SoldByzantine Artefact Collection6th-10th century AD. A group of bronze artefacts comprising: a scallop-shaped harness pendant; two barrel lock keys; a ring with a bird(?); an inscribed ring bezel; a dress pin finial with Mary holdinSee Sold Price
SoldByzantine Bronze Artefact Collection6th century A.D. or later. Mainly comprising ornamental buckles and mounts, including openwork and zoomorphic examples. 115 grams total, 28-71 mm (1 1/8 - 2 3/4 in.). Acquired in London in 1982. PropeSee Sold Price
SoldRoman and Later Artefact Collection1st-18th century AD. A mixed group of mainly bronze items including a fibula, Byzantine coin, strap buckles, lead model pair of shoes, nail cleaner, purse-bar fragment and others. 90 grams total, 16-4See Sold Price
Sold[Kondakov, N.P.]. History and artefacts of Byzantine[Kondakov, N.P.]. History and artefacts of Byzantine enamel: From the collection of A.V. Zvenigorodsky / N. Kondakov, Professor of Saint Petersburg University and custodian of Hermitage. Est. USD: 500See Sold Price
SoldEgyptian and Other Artefact CollectionLate Period, 664-323 B.C. and later. Comprising: a blue-glazed shabti; remains of a rock crystal stamp seal and other stone items; carved pig figure; fragment of a Taweret amulet; together with otherSee Sold Price
SoldViking Silver Artefact Collection10th-12th century AD. A mixed silver group comprising: two large and seven smaller bell-shaped belt studs; a belt buckle; a finger ring with broad flattened flange; a disc pendant; a bead formed as raSee Sold Price
SoldBabylonian and Later Mixed Artefact Collection2nd-1st millennium BC. A mixed group of artefacts of various dates comprising: a ceramic block with goddess figure; a D-shaped panel with two goddesses; a fragment of cuneiform tablet; two Bronze AgeSee Sold Price
SoldRoman to Post Medieval Artefact Collection1st-19th century AD. A mixed group including a bronze seal with heraldic glass insert, hooked clothes fasteners, a lead trade weight, cast and milled coins and various other items. 346 grams total, 11See Sold Price
SoldIron Age Celtic Bronze Artefact CollectionCirca 3rd century B.C.-1st century A.D. Including two artefacts accompanied by Portable Antiquities Scheme records: a La Tene IIb style brooch, 3rd century B.C.; an anthropomorphic strap distributor wSee Sold Price
SoldPost Medieval and Earlier Artefact Collection17th century AD and earlier. A mixed group of metal artefacts comprising axeheads, a spur fragment, an ornamental setting, a candlestick holder and a decorative mount. 410 grams total, 5-12cm (2 - 4 3See Sold Price
SoldEgyptian and Phoenician Artefact Collection17th century BC and later. A mixed group comprising: wooden figure of the lioness-headed goddess Sekhmet wearing the Red Crown of Lower Egypt, on modern base with old collector's label to the undersidSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Artefact Collection1st-4th century AD. A mixed group of artefacts of various dates comprising: a section of iron handsaw blade and handle; a small bronze triangular knife blade; a fragment of lead plaque with rosette deSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Artefact Collection5th century AD and later. A mixed group of items which may have formed a part of an Inca mummy bundle comprising: a wooden spindle and ceramic whorl; a bone hair pin(?) with splayed points; a wooden tSee Sold Price
SoldViking and Other Silver Artefact Collection9th-14th century AD and later. A large collection of silver items comprising two temple ring fragments, mounts, pendants, earrings and others. 54 grams total, 10-43mm (1/4 - 1 3/4"). From the privateSee Sold Price
SoldBronze Age Coban Culture Artefact Collection11th-8th century BC. A mixed group of bronze items comprising: two dress pins with pelta-shaped plaques; two bracelets with butted ends; an arm-ring with scrolled ends; a restrung necklace of bronze bSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Artefact Collection1st-4th century A.D. Mainly comprising fragmentary brooches, mounts, dress pins, strap ends, a finger ring, together with other items; including a number displaying punched and engraved ornament and eSee Sold Price
SoldByzantine Artefact Group10th-14th century AD. A mixed bronze group comprising: a miniature ladle; two finger rings, one tinned; four square weights with 'N' marking. 64 grams total, ladle: 15.5cm (6"). Property of a gentlemaSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian Artefact CollectionMainly Late Period, 664-332 BC. A mixed group of items comprising: a restrung bracelet of tubular beads; a restrung necklace of annular beads with melon bead centrepiece; a glass face pendant; a bronzSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Glass Artefact Collection1st century BC-1st century AD. A collection of two blue glass amulets in Egyptian style; a glass green ring; two fragments of transparent blueish green glass with incised figures, and two yellow glassSee Sold Price
SoldAnglo-Saxon and Later Artefact Collection6th-11th century AD. A mixed group of mainly bronze items comprising: a belt-buckle with five bossed rivets to the triangular plate; a buckle loop; a twisted-rod neck-ring; a small gilt-bronze buckleSee Sold Price
SoldByzantine Artefact Group7th-11th century AD. A group of items comprising: a carved equal-armed stone cross; a large octagonal weight with a high-relief face; a bronze equal-armed cross pendant; a globular pendant with applieSee Sold Price
SoldAnglo-Saxon Artefact Collection5th-10th century AD. A mixed group comprising: a pierced antler toggle or pendant; a bronze pin with recurved finial; a polyhedral bronze pinhead; a bronze pin with discoid finial; a bow brooch; a belSee Sold Price
SoldBronze Age Artefact Collection1st millennium B.C. Including a votive axehead; a broadly wedge-shaped axe head; tip of an arrowhead; together with other miscellaneous items. 81 grams total, 22-42 mm (7/8 - 1 5/8 in.). Found from vaSee Sold Price
SoldViking Artefact Collection9th-11th century AD. An interesting collection of bronze artefacts comprising: a D-section bracelet with punched decoration and remains of silver(?) inlays; two penannular brooches, one with absent teSee Sold Price
Roman Gold Rings for a Married Couple with Nicolo Bust GemstonesTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Bronze Age to Roman Bronze Artefact CollectionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Byzantine Silver Offering Dish with Chi Rho and InscriptionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Iron Age Celtic to Medieval Bronze and Other Artefact CollectionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Medieval to Post Medieval Artefact CollectionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Medieval and Later Bronze and Other Artefact CollectionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Medieval and Later Bronze and Other Artefact CollectionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024