19th C. Carved Oak Curved Glass China CabinetPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Osvaldo Borsani (1911-1985) Italian Zodiac Dry BarHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
1960s ITALIAN MODERNIST ALDO TURA BAR CARTJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Slick Original Finish Horner Quality Oak Lion Head China CabinetRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Early Walnut Pie Safe on Turned Legs in Wonderful "As Found" Condition 60"T 40"W 18"DSwisher Bros. Auction LLC4.4(251)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
H.P. Hansen Designed Folding Danish Teak Dry BarA1 Consignment and Auction Gallery Inc4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
A GOOD 17TH CENTURY FLEMISH OAK CUPBOARD, with carvedA GOOD 17TH CENTURY FLEMISH OAK CUPBOARD, with carved cornice and frieze, carved with a vase and scrolling leaves, supported by three caryatid figures, with two small carved cupboard doors above a basSee Sold Price
SoldAn Early 17th Century Franco-Flemish Oak Cupboard iAn Early 17th Century Franco-Flemish Oak Cupboard in two parts: The upper section having two carved doors divided by fluted muntins above a single long drawer enriched with cherubs. The lower sectionSee Sold Price
17th - 18th Century Dutch oak two-door Renaissance17th - 18th Century Dutch oak two-door Renaissance cabinet. Size: 155 x 62 x 143 cm. In good condition.See Sold Price
SoldAntique Flemish Baroque Carved Oak Sideboard CabinetAn antique, Baroque heavily carved side cabinet with an arrangement of two short frieze drawers over two cupboard doors. DATE 17th century DIMENSIONS Width 62.5 Depth 23.5 Height 62.5 in.See Sold Price
A GOOD CHARLES II CARVED OAK COURT CUPBOARD, LATA GOOD CHARLES II CARVED OAK COURT CUPBOARD, LATE 17TH CENTURY, the moulded rectangular top above a dentil and blind fret carved frieze, over two foliate carved panelled cupboard doors flanked and divSee Sold Price
Antique oak sculpted cupboard with figures, garlands,Antique oak sculpted cupboard with figures, garlands, fruit, cups etc. Partly 19th century, partly 17th century. Two-part, four-door. Size: 190 x 70 x 180 cm. In good condition.See Sold Price
SoldA late 17th century oak two door wainscot cupboard,A late 17th century oak two door wainscot cupboard, circa 1690, enclosed by two six panel doors, beneath a carved frieze rail, on stile legs Provenance: R W Symonds collection 153 x 158 x 52cm (60 x 6See Sold Price
SoldA Continental oak two-door cupboard, 17th century, theA Continental oak two-door cupboard, 17th century, the panelled doors with carved decoration, within stop fluted 'pilasters' and panelled sides, 134cm wide 60cm deep 97cm highSee Sold Price
A late 17th century carved oak cupboard, 5ft 2insA late 17th century carved oak cupboard, with two doors and side drawers, with diamond and rosette design beneath a geometric frieze on associated stand with turned uprights and platform base, 5ft 2inSee Sold Price
Sold19th Century Oak Two-Door Cupboard19th Century oak two-door cupboard, 36"h. x 41"w. x 25 1/2"d. Good condition.See Sold Price
SoldA 17th Century Flemish Oak Cabinet Door ornamentedA 17th Century Flemish Oak Cabinet Door ornamented with intricate geometric mouldings and centred by a protuberant face mask wearing a winged hat within an eight-point star, 28 ins (71 cms) square.See Sold Price
SoldA 17TH CENTURY OAK COURT CUPBOARD, the rectangular topA 17TH CENTURY OAK COURT CUPBOARD, the rectangular top with a moulded border above a carved frieze and a three panel front with two cupboard doors, each with recessed arched panels and flanked by leafSee Sold Price
A 17th Century Oak One-piece Court Cupboard. The upperA 17th Century Oak One-piece Court Cupboard. The upper cupboard having a carved canopy rail of linked foliate S-scrolls overhanging two cupboard doors flanked by panels enriched with similar foliate SSee Sold Price
Sold17th Century English Oak Cabinet.17th Century English Oak Cabinet. Two door cabinet concealing small drawers, and a single door cabinet with two drawers behind; coffered panels to the doors. {Approximate dimensions: 34 high x 36 1/2See Sold Price
A GOOD 17TH CENTURY LANCASHIRE OAK COURT CUPBOAR, datedA GOOD 17TH CENTURY LANCASHIRE OAK COURT CUPBOAR, dated 1690, the top with carved frieze, two carved panel doors, over a long drawer with panel doors below. 3ft 3ins wide x 5ft 3ins high x 2ft 0ins deSee Sold Price
A livery cupboard, early 17th century, oak, the rA livery cupboard, early 17th century, oak, the rectangular two plank top over a dentil moulded and lunette carved frieze and a rectangular single panelled cupboard door with nulled moulded border, flSee Sold Price
Sold17th Century oak court cupboard with a canopied two17th Century oak court cupboard with a canopied two door top above two further panelled doors with iron hinges raised on style feetSee Sold Price
SoldAn Early 17th Century Carved Oak Court Cupboard CiAn Early 17th Century Carved Oak Court Cupboard Circa 1610 in two parts. The upper section having an overhanging frieze on well turned side posts above two recessed cupboard doors flanking a centre paSee Sold Price
19th century Dutch oak oak cupboard. Two-door with19th century Dutch oak oak cupboard. Two-door with drawer. Circa 1860. Dimensions: 165 x 102 x 42 cm. In good condition.See Sold Price
ANTIQUE 17th CENTURY SPANISH TWO DOOR OAK CABINETANTIQUE 17th CENTURY SPANISH TWO DOOR OAK CABINET. Height: 37 1/2 in. by Width: 37 in. by Depth: 18 1/2 in.See Sold Price
SoldA Fine Mid 17th Century Carved Oak Mural Cupboard.A Fine Mid 17th Century Carved Oak Mural Cupboard. The upper section having two spindled doors above a stepped base cupboard with single door to the centre, carved with scrollwork decoration 28½ insSee Sold Price
Sold17th C. Two Door Carved Oak Livery CupboardEnglish, 17th century. Jacobean or Charles II cabinet having a guilloche patterned frame enclosing double doors with rosette carvings, with a single drawer below, rising on rectangular legs. Approx. hSee Sold Price
SoldCarved oak court cupboard, 17th century, The moldCarved oak court cupboard 17th century The molded cornice above a scroll carved frieze and triple paneled front carved with flowerhead motifs and with two cupboard doors, the lower section with two fuSee Sold Price
SoldA Large 17th Century Flemish Oak Floor StandingA Large 17th Century Flemish Oak Floor Standing Four-doored Cupboard. The moulded twin panelled upper doors and four panelled lower doors hung on iron strap hinges and fitted having fitted locks withSee Sold Price
A 19TH CENTURY CARVED OAK HANGING CORNER CUPBOARDHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A GOOD 17TH/18TH CENTURY ITALIAN CARVED GILT WOOD FIGURAL SCULPTURE OF TWO ANGELSHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A LATE 17TH CENTURY JOINED OAK COURT CUPBOARD OF GOOD COLOUR AND PATINAHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
AN UNUSUAL LATE 19TH CENTURY OAK SECRETAIRE CHESTHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A PAIR OF 17TH CENTURY JOINED OAK SIDE CHAIRSHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceJul 12, 2024
A LATE 17TH CENTURY JOINED OAK COURT CUPBOARD OF GOOD COLOUR AND PATINAHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceJul 12, 2024
AN EARLY 18TH CENTURY OAK POSTED CANOPY DRESSERHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceJul 12, 2024