10 Arrowheads On Display Board Native American ArtifactCircle M Auctions4.6(116)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Group of Very Nice Fine Arrow Points Indian Artifact ArrowheadMike Nichols Auctions4.5(470)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Mask Collection from All Over the World - 31 in TotalKing's Auctions Inc4.2(121)See Sold PriceDec 29, 2024
Native American Archaic / Woodland Projectile PointsArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A Fine Old Kwere Medicine Gourd Ex Karl Zabel CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(296)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Carved & Decorated Animal Horn Ex Endicott CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(296)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
SoldMid-20th C. Papua New Guinea Abelam Wood Male Figure**Originally Listed At $200** Oceania, Papua New Guinea, Middle Sepik River region, Abelam peoples, ca. mid-20th century CE. A hand-carved wooden male figure standing with wide-spread legs and delineaSee Sold Price
Early 20th C. Papua New Guinea Abelam Wood Male FigureOceania, Papua New Guinea, Abelam, ca. early to mid 20th century. A wonderful hand-carved wood anthropomorphic figure depicted squatting with hands on hips. Presenting a flat form and embellished withSee Sold Price
20th C. Papua New Guinea Abelam Wood Ancestor FigureOceania, Papua New Guinea, North Maprik District, Abelam people, ca. early to mid 20th century CE. A large and intriguing carved wooden statue depicting a male ancestor. The bulbous body is flanked wiSee Sold Price
20th C. Papua New Guinea Abelam Wood Ancestor Figure**Originally Listed At $350** Oceania, Papua New Guinea, North Maprik District, Abelam people, ca. early to mid 20th century CE. A large and intriguing carved wooden statue depicting a male ancestor.See Sold Price
Sold20th C. Papua New Guinea Abelam Wood Ancestor Figure**Originally Listed At $350** Oceania, Papua New Guinea, North Maprik District, Abelam people, ca. early to mid 20th century CE. A large and intriguing carved wooden statue depicting a male ancestor.See Sold Price
SoldMassive 20th C. Papua New Guinea Abelam Wood Male TotemOceania, Papua New Guinea, Maprik region, Abelam peoples, ca. early to mid 20th century CE. A hand-carved wooden ancestral statue of an enormous size standing upon bent, delineated legs with male geniSee Sold Price
SoldMid-20th C. Papua New Guinea Wood Initiation FigureOceania, Papua New Guinea, Middle Ramu and Upper Keram Rivers Basin, near Guam River entry, Misingi Village, Romkun culture, ca. mid-20th century CE. A male initiation figure with opposed hooks framinSee Sold Price
IATMUL ANCESTOR FIGURE, PAPUA NEW GUINEAIATMUL ANCESTOR FIGURE, PAPUA NEW GUINEA Carved wood male idol with various bead and shell adornments, attached human hair and cowrie shell eyes painted with earthen pigment, early to mid-20th c. (PubSee Sold Price
SoldMid-20th C. Papua New Guinea Wooden Initiation FigureOceania, Papua New Guinea, Middle Ramu and Upper Keram River Basin, near Guam River entry, Misingi Village, Romkun culture, ca. mid-20th century CE. A male initiation figure with opposed hooks framingSee Sold Price
SoldMid-20th C. Papua New Guinea Wooden Initiation FigureOceania, Papua New Guinea, Middle Ramu and Upper Keram Rivers Basin, near Guam River entry, Misingi Village, Romkun culture, ca. mid-20th century CE. A male initiation figure with opposed hooks framinSee Sold Price
Sold20th C. Papua New Guinea Wood Initiation Figure HeadPapua New Guinea, Middle Ramu and Upper Keram Rivers Basin, near Guam River entry, Misingi Village, Romkun culture, ca. mid-20th century. A hand-carved wooden male initiation figure with opposed hooksSee Sold Price
Soldearly- mid 20th c Papua/ New Guinea male hut figurecarved wood, shell eyes, old repairs, ht 19", width 36"See Sold Price
Sold20th C. Papua New Guinea Wood Ancestor Figure- Sea BirdPapua New Guinea, Middle Sepik River, ca. early to mid 20th century CE. A stunning carved wooden ancestor figure with both male and female attributes, striking facial paint (meant to indicate tattoos)See Sold Price
SoldPAPUA NEW GUINEA ART SEPIK ABELAM FIGURE W BIRDABELAM MALE FIGURE. Papua New Guinea, Middle Sepik river region. Mid-20th century. Carved wood with orange, white, yellow, and black natural pigments. the well-endowed male with muscular limbs accenteSee Sold Price
Large Early 20th C. Papua New Guinea Maprik Wood FigureOceania, Papua New Guinea, Maprik region, Abelam peoples, ca. early 20th century CE. An enormous hand-carved wooden ancestral figure standing upon a pair of lengthy legs with delineated male genitaliaSee Sold Price
SoldHuge / Early 20th C. PNG Maprik Wood Ancestral FigureOceania, Papua New Guinea, Maprik region, Abelam peoples, ca. early 20th century CE. An enormous hand-carved wooden ancestral figure standing upon a pair of lengthy legs with delineated male genitaliaSee Sold Price
Sold20th C. PNG Sepik River Wood Ancestor Figure- Sea BirdPapua New Guinea, Middle Sepik River, ca. early to mid 20th century CE. A stunning carved wooden ancestor figure with both male and female attributes, striking facial paint (meant to indicate tattoos)See Sold Price
SoldMid 20th C. Papua New Guinea Wood Figure**Originally Listed At $200** Oceania, Papua New Guinea, ca. mid 20th century CE. A fascinating hand-carved wooden figure depicting a bearded ancestral human wearing a large bird-headed headdress. TheSee Sold Price
Mid 20th C. Papua New Guinea Wood FigureOceania, Papua New Guinea, ca. mid 20th century CE. A fascinating hand-carved wooden figure depicting a bearded ancestral human wearing a large bird-headed headdress. The item is decorative and probabSee Sold Price
SoldMid-20th C. Papua New Guinea Wood Ancestral Bird FigureOceania, Papua New Guinea, Lower Ramu River region, ca. mid 20th century CE. A tall standing zoomorphic figure, hand-carved from hardwood, with a characteristically abstract presentation. This anthropSee Sold Price
SoldMid-20th C. Papua New Guinea Wood Gope Board w/ FigureOceania, Papua New Guinea, Papuan Gulf, ca. mid-20th century CE. A wooden gope board, painted in orange, brown, and white pigment, finely-carved in low relief with a central figure surrounded by circuSee Sold Price
Sold20th C. Papua New Guinea Wood & Shell Food HookOceania, Papua New Guinea, Middle Sepik River region, ca. first half of the 20th century CE. A hand-carved wooden food hook depicting a standing male figure holding a large fish by the tail. The man sSee Sold Price
20th C. Papua New Guinea Abelam Wood Canoe PaddleOceania, Papua New Guinea, East Sepik River, Abelam, ca. mid 20th century CE. A gorgeous hand-carved wooden canoe paddle displaying a rectangular blade, a tubular shaft, and a grip in the form of an aSee Sold Price
Mid-20th C. Papua New Guinea Wood Betel Nut MortarOceania, Papua New Guinea, Ramu River region, ca. mid-20th century CE. A hand-carved wooden mortar for grinding betel nuts. The bowl of the mortar is supported by two abstract reptilian figures as welSee Sold Price
Food Spatula, Geelvink Bay, Northwest Coast Papua New Guinea, Early 20th C. or OlderMaterial Culture4.6(778)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Kamanggabi Hook Figure, Upper Korewori River, PNG, Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(778)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
African Guro Standing Female Figure, Ivory Coast, Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(778)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
South African Tsonga Female Figure, Early-Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(778)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
East African Milk Storage Jar + PNG Abelam Yam CrestArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Early Papua New Guinea Wood Finial (Abstract Face)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Early 20th C. Papua New Guinea Boiken Wood Food BowlArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
19th C. Papua New Guinea Stone Adze Blade, ex-Sotheby'sArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
An Iatmul War Trumpet, Sepik River, Papua New Guinea - A war trumpet (?Kul?) carved in wood, IatmulHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(396)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
20th C. PNG Sepik River Woven Dance Costume - 5 ft!Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Tall 20th C. Hawaiian Carved Wood Tiki Totem PoleArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024