SoldFINE FRENCH CARVED CUPBOARD, 18TH C.French carved cupboard, late 18th c., having a protruding cornice over upper and lower double doors separated by two drawers, the doors with foliate carving around a central reserve, the stepped baseSee Sold Price
SoldProvincial Carved Fruitwood Chimney CupboardA Fine French Provincial Carved Fruitwood Chimney Cupboard, 18th c., molded cornice above raised panel door, shelf interior, chamfered stiles, scrolled feet, height 84 in., width 15 in., depth 10 1/2See Sold Price
Sold18th C. French Walnut Armoire.Very Fine 18th Century French Red Walnut Cabinet With A Rich Honey-Colored Patina. The Cupboard Doors Feature Recessed Foliate Carvings Accented By Carved Floral Sprays At The Corners. Retains The OriSee Sold Price
Sold18th C Provencal Oak & Fruitwood EnfiladeFrench, probably Arles Provence, 18th century. A fine oak and fruitwood carved enfilade having a rectangular triple board top with thumb molding and rounded corners over three foliate carved frieze drSee Sold Price
SoldVery Fine 18th C French Carved Walnut ChestGreat Color And Patina, From Provence. Handles may be later and are not matched. 47 X 26 X 34.See Sold Price
Sold18th c. French carved front cupboard18th century French walnut carved front cupboard with later brass dating detail. 56 1/2" w x 27" d x 75 1/4" h.See Sold Price
Sold18th - 19th C. Fine Carved French or German Nobleman's18th - 19th C. Fine Carved French or German Nobleman's Dirk Dagger. A wonderful example in superbly carved mounts of noble material. Featuring lion's head pommel with ram's head guard finials and knigSee Sold Price
Sold18th c. yellow pine French cupboard w/ shelves.18th century yellow pine French carved cupboard with shelves. 56" wide x 21 1/2" deep x 85" tall.See Sold Price
SoldFour French Provincial Carved Mahogany FauteuilsFine Suite of Four French Provincial Carved Mahogany Fauteuils, probably 18th c. and later, foliate carved crest rail, caned back and seat, scrolled arms, conforming seat rail, cabriole legs, h. 37 1/See Sold Price
SoldFrench 19th C. (18th C?) CupboardA fine quality French cupboard with ornate hardware. 41" tall x 54" wide x 24" deep.See Sold Price
SoldFrench carved pie cupboardLate 18th c or early 19th c French carved oak three door pie cupboard in good condition. 66"w x 16"d x 68"hSee Sold Price
SoldFIGURAL CARVED FRENCH RENAISSANCE CUPBOARDFrench Renaissance Revival cupboard, late 18th c., a stepped cornice with a foliate, griffin and shield carved frieze over two short doors and two lower long doors flanked by 14"h figures mounted on hSee Sold Price
SoldLouis XV Period Sofa Frame, 18th C.A fine French Louis XV period carved beechwood sofa frame, cabriole legs, floral carvings. Minor losses. 73" w x 23" d x 40" hSee Sold Price
SoldCountry French 18th c. pegged cupboard with carvedCountry French 18th c. pegged cupboard with carved door, brass hardware, 2 shelf interior, 46"h x 26 3/4"w x 16"dSee Sold Price
SoldEXTRA FINE FRENCH CANOPY TOP GRIFFIN CUPBOARDFine French walnut canopy top cupboard, 19th c., carved in the Renaissance taste with foliates, ribbon, lion masks and a pair of large winged griffins, the substantial canopy top supported on turned cSee Sold Price
Sold19TH C.FRENCH RENAISSANCE STYLE MARBLE CUPBOARDFine French walnut canopy top cupboard, 19th c., carved in the Renaissance taste with foliates, figural masks and stylized griffin, the substantial canopy top with arcaded finials surmount two open woSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Provincial 18th C. Walnut Pewter CupboardCirca 1790. Having a molded crown above four shelves and three small drawers on lower case with three larger drawers atop two paneled doors having a single shelf within and resting atop carved FrenchSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Provincial 18th C. Walnut Pewter CupboardCirca 1790. Having a molded crown above four shelves and three small drawers on lower case with three larger drawers atop two paneled doors having a single shelf within and resting atop carved FrenchSee Sold Price
Sold18th c. French ornately carved cherry armoirefine monumental 18th c. French Louis XV style ornately carved cherry raised panel double door armoire with floral basket carved frieze, center board, and shaped skirt, on scrolled cabriole legs, refinSee Sold Price
SoldNEEDLEWORK TOOLS, 17th - 20th C.Including carved French lace measure 17th - 18th C with strip of fine Alencon lace, finely carved Bayeux bobbin, beaded Danish bobbin, Chinese silver thimble, and a group of Venetian glass pins. MeasuSee Sold Price
SoldEXCEPTIONAL CARVED IVORY CORPUS, FRENCH, 18TH C.A VERY FINE CARVED IVORY CORPUS, FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY. Exquisitely carved in full round with flowing hair, pierced crown of thorns, good anatomy, veining, and the open mouth with separately carved tonSee Sold Price
Sold2 PAIRS OF LATE 18TH C. FRENCH CUPBOARD DOORSTwo pairs of late eighteenth Century French cupboard doors having carved and raised panel decoration. Ht: 75" Width: 50"See Sold Price
SoldFRENCH GOTHIC STYLE CUPBOARDFrench Gothic style oak cupboard, 18th c. with later restoration and embellishment, decorated with carved quatrefoils, tracery, arches, floraland linen fold panels, two upper doors over two lower doorSee Sold Price
SoldFINE FRENCH WALNUT WEDDING CHEST COFFER, 18TH C.French walnut wedding chest/ coffer, 18th c., hinged top on iron strap hinges, with star and oak leaf marquetry, lunette-carved molding, opening to interior with side till, elaborate decorative lock mSee Sold Price
(18th c) NORTH SHORE QUEEN ANNE ARMCHAIRJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
FRENCH GOTHIC STYLE CARVED WALNUT CREDENCE CUPBOARDAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ANTIQUE FRENCH CARVED OAK COFFER OR TRUNK, 18TH C.Austin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
French provincial 18th Century carved Cherry 2 Door Armoire fitted with shelvesCollective Hudson4.5(56)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
PAIR OF 18th CENTURY FRENCH TRUMEAU MIRRORSLewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Set Of Four Late 18th C. French Hand Painted Jeweled & Enamel Sevres PlatesAuction Plus, Inc.4.3(5)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
18Th C. Continental 2 Door Wardrobe Cupboard Hand CarvedRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Rare French noble baby rattle in silver vermeil and red coral of Trapani, 18th C Trapani SicilianTemplum Fine Art Auctions4.3(8)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
ANTIQUE 18TH C FRENCH ORMOLU AND MARBLE CANDELABRAAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
18TH C FRENCH PAINTINGS BY PIERRE ALEXANDRE WILLEAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
FINE 18TH C. BOSTON CHIPPENDALE MAPLE HIGHBOY.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
18TH C. CARVED FRENCH PROVINCIAL FRUITWOOD TABLE.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
TWO FRENCH EMPIRE PORCELAIN HOT CHOCOLATE CUPSA.H. Wilkens Auctions & Appraisals4.7(392)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
ANTIQUE 18TH C FRENCH ORMOLU AND MARBLE CANDELABRAAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceJun 15, 2024