Berenson, Italian Painters Renaissance 1stEd. 1952 ill.
GIORGIO VASARI LIVES OF MOST EMINENT PAINTERS SCULPTORS & ARCHITECTS 3 VOLUMESFeb 27, 2024Titian: Venus de UrbinoFeb 27, 2024Girolamo Savoldo - Mary Magdalene at the SepulchreFeb 26, 2024Federico Barocci - Study for the head of Jesus ChrisFeb 26, 2024Cima - Christ Crowned with ThornsFeb 26, 2024Luca Signorelli - CrucifixionFeb 26, 2024Franz Hecht "Aus Dem Leben Des Heiligen Franz (nach Taddeo Gaddi)" original woodcutFeb 28, 2024Ludovico Mazzolino - The Twelve Year Old Christ Teaching in the TempleFeb 24, 2024Sandro Botticelli - Maria with Christ child and Five AngelsFeb 25, 2024Bronzino - Christ and Maria MagdalenaFeb 25, 2024Sassetta - The Betrayal of ChristFeb 27, 2024Giorgione Titian - Carrying of the CrossFeb 27, 2024Donato Bramante - Christ Bound to the ColumnFeb 27, 2024Vittore Carpaccio - Christ with Four ApostlesFeb 28, 2024Giotto - Christ and CaiphusFeb 28, 2024Lorenzo Lotto - Christ Carrying the CrossFeb 28, 2024Piero di Cosimo - Andromeda Freed by PerseusFeb 27, 2024Raphael - Resurrection of ChristFeb 28, 2024Andrea del Sarto - Lady with a BookFeb 28, 2024Lorenzo Lotto - Christ Bids Farewell to His MotherFeb 28, 2024Giovanni Bellini - Christ and St JohnFeb 29, 2024Sassetta - Christ Carrying the CrossFeb 29, 2024Marco Pino - Christ on the CrossFeb 29, 2024Pietro Perugino - Portrait of Francesco delle OpereMar 01, 2024