18/19thC Tibetan Thangka of a fierce deity. ActualThe Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Tibetan antique Thangka of a red Medicine Buddha- Classic!The Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Black Ground Tibetan Thangka, With a large Central BuddhaThe Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
SoldTibetan Thangka Three Arhats FolkTibetan thangka depicting Three Arhats, Eastern Tibet, 18th century, gouache on cotton, 22.25 x 17.25 inches, unframed. Three seated arhats, each with green aureole, in flowing robes with various atteSee Sold Price
Tibetan Thangka Three Arhats FolkTibetan thangka depicting Three Arhats, Eastern Tibet, 18th century, gouache on cotton, 22.25 x 17.25 inches, unframed. Three seated arhats, each with green aureole, in flowing robes with various atteSee Sold Price
Tibetan Thangka of Three ArhatsThree Arhats Thangka, Tibet, 17th century, 29.5 x 21 inches, unframed, three arhats in flowing robes, bold blues and greens suggesting Chinese influence, monk attendant in center and another monk at lSee Sold Price
SoldTibetan Thankga of Three ArhatsThangka of Three Arhats, Tibet, 17th or early 18th century, gouache on cotton, 29.5 x 19.75 inches, unframed, three arhats in typical robes, with blue and green aureole, mountain landscape in backgrouSee Sold Price
SoldA TIBETAN THANGKAA TIBETAN THANGKA Of rectangular form, the pigment on cotton thangka depicting the seated Buddha beneath three deities, and flanked at each side by Arhats, mounted within a three-tiered silk border ofSee Sold Price
SoldTibetan thangka,in the karma gadri style, blue nimbated arhat sitting cross-legged in chair, holding a mongoose spewing jewels being caught in bowl by an attendant, three other acolytes standing near, a deity seatedSee Sold Price
Tibetan Thangka Arhats and VirupakshaTibetan thangka depicting Four Arhats (Rahula, Vanavasin, Bhadra and Kanakavasta) and the Guardian King of the West, Virupaksha, 17th or 18th century, possible Chinese influence, gouache on cotton, 31See Sold Price
SoldTibetan Thangka Arhat HvashangThangka of Arhat Hvashang, Tibet, 19th century, gouache on cotton, 23.5 x 16.5 inches, in a cherry wood frame 31 x 24 inches, Hvashang at top left in typical appearance, heavyset and jovial, protectinSee Sold Price
SoldTibetan Thangka Arhat Bakula with DeitiesThangka of Arhat Bakula with Bhaishajayaguru, Shakyamuni Buddha, Ushnishavijaya and Vajrapani, Tibet, 18th century, gouache on cotton, 29.25 x 19 inches, in a cherry wood frame 37.5 x 26 inches, centrSee Sold Price
Tibetan Thangka Arhat HvashangThangka of Arhat Hvashang, Tibet, 19th century, gouache on cotton, 23.5 x 16.5 inches, in a cherry wood frame 31 x 24 inches, Hvashang at top left in typical appearance, heavyset and jovial, protectinSee Sold Price
18c Tibetan thangka ARHAT KANAKA BHARADVAJA & 7 otherVery rare late 18th - early 19th century framed Tibetan thangka depicting arhat Kanaka Bharadvaja - one of the 16 original disciples of the historical Buddha - seated on a lotus dais with his hands inSee Sold Price
18c Tibetan thangka ARHAT KANAKA BHARADVAJA & 7 otherVery rare late 18th - early 19th century framed Tibetan thangka depicting arhat Kanaka Bharadvaja - one of the 16 original disciples of the historical Buddha - seated on a lotus dais with his hands inSee Sold Price
18c Tibetan thangka ARHAT KANAKA BHARADVAJA & 7 otherVery rare late 18th - early 19th century framed Tibetan thangka depicting arhat Kanaka Bharadvaja - one of the 16 original disciples of the historical Buddha - seated on a lotus dais with his hands inSee Sold Price
18c Tibetan thangka ARHAT KANAKA BHARADVAJA & 7 otherVery rare late 18th - early 19th century framed Tibetan thangka depicting arhat Kanaka Bharadvaja - one of the 16 original disciples of the historical Buddha - seated on a lotus dais with his hands inSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Tibetan ThangkaChina, Tibetan Thangka, three embroidered borders in red, grey and deep blue, central design of robed Buddha's on lotus blossoms within a mountain landscape Width17 1/2 in, Length 26 in.See Sold Price
SoldSino-Tibetan Thangka: Three Great ProtectorsSino-Tibetan Thangka: Three Great ProtectorsColorful and well painted, Sino-Tibetan cloth thangka; depicting the three Great Protectors Avalokiteshvara (center), Manjushri (right), and Vajrapani (leftSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Tibetan ThangkaChina, Tibetan Thangka, three embroidered borders in red, grey and deep blue, central design of robed Buddha's on lotus blossoms within a mountain landscape Width17 1/2 in, Length 26 in.See Sold Price
SoldChinese Tibetan ThangkaChina, Tibetan Thangka, three embroidered borders in red, grey and deep blue, central design of robed Buddha's on lotus blossoms within a mountain landscape Width17 1/2 in, Length 26 in.See Sold Price
Chinese Tibetan ThangkaChina, Tibetan Thangka, three embroidered borders in red, grey and deep blue, central design of robed Buddha's on lotus blossoms within a mountain landscape Width17 1/2 in, Length 26 in.See Sold Price
SoldTibetan Thangka Four Arhats with BuddhasThangka of Four Arhats Surrounded by Buddhas, Tibet, 19th century, gouache on cotton, 28.75 x 21 inches, in a cherry wood frame 37 x 31 inches, central figure of Bakula holding a mongoose, flanked bySee Sold Price
SoldTHANGKA DEPICTING THREE ARHATSSilk embroidery Tibet , 18th centuryArhat Sribadhra, Arhat Vanavasin and oneunidentified Arhat, surrounded by several ritual itemsand a crane.Dimensions: Height 173 cm by 90 cmWeight: 10.117 gramsSee Sold Price
Tibetan Thangka Of Arhat,Tibetan Thangka Of Arhat on silk laid down on board. 29 3/4 x 38 inchesSee Sold Price
SoldA Tibetan Thangka, Height 39 3/8 x width 29 3/8 inches.A Tibetan Thangka, depicting three deities, framed. Height 39 3/8 x width 29 3/8 inches.See Sold Price
Antique Mongolian or Tibetan Thangka -Rare Type- Inscription on backThe Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Black Ground Tibetan Thangka, With a large Central BuddhaThe Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
18/19thC Tibetan Thangka of a fierce deity. ActualThe Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Master Padmasambhava of Tibetan Thangka in Qing DynastyTaiji Auctions Limited4.3(2)See Sold PriceJan 25, 2024
Large Antique 19th c. Framed Tibetan Thangka of Buddha in Landscape with PanelsMagnusson Art Group4.5(50)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Antique Tibetan Thangka Buddhist PaintingThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 20, 2024