SoldMale twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yorubawood, matt brown patina, camwood powder, the eyes unusual in form with the brows describing a permanent line, chin plug, disc-shaped high towering coiffure with middle ridge, shoulder flaps, triangulaSee Sold Price
SoldMale twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba, Oyo,wood, camwood powder, glass beads, H: 28 cm, H: 11,0 inch Provenance: Gert Stoll, Berchtesgaden, Germany Klaus Hochapfel, Darmstadt, Germany Lit.: Polo, Fausto, Enzyklopädie der Ibeji, 2008, ill. 419See Sold Price
SoldMale twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba, Egbe,wood, matt brown patina, black paint at the coiffure, fine work of carving (toes), carved with islamic triangle ("tirah"), high towering coiffure in four lobes, strongly abraded facial features due toSee Sold Price
SoldMale twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba,wood, pigments, camwood powder, glass, H: 25 cm, H: 9,8 inchProvenance:Ian Auld, Halstead, EnglandLit.: Polo, Fausto, Enzyklopädie der Ibeji, 2008, ill. 566 ffContinent: AfricaSee Sold Price
SoldMale twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba, Egbewood, colour pigments, camwood powder, glass, metal, Characteristic of the "ibeji" from the Egbe region are the hands which are folded over the belly.H: 28,5 cm, H: 11,2 inchProvenance:Ian Auld, HalstSee Sold Price
SoldMale twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba,wood, pigments, metal, coconut discs, H: 28 cm, H: 11,0 inchProvenance:Piet Lepelaar, Leiden, The NetherlandsLit.: Chemeche, George, Ibeji, The Cult of Yoruba Twins, Milan 2003, p. 217, ill. 181See Sold Price
SoldMale twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba, Ijebu,wood, camwood powder, cowry shells, glass beads, H: 25 cm, H: 9,8 inch Provenance: British Private Collection Lit.: Polo, Fausto, Enzyklopädie der Ibeji, 2008, ill. 280 ff. Continent: AfricaSee Sold Price
Male twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba,wood, pigments, redwood/ palmoil paste, glass beads, rep., base Particularly sympathetic "ibeji" type, from the "master of the smiling face". An "ibeji" pair of this master was auctioned at Zemanek-M�See Sold Price
SoldMale twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba, Oyo,wood, dark brown patina, strictly symmetrical arranged limbs, high towering coiffure with triangular decor, scarification marks on face, breast and nape, eyes spread with blackish mass, slightly dam.,See Sold Price
SoldMale twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba, Oyo,wood, brown patina, indigo blue pigment, abundantly adorned with 15 strings of miniature glass beads, resp. tiny coconut-discs, strong encrustations with paste from finely ground redwood and palm oil,See Sold Price
SoldMale twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba,wood, blackish brown patina, encrusted in some areas, three strings of coconut discs, pear-shaped face with filed incisors and high towering crested coiffure, large pointed ears, plateau sandals, sligSee Sold Price
SoldMale twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba, Oyo,wood, rich reddish brown shiny patina, camwood powder "osun", indigo blue pigment, four strings of miniature glass beads, characterized by big diamond-shaped eyes with framing eyelashes and fine groovSee Sold Price
SoldMale twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba, Oyo,wood, pigment remains, glass beads, H: 26,5 cm, H: 10,4 inch Provenance: Gert Stoll, Berchtesgaden, Germany Klaus Hochapfel, Darmstadt, Germany Lit.: Polo, Fausto, Enzyklopädie der Ibeji, 2008, ill.See Sold Price
SoldMale twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yorubawood, reddish brown patina, camwood powder, indigoblue pigment, strings of glass beads, long arms nearly reaching down to the ground, narrow sloping shoulders, head with high towering coiffure in twoSee Sold Price
Male twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba, Ilorin/wood, pigments, camwood powder, The high crown-like coiffure and hands folded over the abdomen are the distinct characteristics of this "ibeji" type. The rich adornment (metal rings, glass beads, cocoSee Sold Price
SoldMale twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba, Oyo,wood, indigo blue pigment, camwood powder, glass beads, coconut discs, insect caused damage This "ibeji" captivates by its minimalistic form and the facial features heavily rubbed by repeated feedingSee Sold Price
SoldMale twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba, Ilorinwood, pigment, camwood powder, glass beads, metal, insect caused damage H: 28,5 cm, H: 11,2 inch Provenance: Ketterer, Munich, 30 April 1988, lot 426 Lit.: Stoll, Gert & Mareidi, Ibeji, ZwillingsfigurSee Sold Price
Male twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba, Ilorinwood, pigments, camwood powder, The high crown-like coiffure and hands folded over the abdomen are the distinct characteristics of this "ibeji" type. The rich adornment (metal rings, glass beads, cocoSee Sold Price
Male twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba, Awori,wood, pigments, base An exceptionally beautiful "ibeji" figure with a fine used patina. The facial features are heavily rubbed by repeated feeding and washing procedures. For a work by the same artistSee Sold Price
SoldMale twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba,wood, redwood flour, indigo blue pigment, metal, glass beads, traces of weatheringThe heavily rubbed facial features of this figure testify to its long use in the cult.H: 28 cm, H: 11,0 inchLit.: PoloSee Sold Price
Male twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba,wood, brown patina, camwood powder, encrusted in some areas, richly adorned, facial features abraded, slightly dam., traces of insect caused damage (coiffure), fine cracks, metal plate; "ibeji" figureSee Sold Price
Male twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba, Area ofwood, greyish brown patina, black paint at the coiffure, camwood powder, string of glass beads, high towering coiffure, lancet-shaped tattoos on the cheeks, filed incisors, diamond-shaped scarificatioSee Sold Price
SoldMale twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yoruba, Egbado,wood, brown patina, with well-formed body and regular facial features, arms in flat bows, hands flat to the thighs, beautiful patina, facial features abraded (eyes, nose) through repeated feeding procSee Sold Price
SoldMale twin figure "ere ibeji" - Nigeria, Yorubawood, matt reddish brown patina, black and indigo blue paint at the coiffure, richly adorned with two strings of miniature glass beads and coconut shell discs around the hips, metal ring and abundantSee Sold Price
Yoruba Tribal Ibeji Twin Cult Carved Wood Figure African Nigeria #1Ararity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Yoruba Tribal Ibeji Twin Cult Carved Wood Figure African Nigeria #2Ararity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Yoruba Tribal Ere Ibeji Twin Figure Doll Male African Statue w/Trade BeadsArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Early 20th C. African Yoruba Wooden Female FigureArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
20th C. African Yoruba Wood Shango Cult Figure - OrishaArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
African Yoruba Bronze Edan (deity Onile, Male / Female)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Early 20th C. Nigerian Yoruba Wooden Shrine FigureArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
20th C. Yoruba Wood Eshu Shrine Figure, Standing MaleArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024