Map, Jaillot, Le Cours Du Danube... 1693
LARGE LATE 17TH C. DUTCH CHART OF CANADA, GREAT LAKES, NEW FRANCE, LABRADOR, HUDSON BAY, BY PIERREFeb 24, 2024LATE 17TH C. FRENCH MAP OF THE NEW WORLD BY ALEXIS-HUBERT JAILLOT (1632-1712)Feb 24, 2024VENET / DEBUCOURT (1755-1832) Set 3 x Aquatint Engraved Hunting Scenes 23" x 16"Mar 02, 2024Numismatic Books - Lelewel - Numismatique du Moyen-AgeMar 09, 2024Map of St. Kitts and Nevis Depot de la Marine, Paris, 1758Mar 03, 2024Jules Verne, Le Pilote du Danube, Aux Feuilles d'AcantheMar 03, 2024World map with Cook's routes 1786Mar 07, 2024Carte de la Guinée, contenant…'. Guinea & Cape Verde islands. BONNE 1771 mapFeb 28, 2024Côte occidentale de l'Afrique. W Africa.Senegal Gambia rivers.D’ANVILLE 1751 mapFeb 28, 2024Le Canal de Mosambique, l'Isle de Madagascar… Mozambique. Africa. BONNE 1788 mapFeb 28, 2024Le Canal de Mosambique, l'Isle de Madagascar… Mozambique. Africa. BONNE 1790 mapFeb 28, 2024West African fish. Torpedo or electric rays after Kempfer. SCHLEY 1747 printFeb 28, 2024West African fish. Torpedo or electric rays after Kempfer 1747 old printFeb 28, 2024Salvador Dali - La Cour du LionMar 28, 2024Henri Plon - Set of 10 Prints - Ethnography - Pekin - Japan - Anthropologic LithographyFeb 28, 2024Henri Plon - Set of 4 topographical prints depicting Asia and JapanFeb 28, 2024Henri Plon - Set of 20 topographical prints depicting Asia - Japan - China - Religious building -Feb 28, 2024MAP, Barbados, BellinMar 12, 2024MAP, England, BlaeuMar 12, 2024MAP, England, JaillotMar 12, 2024MAP, Rhine River, DelisleMar 12, 2024MAP, Austria, VisscherMar 12, 2024MAP, East Indies, Le RougeMar 12, 2024MAP, Southern Asia, PeetersMar 12, 2024