SoldBrussels Verdure Tapestry Section, 16th/17th C.Small Section of a Brussels Verdure Tapestry, 16th/17th C. (RIJO2738)(WT) Dimensions: Frame 17" x 17 1/2" Property From the Estate of Richard I Johnson (1925-2020), Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. Mr. JSee Sold Price
SoldBRUSSELS TAPESTRY 16th / 17th c. Framed tapestryBRUSSELS TAPESTRY 16th / 17th c. Framed tapestry fragment, sold at Parke-Bernet Gallery, December 1952. H: 25 1/4 x W: 21 1/2 in.See Sold Price
SoldBrussels Verdure Landscape Tapestry 17/18th C.Brussels Verdure Landscape Tapestry Panel. Late 17th, early 18th century. Colorful bird by a stream village and mountains in the distance. Floral border. (Q50E723701){WWT} Property Title: From an EasSee Sold Price
SoldBrussels Verdure Animal Tapestry Panel, 16/17th CBrussels Ver Dune Animal Tapestry Panel, 16/17th C. Features hyena, deer, birds, jackal, and large flower heads. (Q50E723700){WWT} Property Title: From an East 72nd Street, Manhattan Estate MeasuremeSee Sold Price
Verduretapestry. Brussels. Early 17th c.Arazzo verdure in stoffa raff. ''SAN GIORGIO''. Manifattura di Bruxelles. Inizi XVII secolo. Difetti e restauri. Mis. Lung. cm. 158 Alt. cm. 275 ca. Val. 1800/2500See Sold Price
SoldLarge Verdure TapestryA Large Antique Verdure Tapestry, 19th c., probably Brussels, depicting a country house in a sylvan landscape, height 82 in., width 100 inSee Sold Price
SoldCont. Baroque Chair, 17th C., Brussels VerdureContinental Baroque Arm Chair, 17th C., walnut with Brussels Verdure period tapestry back and seat (RIJO2485)(WT) Dimensions: 46" H x 25" W x 29" D Property From the Estate of Richard I Johnson (1925-See Sold Price
SoldAntique Landscape and Verdure TapestryA Large Antique Landscape and Verdure Tapestry , probably 17th c. and later, perhaps Brussels, associated antique border later fitted to main panel, depicting a palatial country house with extensive fSee Sold Price
17th c. Brussels VerdureAllegorical tapestry, size: 8'4"x 12'7" Please note that this lot has a reserve. When you leave a bid in advance of the auction, submit your maximum. LiveAuctioneers will bid on your behalf as much asSee Sold Price
17th c. Brussels Verduresize: 6'4"x4'3" Please note that this lot has a reserve. When you leave a bid in advance of the auction, submit your maximum. LiveAuctioneers will bid on your behalf as much as necessary to ensure thaSee Sold Price
17th c. Brussels Verduresize: 6'4"x3'6" Please note that this lot has a reserve. When you leave a bid in advance of the auction, submit your maximum. LiveAuctioneers will bid on your behalf as much as necessary to ensure thaSee Sold Price
17th c. Brussels Verduresize: 12'x9'4" Please note that this lot has a reserve. When you leave a bid in advance of the auction, submit your maximum. LiveAuctioneers will bid on your behalf as much as necessary to ensure thatSee Sold Price
SoldFlemish Verdure Silk and Wool Tapestry FragmentsTwo Flemish Verdure Silk and Wool Tapestry Fragments, the first, a 17th c. tapestry with a bird in an oak tree, framed height 17 1/2 in., width 26 in., the second, 18th c., Brussels, showing a path thSee Sold Price
16th c. Brussels Aubusson, Verduresize: 13' x 19' Please note that this lot has a reserve. When you leave a bid in advance of the auction, submit your maximum. LiveAuctioneers will bid on your behalf as much as necessary to ensure thaSee Sold Price
SoldBrussels Verdure TapestryBrussels Verdure Tapestry, 17th century, the lush landscape with a meandering stream in the foreground, 92" x 74".See Sold Price
SoldBrussels Verdure TapestryBrussels Verdure Tapestry, 17th century, the finely woven silk and wool tapestry with rich greens and gold, and a floral vine and bird border, 7' 8" x 9' 10".See Sold Price
SoldBrussels Verdure TapestryBrussels Verdure Tapestry, 17th century, the finely woven silk and wool tapestry with rich greens and gold, and a floral vine and bird border, 7' 8" x 9' 10".See Sold Price
Seventeenth-Century Brussels Tapestry (c. 1630)A 400 year-old, multi-figural tapestry featuring a nobleman and two women with servant dining together. The tapestry, in style and quality is consistent with those manufactured in Brussels in the seveSee Sold Price
SoldBrussels Verdure TapestryBrussels Verdure Tapestry, 17th century, the finely woven silk and wool tapestry depicting an exotic bird in a tree, set within a lush landscape, and with a palmette and volute border, 4' x 9' 2".See Sold Price
SoldBrussels Verdure TapestryBrussels Verdure Tapestry, 17th century, the finely woven silk and wool tapestry depicting an exotic bird in a tree, set within a lush landscape, and with a palmette and volute border, 4' x 9' 2".See Sold Price
SoldA BRUSSELS BAROQUE VERDURE TAPESTRY, 17TH CENTURY,A BRUSSELS BAROQUE VERDURE TAPESTRY, 17TH CENTURY, of rectangular form and depicting blossoming foliage amidst tall shade trees interspersed with various birds before a distant chateau and meanderingSee Sold Price
SoldA Continental Verdure wall tapestry section, late 17thA Continental Verdure wall tapestry section, late 17th / early 18th century, depicting birds amongst foliage, with later woven border, canvas backing and iron hanging rod, the tapestry 177cm high, 109See Sold Price
SoldA Brussels verdure fragment tapestry, late 17th/earlyA Brussels verdure fragment tapestry, late 17th/early 18th century, woven in coloured wools with the Flight into Egypt, with a landscape beyond depicting the visitation of the Magi, with a fragmentarySee Sold Price
Greek Bronze Snake Biting a Cicada Mount FragmentTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Proto-Sumerian Terracotta Tablet with Archaic TextTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Late Iron Age Celtic Enamelled Bronze Necklace SetTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Hellenistic Rhodian Lead Slingshot with ScorpionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Philippines Head Cloth and Small Tapestry Panel (Lakhan), 19th C., Early 20th C.Material Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
FRENCH WOVEN VERDURE WOODED LANDSCAPE TAPESTRYAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
French Wool Tapestry, 20th c., by Robert Four Co., after the 18th c. original, depicting a stork inCrescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
French Aubusson Style Tapestry, 20th c., the floral border surrounding figures in a garden in 18thCrescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Large 18th century "Verdure" Tapestry, Aubusson, FranceTemplum Fine Art Auctions4.3(8)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Large Needlepoint Tapestry After Verdure AubussonGreenwich Auction4.3(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024