American National Lincoln tandem pedal carChupp Auctions & Real Estate, LLC4.6(244)See Sold PriceMar 23, 2024
American Portrait of a Girl with ToySchmidt's Antiques Inc. Since 19114.8(431)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Arcade Cast Iron Black Blue '28 Buick Station Wagon Car w Driver VehicleSJ AuctioneersSee Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
1930's Marx Amos 'N Andy Tin Litho Toy Car & PhotoPalmer's Auction Co4.5(50)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
(3) ARTISAN CRAFTED LEADED GLASS KALEIDOSCOPESJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
SoldRare & Desirable Barouche Carriage Iron ToyMade by Pratt & Letchworth Company Buffalo, NY - Early 1890's - 17 1/2" Long Excellent Plus Original Condition This barouche represents one of the scarcest and most beautiful fancy carriage toys produSee Sold Price
SoldPRATT & LETCHWORTH BAROUCHE374. PRATT & LETCHWORTH BAROUCHE | c. 1890's, very early and rare example, fancy open carriage is pulled by two stellar white horses, coachman at the reigns, a very elegant cast iron toy. Provenance:See Sold Price
SoldPRATT & LETCHWORTH BAROUCHE138. PRATT & LETCHWORTH BAROUCHE | c. 1890's, very early and rare example, fancy open carriage is pulled by two stellar white horses, coachman at the reigns, a very elegant cast iron toy. Provenance:See Sold Price
SoldElegant Barouche Carriage - Cast Iron ToyMade by Pratt & Letchworth Company. Buffalo, NY - Circa 1890 - 17 1/2" Long. Originally from the Lloyd Ralston Collection. The Haradin Family Collection. As in the previous lot, we can see how the hisSee Sold Price
SoldVINDEX JOHN DEERE HAYLOADERVINDEX JOHN DEERE HAYLOADER circa 1932 - 9" long X 6 ½" wide X 7 ¾" high. EXTREMELY RARE & DESIRABLE cast iron farm toy done in red with green gears and yellow spoke wheels. Embossed on sides and hiSee Sold Price
SoldKENTON BUCKEYE DITCHERKENTON BUCKEYE DITCHER circa 1931 - 9" long. Extraordinarily rare and desirable cast iron toy. Complete with nickeled drive unit, chains, buckets and wheels—orange finish on bottom. (Exc cond) $600See Sold Price
SoldKyser and Rex Circus Cage Wagon - Cast IronPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania – Circa 1890 An extremely rare and very desirable cast iron toy. Kyser & Rex made only 3 horse drawn toys. There are probably less than 10 known examples of this toy. TheSee Sold Price
SoldA SCARCE PRATT LETCHWORTH BAROUCHE IRON TOY CARRIAGEA high quality cast iron horse drawn toy circa 1890, unsigned, all original paint etc, measures 6.5 x 17 x 5.25 inches. We ship in-house for all items with the exception of very large and or very fragSee Sold Price
Sold1935 FORD COUPEA.C. Williams, rare and desirable cast iron take-apart toy auto, painted in orange body, black frame, nickel grille and rubber tires, only the coupe and sedan were produced in this series. 6 1/2" l. (See Sold Price
SoldA.C. WILLIAMS SEDANRare and desirable cast iron take apart toy auto, painted in red body, green frame, nickel grille and rubber tires, only the coupe and sedan were produced in this series. 6 1/2" l.See Sold Price
SoldA.C. WILLIAMS COUPERare and desirable cast iron take apart toy auto, painted in red body, blue frame, nickel grille and rubber tires, only the coupe and sedan were produced in this series. 6 1/2" l.See Sold Price
Sold"Hygeia" Ice WagonMade by Ives, Blakeslee Company circa 1895. A very rare and desirable toy. Cast Iron. 16 1/2" L. Fine Condition (Rear figure is replaced)>See Sold Price
SoldHUBLEY TRANSITIONAL FIRE PATROL CAST IRON TOYHubley Transitional Fire Patrol - A very rare and desirable toy made by Hubley Toy Co. circa 1915. Transitioning from Horse Drawn to Automotive Vehicle. Very Fine Condition, one rear figure missing. ASee Sold Price
SoldHUBLEY SAY IT WITH FLOWERS MOTORCYCLEA nice example of an advanced collectors cast iron toy, painted in light blue and black, floral decals and embossed stenciling at sides of delivery cart, such a rare and desirable toy in any conditionSee Sold Price
SoldKENTON BUCKEYE DITCHERcirca 1931 – 9" long. Extraordinarily rare and desirable cast iron piece. Complete with nickeled drive unit, chains, buckets, wheels and elusive slide pan. Fantastic toy! (Exc cond)See Sold Price
SoldVINDEX ADMIRAL STOVEExtremely rare and desirable cast iron stove – 14" long 8 ½" wide. Circa 1928. Nickel-plated top. Stamped "Vindex Toy – Belvidere, Ill" on inside wall. (Exc cond)See Sold Price
SoldHubley C.I. Ahrens Fox Fire PumperHubley C.I. Ahrens Fox Fire Pumper A very rare and desirable toy with nickel plated iron driver, W.R.T. and accessory ladders. Size: 9" long Condition: Some replacement parts and restoration work. RetSee Sold Price
SoldVINDEX ADMIRAL STOVEVINDEX ADMIRAL STOVE circa 1928 - 14" long X 8 ½" wide. Extremely rare and desirable cast iron stove. Nickel-plated top. Decal on side. Stamped "Vindex Toy- Belvidere, ILL" on inside wall. Finished iSee Sold Price
SoldMonkey and Chariot Bell Toy Cast IronMade by Kyser & Rex Philadelphia, Pennsylvania –Circa 1885 This is a rare and highly desirable bell toy. The toy simulates a monkey banging a drum. It is 7¼” long. Material: Cast IronSee Sold Price
SoldCast Iron Horse Drawn Carriage w/ Coach DriverRARE cast iron single horse drawn carriage w/ coach driver, maker unknown but appears to be an earlier cast iron toy, 9.5" x 4.5" H. Contact our recommended 3rd party "for profit" shipper Pak Mail atSee Sold Price
SoldCast Iron Hubley 3 Seat Break Horse-Drawn Toy.American. Very rare and desirable toy. Includes four original figures and two recast figures. Left front leg on white horse is replaced. Size: 20" L. Condition: (Very Good).See Sold Price
SoldElectric RailroadShimer Toy Company Pennsylvania - 1893 Cast Iron This is an extremely rare and desirable still bank. A clean break to a small piece of the roof has been expertly repaired.See Sold Price
SoldImportant Early Tin Fire PumperMade by the Althof Bergmann Company. New York City - Circa 1870 - 21 1/2" Long. American tin toys that portray firemen and their fire carriages are extremely rare and desirable. This particular vehiclSee Sold Price
SoldRare Miniature Hook & Ladder - Cast Iron ToyMade by Ives, Blakeslee & Company. Bridgeport, Ct. - Ca. 1912. From the Collection of Frank Kidd. The red carriage body is very unusual for this toy. This feature, coupled with the elevated ladder supSee Sold Price
Rare Roadster with Rumble Seat - Cast Iron ToyThe RSL Auction Company4.6(240)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Articulated Horse and Jockey - Cast Iron ToyThe RSL Auction Company4.6(240)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Rare Expanded Three Seat Brake - Cast Iron ToyThe RSL Auction Company4.6(240)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Cast Iron Firemen Carriage Toy ReproductionRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
EARLY 20TH C. CAST IRON VEHICLES AND CEMENT MIXER.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024