SoldRestored Buddy L Repair-It Unit Wrecker TruckProfessionally restored Buddy L Repair-It Unit wrecker truck. Displays very nicely with light wear from display and storage. Measures approximately 24" across.See Sold Price
SoldRestored Buddy L Repair-It Unit Wrecker Tow TruckRestored Buddy L Repair-It Unit wrecker tow truck. Good condition with light wear from storage and display. Measures approximately 23" long.See Sold Price
SoldBuddy "L" Repair-It Unit Wrecker TruckNice Buddy "L" Repair -It Unit Wrecker. Has been touched up with paint in places. Displays nicely. Overall measures approximately 26 1/2" long.See Sold Price
SoldBuddy L Repair-It Unit Wrecker TruckNice Buddy L Repair-It Unit wrecker truck. Truck is in nice condition with wear from play and age. Displays nicely with the "Buddy L Repair It Service" decals. The truck appears to have been touched uSee Sold Price
SoldRestored Buddy L Repair-It Unit Tow TruckVery nice restored Buddy L Repair-It Unit tow truck. Very nice condition with light wear from display and storage. Measures approximately 25" across.See Sold Price
SoldOriginal Buddy L Repair-It Unit WreckerNice original Buddy L Repair-It Unit wrecker truck. Truck is in nice condition with wear from play and age. Displays well with original "Buddy L Repair It Service" decals. Measures approximately 25" lSee Sold Price
Vintage BUDDY L Pressed Steel 'Repair-It Unit' #3667Vintage Pressed Steel BUDDY L 'Repair-It Unit' #3667 Toy Wrecker Truck. Red and white. Features boom and spare tire with hub on the open service bed. Measures 24" long. Shows signs of age and playwearSee Sold Price
BUDDY L Pressed Steel 'Repair-It Unit' #3667 ToyVintage Pressed Steel BUDDY L 'Repair-It Unit' #3667 Toy Wrecker Truck. Red and white. Features boom and spare tire with hub on the open service bed. Measures 24" long. Shows signs of age and playwearSee Sold Price
BUDDY L Pressed Steel 'Repair-It Unit' #3667 ToyVintage Pressed Steel BUDDY L 'Repair-It Unit' #3667 Toy Wrecker Truck. Red and white. Features boom and spare tire with hub on the open service bed. Measures 24" long. Shows signs of age and playwearSee Sold Price
SoldBUDDY "L" PRESSED STEEL REPAIR-IT UNIT TOY WRECKERBUDDY "L" PRESSED STEEL REPAIR-IT UNIT TOY WRECKER TRUCK with winch in working condition, jack, spare tire, and two hand tools, original white, red and green paint, decals to each side. Mid 20th centuSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED VINTAGE PRESSED-STEEL TOY TRUCKS, LOT OF TWOASSORTED VINTAGE PRESSED-STEEL TOY TRUCKS, LOT OF TWO, comprising a Buddy-L "Repair-It Unit" wrecker with hard-rubber tires, and dump truck with steel wheels. Second quarter 20th century. 25 1/2" andSee Sold Price
SoldBuddy L Vintage Repair-It Unit TruckBuddy L Repair-It Unit Service Wrecker with 3 tools and a green jack. Show some minor wear and signs of age but overall very good condition. L approx. 20 1/2"See Sold Price
SoldBuddy L Tow TruckDESCRIPTION: Buddy L Mobile Repair It Unit tow truck. MEASUREMENTS: 28". CONDITION: Partially restored. Missing parts.See Sold Price
SoldBUDDY-L PRESSED STEEL WRECKER AND SERVICE TRUCKBUDDY-L, PRESSED STEEL, WRECKER AND SERVICE TRUCK, C1950, 2 PCS. H 7 1/2" - 10", L 25" - 27":includes a Buddy-L 'Mobile Repair-It Unit' including jack and tools and spare tire. All original parts andSee Sold Price
SoldBUDDY L MOBILE REPAIR-IT UNIT614. BUDDY L MOBILE REPAIR-IT UNIT | Unusual in yellow as the majority of these trucks are red. | 23" l. | Missing wrecker boom, (VG-Exc. Cond.) | $300 - $500See Sold Price
SoldBUDDY L PRESSED STEEL MOBIL REPAIR UNITRestored Tow truck. Well done. 27" ExcellentSee Sold Price
SoldBuddy L Emergency Wrecker and Repair Truck ToysTwo 2 Buddy L Emergency Auto Wrecker Red and White truck toy and Electric Emergency Unit white truck toys. The Emergency Auto Wrecker is missing one of its rear wheels. They are in good, used, conditiSee Sold Price
SoldBuddy L Repair Unit Trucklarge 22" repair truck. . The truck is in a Buddy L box but not the same model truck. Very good condition.See Sold Price
SoldBUDDY 'L' REPAIR-IT UNIT TRUCKBoxed example, c. 1953, pressed steel truck done in red and white duo tone colors, features boom and spare on open service bed, six wheels, decals on sides. 24 1/2" l.See Sold Price
SoldBUDDY L REPAIR-IT UNIT TRUCKAll original with decent paint and decals. Come with boom, jack, wheels, and more. 21" Very Good-ExcellentSee Sold Price
SoldBuddy L Repair-It Unit Truck,metal with extra tire, some rust, scratched decals. 7" H, 20 1/2" L.See Sold Price
SoldBuddy L 3667 Repair-It Unit Wrecker w/ToolsBuddy L pressed steel no. 3667 Repair-It Unit wrecker with tools, circa 1954-55, C5.See Sold Price
Drinking Duck (similar to the Drinking Bird) and a Buddy L Pressed Steel Truck with trailerAcme Auction House4.5(40)See Sold PriceSep 17, 2024