SoldVery rare cork wing duck, James Holly, Havre de Grace,Very rare cork wing duck, James Holly, Havre de Grace, Maryland, last quarter 19th century. Branded "GCC" for Gunston Cove Club. An early Potomac River club for the Washington elite. The club affordedSee Sold Price
SoldBlack duck, James Holly, Havre de Grace, Maryland.Black duck, James Holly, Havre de Grace, Maryland. Black duck, James Holly, Havre de Grace, Maryland. Measures 15 1/2" long.See Sold Price
SoldBlack duck, James T. Holly, Havre de Grace, Maryland,Black duck, James T. Holly, Havre de Grace, Maryland, last quarter 19th century. Black duck, James T. Holly, Havre de Grace, Maryland, last quarter 19th century. 18.5" long. Literature:“WaterfowlingSee Sold Price
SoldRare Canada goose, James Holly, Havre de Grace,Rare Canada goose, James Holly, Havre de Grace, Maryland, last quarter 19th century. Rare Canada goose, James Holly, Havre de Grace, Maryland, last quarter 19th century. 21.5" long.See Sold Price
SoldVery rare pintail hen, James Holly, Havre de Grace,Very rare pintail hen, James Holly, Havre de Grace, Maryland, circa 1900. Long body with tack eyes and excellent paint detail. ‘WHP Jr’ branded in the underside. Measures 16 1/2” long.See Sold Price
SoldRare wooden wing duck, Madison Mitchell, Havre deRare wooden wing duck, Madison Mitchell, Havre de Grace, Maryland, circa 1930s. Rare wooden wing duck, Madison Mitchell, Havre de Grace, Maryland, circa 1930s. Signed. 13.5" long. Provenance:Dr. LloydSee Sold Price
SoldBlack Duck Decoy Circa 1900 By James HollyBlack duck decoy, circa 1900, by James Holly, Havre de Grace, Maryland, 7"h x 14"lSee Sold Price
SoldThree Duck DecoysThree Antique Duck Decoys , canvasback duck, c. 1910, by James Holly (1855-1935), Havre de Grace, Maryland; a redhead drake, 1972, signed by Madison Mitchell, Havre de Grace, Maryland; and another, loSee Sold Price
SoldVery rare blue wing teal hen, John ‘Daddy’Very rare blue wing teal hen, John ‘Daddy’ Holly, Havre de Grace, Maryland, last quarter 19th century. Slightly swimming pose with scratch feather paint detail and original rigging. MeasuresSee Sold Price
SoldRARE HIGH-HEAD CANVASBACK DRAKE by James Holly, HavreRARE HIGH-HEAD CANVASBACK DRAKE by James Holly, Havre de Grace, MD. Very old working paint and very good structural condition. Classic Chesapeake Bay carving. Branded twice with SB and RCH. Very rareSee Sold Price
SoldRedhead Drake DecoyJohn "Daddy" Holly (1818-1892) and James T. Holly (1855-1935) Havre de Grace, MD, c. 1880 13 in. long A rare redhead carving exhibiting "T. DOWS" and "D.G. ELLIOT" brands on the bottom. Daniel GiraudSee Sold Price
Antique Mallard Duck Decoy Cast Iron PaperweightAntique Mallard Duck Decoy Cast Iron Paperweight Cast iron full-figure, solid casting Mallard Duck Decoy by James T. Holly (1855-1935). Holly was a decoy carver from Havre de Grace, Maryland. Circa 19See Sold Price
SoldJAMES HOLLY (HAVRE DE GRACE, MARYLAND, 1855 - 1935),JAMES HOLLY (HAVRE DE GRACE, MARYLAND, 1855 - 1935), ATTRIBUTED, CANVASBACK DECOY, hen example, solid-body form, lead weights to underside. Old repainted working surface. Together with a canvasback drSee Sold Price
SoldJAMES HOLLY (HAVRE DE GRACE, MARYLAND, 1855 - 1935),JAMES HOLLY (HAVRE DE GRACE, MARYLAND, 1855 - 1935), ATTRIBUTED, CARVED AND PAINTED REDHEAD DRAKE DECOY, solid-body form with probably original weight having a square icepick mark to center. Old WillSee Sold Price
SoldJames Holly, Havre de Grace, Maryland, decoyJames Holly, Havre de Grace, Maryland, 1st quarter 20th century, Canvasback, repaired neck, 14 3/4" long. Collection of Richard Matlat, the carver attributions are based on notes attached to the decoySee Sold Price
SoldPintail drake, James Holly, Havre de Grace, Maryland,Pintail drake, James Holly, Havre de Grace, Maryland, last quarter 19th century.See Sold Price
SoldCanvasback drakeWonderful old Canvasback drake attributed to James Holly, Havre de Grace, MD. Ca. 1940's. This wonderful bid shows old in-use repair by James Holly, solid body, original weight and tie eye intact. TheSee Sold Price
SoldEARLY RED HEAD DRAKEEARLY RED HEAD DRAKE attributed to James Holly, Havre de Grace, MD. Old working paint and good structural condition. Od repair to neck base. Shot scarring to right side.See Sold Price
SoldBLUEBILL DRAKE attributed to James Holly, Havre deBLUEBILL DRAKE attributed to James Holly, Havre de Grace, MD, circa 1900. Very old working paint showing flaking and some paint loss. Structurally fair. Retains bottom strip weight, ring and stapleSee Sold Price
SoldJAMES T. HOLLY (HAVRE DE GRACE, MARYLAND, 1849-1935),JAMES T. HOLLY (HAVRE DE GRACE, MARYLAND, 1849-1935), ATTRIBUTED, CARVED AND PAINTED BLUEBILL DECOY, branded to the underside "H.P.S.", possibly for Harry P. Strasbaugh (Maryland, 1868-1930). Old repaSee Sold Price
SoldBluebill drake, James T. Holly, Havre de Grace,Bluebill drake, James T. Holly, Havre de Grace, Maryland. 14" long. Notes: DecoySee Sold Price
SoldJames Holly, BluebillJames Holly, BluebillJames Holly (1855-1935), Havre de Grace, Maryland. This wonderful carving was in the collection of Roy Willis of Stacy, NC. Many Holly birds were used at Core Sound, NC gunning clSee Sold Price
SoldCanvasback Decoy, James T. Holly (1855-1935)Canvasback James T. Holly (1855-1935) Havre de Grace, MD, c. 1890 16 in. long Original paint with even gunning wear and some dark drips on right side. Provenance: Michael Boxer CollectionSee Sold Price
Rare Canada Goose Decoy by James A. "Jim" Currier (1886-1969)Copley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Charlie Joiner (American, 1921-2015), Chestertown MD Mallard Duck Decoys, Drake and HenHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
CANADA GOOSE, UPPER BAY, MDFrank and Frank Sporting Collectibles LLC4.7(166)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
PINTAIL PAIR, R.M. MITCHELLFrank and Frank Sporting Collectibles LLC4.7(166)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
CANVASBACK PAIR, R.M. MITCHELLFrank and Frank Sporting Collectibles LLC4.7(166)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
MALLARD PAIR, R.M. MITCHELLFrank and Frank Sporting Collectibles LLC4.7(166)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
MALLARD PAIR, R.M. MITCHELLFrank and Frank Sporting Collectibles LLC4.7(166)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
AMERICAN MERGANSER PAIR, J. PIERCEFrank and Frank Sporting Collectibles LLC4.7(166)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
ONE-HALF SIZE SWAN, B. SEABROOKFrank and Frank Sporting Collectibles LLC4.7(166)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
A Chinese 'landscape' scroll painting, attributed to Wen Zhengming (Chinese, 1470-1559)Oakridge Auction Gallery4.5(192)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024