Sold2 FIGURAL BRONZE INKWELLS FRENCH TASTEA lot of two figural bronze inkwells in the French taste, one having gimbaled arms, each housing a light receptacle. Ht: 11" Width: 14" Depth: 9" (largest)See Sold Price
SoldTWO MINIATURE STAFFORDSHIRE PORCELAIN INKWELLSLot of two 19th century Staffordshire porcelain figural inkwells. Include depicting two poodles, and the other a poodle with a Cheetah or leopard on a table. Condition: good, no losses or repairs, seeSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH BRONZE FIGURAL INKSTAND / INKWELLS, LOT OF TWOFRENCH BRONZE FIGURAL INKSTAND / INKWELLS, LOT OF TWO, comprising a Renault tank, and Marshal Ferdinand Foch, marked "Carlier" and stamped "504" on the underside. First quarter 20th century. 3 1/2" anSee Sold Price
SoldLot Of 2: Cast Iron Inkwell And Hanger.This lot of two is comprised of: 1- Decorative rack with central image of a child's face adorned on either side by leaves. The lower portion of the rack has four hooks. 1- Figural inkwell in the shapeSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED DESK ARTICLES, LOT OF SIXASSORTED DESK ARTICLES, LOT OF SIX, various colors, comprising four cube paperweights with two being glass and two being stone, and two ceramic figural "CARTER'S INX" inkwells. Various makers. 19th anSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED SEWING / WRITING ARTICLES, LOT OF 21ASSORTED SEWING / WRITING ARTICLES, LOT OF 21, including a Pepsi Cola fountain pen, Oriental inkwell, and two figural bird scissors. Together with a Mickey Mouse and Panama-Pacific Exposition souvenirSee Sold Price
Sold3 PC GRAND TOUR BRONZES LION INKWELL 1870A three piece "Grand Tour" lot of bronzes to include a lion form inkwell and two figural bronzes circa 1870. Provenance: From the original collection of the Maybrook mansion in Wynnewood, PennsylvaniaSee Sold Price
Sold(lot of 13) Native American group, including (8) beaded(lot of 13) Native American group, including (8) beaded necklaces, one box of large teeth, two painted gourds; polychromed and patinated metal figural inkwell; and a French patinated metal figural incSee Sold Price
SoldESTATE LOT of 7 Antique Porcelain Figural InkwellEstate lot of seven porcelain inkwells. Features five lined inkwells and two cork stopper inkwells. Six of the seven inkwells are figural with the last one in the form of a bag and basket. Good to faiSee Sold Price
SoldTray lot to include Schutz Makers bronze dish, artTray lot to include Schutz Makers bronze dish, art nouveau inkwell, two picture frames, paperweight and paper clip, Benedict Adam bronze trinket box, two figural napkin rings, and a pair of small bustSee Sold Price
SoldWhale, baleen and antler Inuit/Eskimo carved scrimshaw(lot of 5) Whale, baleen and antler Inuit/Eskimo carved scrimshaw decorative articles consisting of a figural inkwell of polar bear pulling a sled; together with two large figural examples, and a tradSee Sold Price
SoldCONTINENTAL PORCELAIN LOT OF TWO INKWELLS, ONE FORMED ACONTINENTAL PORCELAIN LOT OF TWO INKWELLS, ONE FORMED AS AN OVULAR BOAT, carrying a figural representation of Liberte, formed as a standing woman at the bow, with a dandy steering in the back, two covSee Sold Price
SoldTwo box lots to include Dansk silver bear, two smallTwo box lots to include Dansk silver bear, two small iron figures, bronze horse head paper clip, two Japanese vases, inkwell, brass duck head, and silverplated figural pitcher. Provenance: Estate of ASee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED EASTER FIGURAL GLASS CANDY CONTAINERS, LOT OFASSORTED EASTER FIGURAL GLASS CANDY CONTAINERS, LOT OF THREE, colorless, two with good original paint, comprising a Chick in Shell Auto, Rabbit Pushing Chick in Shell Cart, and Rabbit Running on a LogSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED GLASS FIGURAL SHOES / BOOT BOTTLES, LOT OASSORTED GLASS FIGURAL SHOES / BOOT BOTTLES, LOT OF 19, colorless, comprising two inkwells, the remainder probably for perfume. Late 19th/early 20th century. 1" to 4 1/4" H. Provenance: From a MichigaSee Sold Price
Sold(lot of 3) English Staffordshire figural groups,(lot of 3) English Staffordshire figural groups, consisting of two cats, one depicting seated on a blue cushion, the other playing a cello; together with a swan form inkwell, retaining Wynn A. SaymanSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED FIGURAL CAT ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVEASSORTED FIGURAL CAT ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, comprising a Black Forest-style wooden cat in boot inkwell, a metal napkin ring, and two bisque and one metal toothpick/match holders. 20th century. 2" to 3See Sold Price
Sold(lot of 7) English Staffordshire figural groups(lot of 7) English Staffordshire figural groups, late 19th century, depicting spaniels, four in rosset red, together with two examples in white, and a bird on a nest inkwell, largest: 10"hSee Sold Price
SoldSix piece Tiffany & Co. silver lot, two inkwells, twoSix piece Tiffany & Co. silver lot, two inkwells, two mugs ht. 3 3/4", two repousse pepper shakers, 17.3 t.oz. weighable plus inkwells.See Sold Price
SoldLot: Two Figural Cast Iron Still BanksOfficer. Hubley. Circa 1906. Made of Cast Iron. Good to Fine Condition.See Sold Price
SoldLot: Two Figural BanksIncluded: Baseball Player made by A. C. Williams circa 1920's and Mulligan made by A. C. Williams circa 1910's. 5 3/4" H. Good Condition.See Sold Price
SoldLot: Two Figural Cast Iron Still BanksBuster Brown. A. C. Williams. Circa 1920. Made of Cast Iron. Fair Condition.See Sold Price
SoldLot: Two Figural BanksSecond casting circa 1980's. Cast Iron. 5 1/2" H. Very Fine Condition.See Sold Price
A lot of two vintage bronze figural sculptures and a hypodroom Ostend Horse racerOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A lot of two vintage figural brass and copper lampsOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A lot of two Italian Capo di Monte unglazed porcelain figural groupsOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A lot of two large art nouveau Bohemian Royal Duc figural porcelain vasesOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A lot of two Bohemian Royal Dux figural porcelain figural vide-pochesOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A Royal Dux Art Deco figural group of two dancers, possibly modelled as Rudolph Valentio and VilmaClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A Victorian oak standish with two coloured glass inkwells and two pen wells. Together with an onyxClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
19th Cent. French Hercules Bronze and Rouge Marble InkwellAkiba Galleries4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Two Small Carved Ivory Figurines (See Buying Restriction)Apple Tree Auction Center4.6(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Assortment of Fashion and Costume Necklaces & BraceletsApple Tree Auction Center4.6(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Group of 2 Figural Status, Republican PeriodStunning Arts Auction & Appraisal 4.6(75)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024