[TRUTH, SOJOURNER (1797-1883)]. CDV of Sojourner Truth with flowers. Uncredited: Michigan, 1864.Feb 27, 2024[DOUGLASS, Frederick (1818-1895)]. ROBERTS, J.B., photographer. CDV of Frederick Douglass.Feb 27, 2024[CIVIL RIGHTS]. I Am A Man. San Francisco: Emerson Graphics, 1968.Feb 27, 2024[BLACK PANTHER PARTY]. An Attack Against One Is An Attack Against All. San Francisco, CA: RobertFeb 27, 2024[OCCUPATIONAL]. National Surety Medal for Valor presented to African American police officer LeslieFeb 27, 2024[EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY]. Sixth plate ruby ambrotype of a young African American male subject.Feb 27, 2024[EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY]. Sixth plate tintype portrait of an African American man wearing Masonic attire.Feb 27, 2024[EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY]. Ninth plate tintype portrait featuring a young African American girl holding aFeb 27, 2024[MUSIC]. JONES, Paul T., photographer. Billie Holiday performing at the Bambola in Pittsburgh, PA.Feb 27, 2024[POETRY]. 2 titles, incl.: BROWN, Sterling. Negro Poetry and Drama. Washington, DC: The AssociatesFeb 27, 2024[ART]. [WEEDEN, Maria Howard (1847-1905)]. Portrait of an elderly African American woman.Feb 27, 2024[ENSLAVEMENT]. ULMANN, Doris, and PETERKIN, Julia. Roll, Jordan, Roll. Text by Julia Peterkin. TheFeb 27, 2024[ENSLAVEMENT & ABOLITION]. Anti-Black satirical broadside. Greenfield, MA: N.p., [1818].Feb 27, 2024[ENSLAVEMENT & ABOLITION]. Negroes For Sale. I will sell by Public Auction...Eight Valuable FamilyFeb 27, 2024[ENSLAVEMENT & ABOLITION]. Manuscript inventory and appraisement document listing over 80 enslavedFeb 27, 2024[ENSLAVEMENT & ABOLITION]. Anti-slavery "Am I Not a Man and a Brother?" token.Feb 27, 2024[POLITICS - RECONSTRUCTION]. The Cincinnati Commercial. Speeches of the Campaign of 1866 in theFeb 27, 2024[RECONSTRUCTION]. Attention! Voters! Don't Be Deceived. Every vote for the Republican Ticket is aFeb 27, 2024[RECONSTRUCTION - SUFFRAGE]. The Two Records. Voters. Read and Remember. A Black Record / A BlackerFeb 27, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. A group of photographs of African American subjects, likely family members, highlightedFeb 27, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. Confederate document recording the impressment of an enslaved person for work onFeb 27, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. Correspondence with African American soldier William Jefferson, 8th US Colored Troops,Feb 27, 2024[WORLD WAR I]. Colored Man is No Slacker. Chicago: E.G. Renesch, 1918.Feb 27, 2024[WORLD WAR I]. True Blue. Chicago: E.G. Renesch, 1919.Feb 27, 2024