Pair of English George III Mahogany Cutlery Boxes, c.1790Neue Auctions4.6(356)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Assorted George III and IV silver spoons, to include Hester Bateman example. (6)Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Assorted George III to Victorian silver spoons & forks in Fiddle pattern. (72)Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
SoldA mixed group of silver flatware, to includeA mixed group of silver flatware, to include tablespoons, tongs, decanter labels and others, various dates and makers, 29 ozt. of weighable silver.See Sold Price
SoldMixed Group of Sterling Silver FlatwareMixed group of Sterling silver flatware, angel food cake comb, napkin ring, and several engraved souvenir spoons. Total weighable silver- 8ozt or 254g, does not include angel food cake comb.See Sold Price
SoldMixed Group .800 German Silver FlatwareA mixed group of German .800 silver flatware, 3 or more patterns, with gilt bladed serving pieces, 40 troy ounces weighable, not counting any steel bladed pieces. (KLEA6026/Lot) {TC} Dimensions: varioSee Sold Price
SoldA mixed group of sterling silver flatware servingA mixed group of sterling silver flatware serving pieces Comprising a pair of Victorian sauce ladles with twisted stems and pierced trefoil finials, Sheffield 1879 by Jehoiada Alsop Rhodes & Barber. ASee Sold Price
SoldA mixed group of sterling silver flatware – includingA mixed group of sterling silver flatware – including a George II dessert spoon, London 1729 by William Petley Hanoverian pattern, single drop heel, engraved with a contemporaneous crest of a sSee Sold Price
SoldA mixed group of sterling silver flatwareA mixed group of sterling silver flatware Comprising a pair of George III tablespoons, London 1800 by John Blake, later decorated to be berry spoons, and a Victorian sauce ladle London 1839 by BenjamiSee Sold Price
SoldA mixed group of sterling silver flatwareA mixed group of sterling silver flatware comprising a George III sauce ladle, Old English pattern with a shell form bowl, London 1792 by George Smith and William Fearn. Together with Irish three eggSee Sold Price
SoldMixed Group of Sterling Flatware (38)Mixed group of sterling silver flatware; 11 Grande Baroque dinner knives, 12 Trousseau dinner knives, 6 MOP dinner knives, 6 MOP butter knives, 2 MOP dinner knives, candle snuffer.See Sold Price
Sold(17) STERLING SILVER COLLECTORS GROUP & FLATWARE(lot of 17) Sterling silver flatware group, mixed: (6) sterling J. M. van Kempen & Zonen, Netherlands teaspoons, monogrammed, 5"l; (1 ) Edinburg, Scotland spoon, c. 1809, 5.25"l; collectors spoons, vaSee Sold Price
SoldMixed Sterling Silver Flatware Group52 pieces including Gorham, International, Royal Danish, Spoons, forks, serving pieces and more. Total weighable silver 37.5 OZT.See Sold Price
SoldGroup Lot of Mixed Sterling SilverGroup of mixed sterling silver flatware 42 pieces: Gorham, Joseph Seymour, Alvin, 23 napkin rings, total 34 ozt.See Sold Price
SoldSterling Silver FlatwareNice group of mixed sterling silver flatware, set of six A. Wallenhorst chased teaspoons, six Gorham teaspoons, four Fiddle pattern teaspoons, Wallace ladle, also a 7" fork and a soup spoon 14.9 ozt.See Sold Price
SoldMixed Sterling Silver FlatwareMixed sterling silver flatware group 24 pieces total. 15 Gorham English Gadroon, 2 pieces Gorham Buttercup, 2 pieces Gorham King Edward, 3 pieces Reed and Barton Francis I, Kirk & Son berry spoon, GorSee Sold Price
SoldTHIRTY-ONE PIECES OF STERLING SILVER 6.8 oz twt., 31THIRTY-ONE PIECES OF STERLING SILVER A mixed group of antique and vintage sterling silver flatware and hollowware including 11 hollow handle fruit knives marked ""sterling"" on ferrules, a monogrammedSee Sold Price
SoldAssorted Sterling Silver Flatware in CaseLarge group of mixed sterling silver flatware. Together with (12) sterling handled dinner knives in a fitted oak case. 58.3 troy ounces weighable silver.See Sold Price
SoldA mixed group of American sterling silver Lily patternA mixed group of American sterling silver Lily pattern flatware by Frank M. Whiting Co Comprising, six table forks, six ice cream spoons, four butter knives (16) Weight – 674 grams / 21.67 ozt NotesSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Ornate Sterling FlatwareGroup of mixed ornate sterling silver flatware: 2 Whiting "Lily" 7" spoons, 7 Gorham "Buttercup" teaspoons, 6 Gorham "Mythologique" teaspoons, 11 Unger Brothers Narcissus teaspoons, 12 Unger BrothersSee Sold Price
SoldSterling silver flatware, 53 t. ozSterling silver flatware, 53 t. oz.Mixed group lot, items with just silver handles, and no silver tops, counted as 1/2 ounce.See Sold Price
SoldA mixed group of small silver items to include dishes,A mixed group of small silver items to include dishes, flatware, a photograph frame and other items, together with a large silver plated tray, other items of silver plate and four-piece Picquot Ware tSee Sold Price
SoldA mixed group of George III sterling silver OnslowA mixed group of George III sterling silver Onslow pattern flatware, converted, comprising: two table spoons London 1775 by George Smith, the other unclear and seven dessert spoons, various dates andSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Mixed Sterling and Coin Silver Flatware aGroup of Mixed Sterling and Coin Silver Flatware and Table Items, a Empire weighted silver trumpet vase, four silver casters, assorted sterling and coin silver flatware, various makers, approx. 24 troSee Sold Price
Sold20 PCS QUEEN'S PATTERN SILVER FLATWARE, 808gA mixed group of sterling silver, including: six Birks dinner forks and a serving fork, six Ryrie teaspoons, six single struck Scottish dessert spoons (hallmarked for Glasgow 1850), and an English dinSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Mixed Silver and Silver Plated Flatware, iGroup of Mixed Silver and Silver Plated Flatware, including a pair of ivory/ivorine handled two-piece carving set, a three-piece sterling handled carving set, a large group of mixed mostly sterling flSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Sterling Silver FlatwareGroup of mixed patterns of sterling silver flatware, primarily spoons and knives. 52 pieces. Approx. 52 ozt.See Sold Price
Sixteen Pieces of Illinois Central Railroad Silver Flatware - Dartmouth and Pompein PatternsRail & Road Auctions4.6(165)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Eleven Pieces of North Eastern Railroad Flatware - Chesapeake & Ohio, Baltimore & Ohio, TheRail & Road Auctions4.6(165)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Eleven Pieces of Midwest Railroad Flatware - Louisville & Nashville, Lake Shore & Michigan Southern,Rail & Road Auctions4.6(165)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Twelve Pieces of Central and Western Railroad Flatware - Pullman, Burlington Route, Grand Pacific,Rail & Road Auctions4.6(165)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
GROUP OF ENGLISH SILVER FLATWARE, 693gA.H. Wilkens Auctions & Appraisals4.7(392)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024