-white figure brush washMing Dynasty Chenghua Yellow Glaze Blue and White Character Piano Chess Calligraphy and Painting High Foot Brush Wash High 24.5CM wide 24cm Important Declaration: Recently, it has come to our attentioSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Blue-and-White Porcelain Brush PotChinese underglaze blue porcelain brush pot, the tapering cylindrical vessel decorated with a figure walking up a mountain toward a pair of scholars seated near a cliff over hanging over a river, 5.9'See Sold Price
SoldChinese blue-and-white porcelain bowl.Chinese blue-and-white porcelain bowl. Late 19th/Early 20th century. Painted with a figure of a man at center and several figures around body. Unmarked. 5''h x 12 3/8''dia.See Sold Price
SoldChinese Blue-and-White Porcelain BowlChinese underglaze blue decorated bowl, the exterior painted in shades of cobalt blue with a figure fishing in a moonlit landscape and inscribed with a five-character poetic couplet, the base with theSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Blue-and-White Porcelain VaseChinese underglaze blue decorated porcelain vase, with a dished rim above a cylindrical neck set to the shoulders with a pair of reserves of leafy branches, the tapering body painted with a figure fisSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Blue-and-White Porcelain Lidded Jars(lot of 3) Chinese underglazed blue porcelain covered jars: the first with scholar's items; the second with patterned roundels; the third with a figure in landscape, largest: 6"w; Provenance: Estate oSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Blue-and-White Dishes, QingThree Chinese blue-and-white dishes with landscapes, Qing dynasty, Late 18th/19th century, the first two inscribed 'wan yu' on the base, first with a copper rim band and painted with a figure boatingSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Blue-and-White Porcelain VaseChinese underglaze blue decorated porcelain sleeve vase, with a short flaring rim above the tapering body depicting a scholar greeting a figure on horseback all below a stylized pine and amid a celadoSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Blue-and-White Porcelain GuanyinChinese large underglaze blue decorated figure of Guanyin, draped in princely raiment accented with lotus and tendrils, the benevolent bodhisattva standing above a coiled dragon and holding a lotus spSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Blue-and-White Stick-Neck Vase, 19th CenturyA Chinese blue-and-white stick-neck vase. The vase features 13 figures in a landscape. The bottom has a 4-character mark. Dimensions are: 8 1/4 inches tall X 4 1/4 inches wide; 21 cm tall X 10.8 cm wiSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Blue-and-White Porcelain PlaquesSet of four Chinese underglaze blue porcelain plaques, each depicting figures standing at the bank of a river gazing at a wondrous landscape, inscribed with a seven-character colophon along with cycliSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Blue-and-White Porcelain Covered BowlChinese underglaze blue porcelain covered tureen, the exterior depicted with figures in daily activity in a mountain and water landscape, the domed lid decorated en suite, 7.5"hSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Blue-and-White Export TureenChinese export blue-and-white porcelain tureen, 19th century, of elongated octagonal form decorated with villas along the river and centered with two figures crossing an arched bridge, flanked with zoSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Blue-and-White Porcelain PlaqueChinese underglaze blue porcelain plaque, late Qing, decorated with a scene of figures in daily activity on the river bank in front of a city gate (repaired), 10.25"wSee Sold Price
A Chinese Figure Painting On Paper, Hanging Scroll, Zhang Daqian MarkAzaya Art Gallery4.4(25)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A Chinese Figure Painting On Paper, Handscroll, Li Gonglin MarkAzaya Art Gallery4.4(25)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A Chinese Figure Painting On Paper, Handscroll, Liu Songnian MarkAzaya Art Gallery4.4(25)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A Chinese Figure Painting On Paper, Handscroll, Yu Zhiding MarkAzaya Art Gallery4.4(25)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
CHINESE BLUE-AND-WHITE MOON FLASK VASE, 'XI SHANG MEI SHAO'Merces Gallery LLC4.2(13)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A Chinese figure painting, Lang Shining mark,Qing Dynasty,China,Qing Dynasty,ChinaHotspot Auctions4.2(13)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
A Chinese figure painting with calligraphy, Unknown markHotspot Auctions4.2(13)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
The Chinese figure painting, Lang Shining mark,Qing Dynasty,China,Qing Dynasty,ChinaHotspot Auctions4.2(13)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
A Chinese Figure And Puppy Painting On Paper, Farmed, Zhang Daqian MarkAlden's Auction4.5(60)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Chinese Figure Story Painting, Ink And Color On Silk, Jiao Bingzhen MarkAlden's Auction4.5(60)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Chinese Figure Painting On Paper, Mounted, AnonymousAlden's Auction4.5(60)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Chinese Figure Painting On Silk, Hanging Scroll, AnonymousAlden's Auction4.5(60)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Chinese Figure Painting On Silk, Mounted, Yu Zhiding MarkAlden's Auction4.5(60)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
TWO CHINESE FIGURES, TWO CENSERS, AND A ROOTWOOD CARVINGChiswick Auctions4.3(86)See Sold PriceJun 21, 2024