VIKING WARRIOR'S RING 9th-11th CENT AD SZ 9 3/49th-11th century AD. Size 9 3/4 . 1.9mm band flared at the shoulders. The elongated oval bezel with runic ciphers. Surface textured from burial and restored in 24karat gold. Reserve: $210.00 Shipping:See Sold Price
VIKING WARRIOR’S RING 9th-11th CENT AD SZ 9 ¾9th-11th century AD. Size 9 ¾. 1.9mm band flared at the shoulders. The elongated oval bezel with runic ciphers. Surface textured from burial and restored in 24karat gold. Reserve: $210.00 Shipping: ASee Sold Price
VIKING WARRIOR'S RING 9th-11th CENT AD SZ 9 3/49th-11th century AD. Size 9 3/4. 1.9mm band flared at the shoulders. The elongated oval bezel with runic ciphers. Surface textured from burial and restored in 24karat gold. Gift boxed with a certificaSee Sold Price
VIKING WARRIOR'S RING 9th-11th CENT AD SZ 9 3/49th-11th century AD. Size 9 3/4 . 1.9mm band flared at the shoulders. The elongated oval bezel with runic ciphers. Surface textured from burial and restored in 24karat gold. Reserve: $210.00 Shipping:See Sold Price
VIKING WARRIOR'S RING 9th-11th CENT AD SZ 9 3/49th-11th century AD. Size 9 3/4 . 1.9mm band flared at the shoulders. The elongated oval bezel with runic ciphers. Surface textured from burial and restored in 24karat gold. Reserve: $210.00 Shipping:See Sold Price
VIKING WARRIOR'S RING, 9TH-11TH CENT SZ 9 1/4Size 9 ¼ for a man’s ring finger or a pinky ring for a very big man. 3.0mm low rounded band expanding at the shoulders. Raised rounded bezel with a flat top and rounded edges. ProfessionallSee Sold Price
VIKING WARRIOR's RING, 9TH-11TH CENT SZ 9 1/4Size 9 1/4 for a man's ring finger or a pinky ring for a very big man. 3.0mm low rounded band expanding at the shoulders. Raised rounded bezel with a flat top and rounded edges. Professionally refurbiSee Sold Price
VIKING WARRIOR’S RING, 9TH-11TH CENT SZ 9 1/4Size 9 1/4 for a man's ring finger or a pinky ring for a very big man. 3.0mm low rounded band expanding at the shoulders. Raised rounded bezel with a flat top and rounded edges. Professionally refurbiSee Sold Price
VIKING WARRIOR'S RING, 9TH-11TH CENT SZ 9 1/4Size 9 ¼ for a man’s ring finger or a pinky ring for a very big man. 3.0mm low rounded band expanding at the shoulders. Raised rounded bezel with a flat top and rounded edges. ProfessionallSee Sold Price
VIKING WARRIOR’S RING 9th-11th CENT AD S 9 ¾9th-11th century AD. Size 9 ¾. 1.9mm band flared at the shoulders. The elongated oval bezel with runic ciphers. Surface textured from burial and restored in 24karat gold. Reserve: $210.00 Shipping: ASee Sold Price
VIKING WARRIOR’S RING 9th-11th CENT AD S 9 ¾9th-11th century AD. Size 9 ¾. 1.9mm band flared at the shoulders. The elongated oval bezel with runic ciphers. Surface textured from burial and restored in 24karat gold. Reserve: $210.00 Shipping: ASee Sold Price
VIKING WARRIOR’S RING 9th-11th CENT AD S 9 ¾9th-11th century AD. Size 9 ¾. 1.9mm band flared at the shoulders. The elongated oval bezel with runic ciphers. Surface textured from burial and restored in 24karat gold. Reserve: $210.00 Shipping: ASee Sold Price
VIKING WARRIOR’S RING SZ 9 ¾9th-11th century AD. Size 9 ¾. Heavy rounded tapered band. The elongated oval bezel with raised pointed oval center. That shape is common on Viking rings and it has been suggested that it representsSee Sold Price
VIKING WARRIOR’S RING SZ 9 ¾9th-11th century AD. Size 9 ¾. Heavy rounded tapered band. The elongated oval bezel with raised pointed oval center. That shape is common on Viking rings and it has been suggested that it representsSee Sold Price
VIKING WARRIOR’S RING SZ 9 ¾9th-11th century AD. Size 9 ¾. Heavy rounded tapered band. The elongated oval bezel with raised pointed oval center. That shape is common on Viking rings and it has been suggested that it representsSee Sold Price
SoldVIKING WARRIOR’S RING SZ 9 ¾9th-11th century AD. Size 9 ¾. Heavy rounded tapered band. The elongated oval bezel with raised pointed oval center. That shape is common on Viking rings and it has been suggested that it representsSee Sold Price
VIKING WARRIOR’S RING SZ 9 ¾9th-11th century AD. Size 9 ¾. Heavy rounded tapered band. The elongated oval bezel with raised pointed oval center. That shape is common on Viking rings and it has been suggested that it representsSee Sold Price
DOUBLY RARE VIKING RING 9th-11th CENT AD SZ 5Size 5, all silver as made (not plated). 6.2mm width with a hand-engraved pattern of a series of conjoined diamonds. Made with a central core to distribute the molten metal and heat. The core was thenSee Sold Price
DOUBLY RARE VIKING RING 9th-11th CENT AD SZ 5Size 5, all silver as made (not plated). 6.2mm width with a hand-engraved pattern of a series of conjoined diamonds. Made with a central core to distribute the molten metal and heat. The core was thenSee Sold Price
DOUBLY RARE VIKING RING 9th-11th CENT AD SZ 5Size 5, all silver as made (not plated). 6.2mm width with a hand-engraved pattern of a series of conjoined diamonds. Made with a central core to distribute the molten metal and heat. The core was thenSee Sold Price
DOUBLY RARE VIKING RING 9th-11th CENT AD SZ 5Size 5, all silver as made (not plated). 6.2mm width with a hand-engraved pattern of a series of conjoined diamonds. Made with a central core to distribute the molten metal and heat. The core was thenSee Sold Price
DOUBLY RARE VIKING RING 9th-11th CENT AD SZ 5Size 5, all silver as made (not plated). 6.2mm width with a hand-engraved pattern of a series of conjoined diamonds. Made with a central core to distribute the molten metal and heat. The core was thenSee Sold Price
DOUBLY RARE VIKING RING 9th-11th CENT AD SZ 5Size 5, all silver as made (not plated). 6.2mm width with a hand-engraved pattern of a series of conjoined diamonds. Made with a central core to distribute the molten metal and heat. The core was thenSee Sold Price
GOOD VIKING TWISTED RING 9th CENT AD SZ 9 ¾Size 9 ¾. 2.7mm width at the bottom and 2.9mm at the top. The band with raised twist segment to the top half. That form rarely encountered. The spiral or helix was a favorite shape for Vikings, probaSee Sold Price
VIKING WARRIOR’S WEDDING RING, 9TH-11TH CENTURY AD, SIZE 12 3/4Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
VIKING WARRIOR’S WEDDING RING, 9TH-11TH CENTURY AD, SIZE 13 1/4Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
VIKING WARRIOR’S WEDDING RING, 9TH-11TH CENTURY AD, SIZE 11 1/4Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
FINE ANCIENT VIKING COIL RING C.850-1050 AD, SIZE 10 ¼-½Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
LARGE VIKING WEDDING RING, 9TH-11TH CENTURY AD, SIZE 10 ¼Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
EARLY MEDIEVAL EUROPEAN RING, 9TH-11TH CENTURY AD SIZE 10 ½Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
VIKING WARRIOR’S WEDDING RING, 9TH-11TH CENTURY AD, SIZE 11 3/4Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
VIKING WARRIOR’S WEDDING RING, 9TH-11TH CENTURY AD, SIZE 11Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024