SoldCarette Nachbau, Renault CabrioletCarette Reproduction, Renault Convertible, tin, box C 2, C 2+See Sold Price
SoldFrench Jep Renault Cabriolet Town Car Limousine.Circa 1930's. Clockwork. Opening left door and open front chauffeur compartment. Trunk, headlamps, windshield, and turning front wheels. Has composition driver. Some paint touch-up around red stripingSee Sold Price
SoldCarette, CabrioletCarette, Convertible, Germany pw, tin, cw ok, driver replaced, paint part. refinishedSee Sold Price
SoldCarette, CabrioletCarette, Convertible, Germany pw, tin, cw ok, paint d., rust d., C 3See Sold Price
SoldGEGE RENAULT CABRIOLETFrench, celluloid, pale green w/wood wheels, clockwork working, 9 3/4 in long, C8.See Sold Price
SoldCarette Nachbau, LimousineCarette Reproduction, Sedan Car, tin, dusty, otherwise very good conditionSee Sold Price
SoldCARETTE Renault, c. 1906, lenght 30 cm, lithographedCARETTE Renault, c. 1906, lenght 30 cm, lithographed sheet metal, 4 handpainted driver figures, original rubber tyres, with spare tires, original condition, the most searched car by Carette German DesSee Sold Price
Carette, Renault Limousine mit FigurenCarette, Renault Sedan Car with Figures, Germany pw, tin, cw ok, paint d. due to age, very decorativeSee Sold Price
Carette, Cabriolet Viersitzer uraltCarette, Four Seats Convertible, ancient, Germany pw, tin, cw ok, min. paint d.See Sold Price
Carette, CabrioletCarette, Cabriolet, Germany VK, 21 cm, Blech, UW defekt, starke LM, bitte besichtigenSee Sold Price
Carette, CabrioletCarette, Convertible, Germany pw, tin, cw defective, severe paint d., please inspectSee Sold Price
SoldCarette, CabrioletCarette, Convertible, Germany pw, tin, cw ok, paint d. due to age, good original conditionSee Sold Price
SoldCarette, CabrioletCarette, Convertible, Germany pw, tin, drive ok, min. paint d., otherwise good conditionSee Sold Price
Carette Nachbau, Ipswich LimousineCarette Reproduction, Ipswich Sedan Car, England, tin, box C 2-, min. dusty, C 1-2See Sold Price
SoldCarette Nachbau, Werbe LKWCarette Nachbau, Werbe LKW, 26 cm, Blech, Schiebemodell, Z 1See Sold Price
SoldJBN, Carette Nachbau LKWJBN, Carette Reproduction, tin, no drive, slightly dusty, otherwise good conditionSee Sold Price
CaretteCarette, Renault Convertible, Germany prewar, 1910, tin, windup ok, steering wheel missing Deutsche Beschreibung: 1 Carette, Renault Cabrio, Germany VK, 1910, 26cm, Blech, Uhrwerk ok, Lenkrad fehlt (See Sold Price
CaretteCarette, Renault, Germany prewar, tin, windup ok, paint damage due to age, everything original Beschreibung: Carette, Renault, Germany VK, 27cm, Blech, Uhrwerk ok, altersbedingte Lackmängel, alles orSee Sold Price
CaretteCarette, Renault from 1905, Germany prewar, tin, windup not checked, age-related paint damage Beschreibung:Carette, Renault von 1905, 26 cm, Germany VK, Blech, Uhrwerk nicht geprüft, altersbedingte LSee Sold Price
SoldCaretteCarette. Renault Repro. W.-Germany. without drive. with accessories and figures. original box. condition 1 Deutsche Beschreibung: Carette. Renault. Replikat. 29cm. W.-Germany. kein Antrieb. mit ZubehSee Sold Price
Maxi ToysEnglish: Maxi Toys, Sedan Car, Carette Reproduction, tin, original box condition 1-, condition 1 Deutsch: Maxi Toys, Limousine, Carette Nachbau, Box: 30x51 cm, Blech, Okt Z 1-, Z 1, (951)See Sold Price
SoldSOLIDO RENAULT FLORIDE CABRIOLETmade in Spain, no driver version, orig box minor wear, C8-9.See Sold Price
LUIGI P. RENAULT (Italy, 1845-c.1910), "Schooner 'Guiding Light' of London, Captn. J.H. Wetherall,Eldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Pair of Small Louis XV Painted and Parcel-Gilt Fauteuils en CabrioletSTAIR4.6(288)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024