SoldLeitz Leica IIIg mit Elmar 2,8/5 cm, 1958Leitz, Wetzlar, Nr. 891.242, "Elmar 2,8/5 cm", Nr. 1.550.573, mit Objektivdeckel. Nur geringe Gebrauchsspuren, schönes Stück! Leica IIIg, "Elmar 2,8/5 cm" lens, with lens cap. Only slight traces ofSee Sold Price
SoldLeitz Leica IIIg mit Elmar 5 cm, 1958Leitz, Wetzlar, Nr. 888.355, "Elmar 3,5/5 cm", Nr. 805.820, mit Objektivdeckel. Verschluß läuft nicht korrekt ab, sonst technisch gut. Leica IIIg with Elmar 3,5/5 cm, 1958 With lens cap, shutter doeSee Sold Price
SoldLeitz Leica IIIg mit Elmar 2,8/5 cm, 1957Leitz, Wetzlar, Nr. 859.097, "Elmar 2,8/5 cm", Nr. 1.438.202, mit Objektivdeckel. Verschluß läuft nicht korrekt ab, sonst technisch in Ordnung. Leica IIIg with Elmar 2,8/5 cm, 1957 With lens cap. ShSee Sold Price
SoldLeica IIIg with Elmar 2,8/5 cm, 1958Leica IIIg with Elmar 2,8/5 cm, 1958 Leitz, Wetzlar. No. 925771 (converted from Leica Ig), chrome in beautiful condition, vulcanite complete. With Elmar 2,8/5 cm, no. 1454359, feet, lens hood and insSee Sold Price
SoldLeica IIIg, 1956Leica IIIg, 1956 Leitz, Wetzlar. No. 847978, with Elmar 2,8/5 cm, no. 1637187, meter. The most desired screw-mount Leica. Leica IIIg, 1956 Leitz, Wetzlar. Nr. 847978, mit Elmar 2,8/5 cm, Nr. 1637187,See Sold Price
SoldLeica IIIg with 2,8 Elmar, 1959Leica IIIg with 2,8 Elmar, 1959 Leitz, Wetzlar. No. 969571, later advance knob. With Elmar 2,8/5 cm, no. 1636254, feet scale. Very clean. Leica IIIg mit 2,8-Elmar, 1959 Leitz, Wetzlar. Nr. 969571, sp�See Sold Price
SoldLeica Ig with Elmar 2,8, 1958Leica Ig with Elmar 2,8, 1958 Leitz, Wetzlar. No. 925174. Mit Elmar 2,8/5 cm, no. 1549101, metric. Leica Ig mit Elmar 2,8, 1958 Leitz, Wetzlar. Nr. 925174. Mit Elmar 2,8/5 cm, Nr. 1549101, Meter-SkalaSee Sold Price
SoldLeitz Leica IIIg mit Elmar 3,5/5 cm, 1959Leitz, Wetzlar, Nr. 955.238, "Elmar 3,5/5 cm", Nr. 894.085, mit Objektivdeckel. Etwas stärkere Gebrauchsspuren, aber unbeschädigt. Leica IIIg, Elmar 3,5/5 cm. With lens caps. Traces of use but undamSee Sold Price
SoldLeica IIIg with Elmar 2,8/50 mm, 1957Leica IIIg with Elmar 2,8/50 mm, 1957 Leitz, Wetzlar. Leica IIIg, no. 891098, chrome, with Elmar 2,8/50 mm, no. 1496658. With filter, lens cap and case. Leica IIIg mit Elmar 2,8/50 mm, 1957 Leitz,See Sold Price
SoldLeitz Leica M2 Summicron 2/5 cmLeica M2 mit Summicron 2/5 cm, 1958 Leitz, Wetzlar, Nr. 930.017, Chrom, sehr frühe Seriennummer, mit Rückspulknopf, ohne Selbstauslöser, starres "Summicron 2/5 cm", Nr. 1.474.154, Feet, mit Filter,See Sold Price
SoldLeitz Leica M2 Elmar 2,8/5 cmLeica M2 mit Elmar 2,8/5 cm, 1963 Leitz, Wetzlar. Nr. 1.085.912, Chrom, versenkbares "Elmar 2,8/5 cm", Nr. 1.600.571, Feet-Gravur, mit Filter und Objektivdeckel. Leica-Meter MC, Nr. 90.005. TechnischSee Sold Price
SoldLeitz Leica M4 mit Elmar, 1967Leitz, Wetzlar, Nr. 1.179.621, Verschluß defekt. "Elmar 2,8/5 cm", Nr. 1.574.502, Objektivdeckel. Leica M4 Shutter faulty. "Elmar 2,8/5 cm" with lens cap.See Sold Price
SoldLeitz Leica IIIa mit 2 Elmar Lenses, 1937Leica IIIa with 2 Elmar Lenses 1) Leica IIIa, without slow shutter speed dial and no vulcanite covering. "Elmar 3,5/5 cm", coated. With maker's case. - And: 2) "Elmar 2,8/5 cm", no. 1549053. Coating nSee Sold Price
SoldLeitz Leica IIIa mit Elmar und ZubehörLeitz, Wetzlar, 1) "Leica IIIa", Nr. 330.845, 1939, "Elmar 3,5/5 cm", Nr. 534.964, vergütet. (3-/3) - 2) Sucher "SFTOO" für Telyt 20 cm, Karton. (2/2) - 3) Entfernungsmesser "FOKOS". (3/3) - Und: 4)See Sold Price
SoldLeica IIIg with Elmar 2,8/5 cm'Leica IIIg with Elmar 2,8/5 cm Leitz, Wetzlar. 1) Leica IIIg, no. 861535, c. 1957, number engraving somewhat unusual in its lack of crispness, however identical with interior number. Camera in good cSee Sold Price
SoldLeica IIIg with Elmar 3,5/5 cm, 1956Leica IIIg with Elmar 3,5/5 cm, 1956 Leitz, Wetzlar. No. 847978, with Elmar 3,5/5 cm, no. 1372836, feet, lens cap. - Very good condition! Leica IIIg mit Elmar 3,5/5 cm, 1956 Leitz, Wetzlar. Nr. 847See Sold Price
SoldEarly Leica M2 with Elmar 2,8/5 cm, 1958Early Leica M2 with Elmar 2,8/5 cm, 1958 Leitz, Wetzlar. Leica M2-937320, original condition, Elmar 2,8/5 cm, no. 1591298, self-timer. - With original box (matched serial number!), 2 filters and lensSee Sold Price
SoldNear-Mint Leica IIIg with Elmar 2,8/50 mm, 1958Near-Mint Leica IIIg with Elmar 2,8/50 mm, 1958 Leitz, Wetzlar. No. 933408 (inside identical), chrome, vulcanite and plating in excellent condition. Elmar 2,8/50 mm, no. 1670151, with case. Leica IISee Sold Price
SoldNear-Mint Leica IIIg with Elmar 2,8/50 mm, 1958Near-Mint Leica IIIg with Elmar 2,8/50 mm, 1958 Leitz, Wetzlar. No. 933408 (inside identical), chrome, vulcanite and plating in excellent condition. Elmar 2,8/50 mm, no. 1670151, with case. Leica IIIgSee Sold Price
SoldLeica M2 with Elmar 2,8/5 cm, 1958Leica M2 with Elmar 2,8/5 cm, 1958 Leitz, Wetzlar. 1) M2, no. 944449, without self-timer, rewind knob, small vulcanite parts missing. - 2) Elmar 2,8/5 cm, no. 1626107. - And: 3) Leica-Meter MC, workinSee Sold Price
SoldLeitz Leica III mit 2 Objektiven, 1936Leitz, Wetzlar, 1) "Leica III", Nr. 213.017, "Summar 2/5 cm", Nr. 317.059, versenkbar, vergütet. (3/3+) - Und: 2) "Elmar 4/9 cm", Nr. 1.111.983, Rückdeckel. (3/2) Leica III with 2 Lenses, 1936See Sold Price
SoldLeica IIIg, 1956Leica IIIg, 1956 Leitz, Wetzlar. No. 828335, early model, "Elmar 2,8/5 cm", no. 1453188, with lens cap. Leica IIIg, 1956 Leitz, Wetzlar. Nr. 828335, frühe Ausführung, "Elmar 2,8/5 cm", Nr. 1453188,See Sold Price
SoldLeitz Leica IIIa syn mit 2 Objektiven, 1938Leitz, Wetzlar. - 1) Leica IIIa syn, Nr. 274.092. "DBP, Ernst Leitz GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany". "Summar 2/5 cm", Nr. 422.708. (3/3-) - Und: 2) "Elmar 4/9 cm", Nr. 606.882, mit brauner Bakelitdose und 2 DSee Sold Price
Leica IIIg with Summitar, 1957Leica IIIg with Summitar, 1957 Leitz, Wetzlar. No. 905326, late type advance knob, "Summitar 2/5 cm", no. 524862, apertures up to 12,5, lens cap. Leica IIIg mit Summitar, 1957 Leitz, Wetzlar. Nr. 9053See Sold Price
ZHANG DAQIAN: INK AND COLOR ON PAPER PAINTING 'LANDSCAPE'Mega International Auction4.3(62)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
BIRDS PLUM FLOWERS PAINTING WITH ZHANG DAQIAN MARKMega International Auction4.3(62)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Portrait Study of Joseph P Traylor Attributed to Joshua HenshawChina Luban Art & Antique, Inc.4.4(78)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A 1990's vintage Wurlitzer Jukebox 1015-CD One More TimeOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
XU BEIHONG: INK AND COLOR ON PAPER PAINTING 'HORSES'Mega International Auction4.3(62)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
1564 CHRONICA CARIONIS antique 16th CENTURY HAND TOOLED PIGSKIN w/ CLAPS GermanJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Sheridan Style Sofa / Settee with Silk Scalamandre Upholstery, MahoganyJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Adam’s Style, Small Wall Mirrors, Leaf Motif, Satinwood, Distressed, USA, 1930sJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A Black Leitz Wetzlar Leica III 35mm Rangefinder CameraFlints Auctions Ltd4.4(71)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A Leitz Wetzlar Leica IIIf Red Dial 35mm Rangefinder CameraFlints Auctions Ltd4.4(71)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
ICO PARISI Dressing table and bedside cabinet for Positano bedroom furniture for M.I.M., Rome.Capitoliumart s.r.l.4(82)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024