Ted Dowell Steel Knife
TED DOWELL FIXED-BLADE KNIFE ENGRAVED BY JULIE WARENSKI Oregon, 1929-2012 Length 9".Feb 28, 2024S Curve Inlaid Ribband Handled Damascus Steel KnifeMar 07, 2024S Curve Inlaid Ribband Handled Damascus Steel KnifeMar 07, 2024Custom Handmade Damascus Steel Knife With Black Wooden HandleMar 21, 2024Stainless Steel Knives And D'oeuvres Chicks PicksFeb 24, 2024Damascus steel with wood handle, 4.5" blade, 10" knifeFeb 28, 2024Damascus steel with wood handle, 3" blade,Feb 28, 2024Damascus steel with wood handle, 5" blade, 9" knifeFeb 28, 2024Damascus steel Chef Knives with wood handleFeb 28, 2024Damascus steel with wood handle, 5" blade, 9" knifeFeb 28, 2024Damascus steel with wood handle, 8" blade, 13" knifeFeb 28, 2024Damascus steel Chef Knives with wood handleFeb 28, 2024Damascus steel with wood handle, 7" blade, 13" knifeFeb 28, 2024Damascus steel Chef Knives with wood handleFeb 28, 2024Damascus steel with wood handle, 7" blade, 12" knifeFeb 28, 2024Damascus steel with wood handle, 7" blade, 13" knifeFeb 28, 2024Damascus steel with wood handle, 5" blade, 10" knifeFeb 28, 2024Damascus steel with wood handle, 5" blade, 9" knifeFeb 28, 2024Damascus steel with wood handle, 5" blade, 9" knifeFeb 28, 2024Cased set of twelve 1930's silver-handled & steel knives (filled); plus a set of six later examplesMar 06, 2024Stainless Steel & Silver Plated Butter Knives & FlatwareFeb 28, 20245 Vintage King Cedric Stainless Steel KnivesFeb 28, 20247 Vintage Eternally Yours Stainless Steel KnivesFeb 29, 20242 Valley Forge Damascus Steel Knives incl Pocket Knife and Knife with Leather SheathFeb 26, 2024