PR OF LATE 19TH C. SMALL ENGLISH CHESTSThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
SoldEdwardian English Mirrored Walnut DresserAn Edwardian English five drawer dresser with attached mirror having two small drawers and three large drawers. Each large drawer has two carved berry motif pulls with carved decorative motif keyway aSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish Edwardian Walnut Dresser w/Folding MirrorsEnglish Edwardian Walnut Dresser w/Folding Mirrors. 73.5"h x 62"w x 19"dSee Sold Price
English Edwardian satin walnut dresserEnglish Edwardian satin walnut dresser with beveled mirror and shelf with 2 small drawers. Chest has 4 drawers, copper-toned hardware with castors. 67.5"H x 36"W x 17.5"D. C. 1900.See Sold Price
SoldEnglish Edwardian Mirrored Back DresserEnglish Edwardian Mirrored Back Dresser w/Bevelled & Cut Glass Mirrors. 79"h x 60.5"w x 21.5"dSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish Edwardian Drop Center DresserEnglish Edwardian Drop Center Mirrored Dresser. c. 1900. 77"h x 48"w x 22"dSee Sold Price
SoldWARDROBE CABINET - Edwardian English Red WalnutWARDROBE CABINET - Edwardian English Red Walnut Wardrobe with mirrored door front, having a scroll and fan crest, two cabinet doors with relief carved floral panels over bead and board panels, concealSee Sold Price
SoldCOUNTRY ENGLISH CARVED WALNUT DRESSER WITH MIRRORECOUNTRY ENGLISH CARVED WALNUT DRESSER WITH MIRRORED SUPERSTRUCTURE, 19th century The two-part dresser consisting of a mirrored upper section with a carved arched cornice, an incised carved frieze, andSee Sold Price
COUNTRY ENGLISH CARVED WALNUT DRESSER WITH MIRRORECOUNTRY ENGLISH CARVED WALNUT DRESSER WITH MIRRORED SUPERSTRUCTURE, 19th centuryThe two-part dresser consisting of a mirrored upper section with a carved arched cornice, an incised carved frieze, andSee Sold Price
SoldEDWARDIAN BURL WALNUT VANITY DRESSER, English, c.EDWARDIAN BURL WALNUT VANITY DRESSER, English, c. 1910, designed with tilting mirror centered over the rectangular top with twin bracket supports, the front with drawers surrounding open well with sheSee Sold Price
SoldENGLISH EDWARDIAN WALNUT CHEST OF SEVEN DRAWERSEnglish Edwardian walnut chest of drawers, the upright case having slim reeded upper drawer over six other drawers, on a bracket base, approx 47"h, 32.75"w, 19.75"d Start Price: $200.00See Sold Price
SoldEnglish Walnut Mirrored Dressing TableEnglish, four quarter 19th century. Late Victorian walnut mirrored kneehole dressing table or vanity having a superstructure with split swan neck pediment over a rectangular and scrolling foliate paneSee Sold Price
SoldEDWARDIAN WALNUT BUTTERFLY VANITY DRESSER, EnglishEDWARDIAN WALNUT BUTTERFLY VANITY DRESSER, English, c. 1910; the low four-drawer dresser surmounted with two pierced brackets that support three swing mirrors.See Sold Price
SoldAntique English Edwardian Burled Walnut Dressing TableAntique English Edwardian dressing table features four drawer chest with central and adjustable flanking mirrors, drawers with burl facing, caved and pierced side galleries, seated on turned legs termSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE ENGLISH WALNUT DRESSERThree revolving mirrors on top and two diminutive mirrored storage doors over two short and two long drawers, on turned feet. Height 70, width 42, depth 19 in.See Sold Price
SoldEdwardian Armoire, English, Early 20th C.Edwardian mahogany and walnut armoire. English, early 20th century. Rectangular case with two mirrored cupboard doors flanking a shell and foliate carved center door. With fitted interior. Height 81",See Sold Price
Edwardian Armoire, English, Early 20th C.Edwardian mahogany and walnut armoire. English, early 20th century. Rectangular case with two mirrored cupboard doors flanking a shell and foliate carved center door. With fitted interior. Height 81",See Sold Price
SoldEnglish Edwardian Walnut & Oak Server SideboardEnglish 19th century. English Edwardian walnut & oak server sideboard with three part mirrored back and 4 turned urn pilaster supports over a breakfront rounded drawer and two drawers flanked by a sinSee Sold Price
SoldFine English Renaissance Revival Mirrored VanityEnglish, circa 1870. A fine Renaissance Revival style walnut and burl mirrored vanity, the superstructure centered with arched and paneled swinging frame housing the rectangular beveled mirror plate jSee Sold Price
Edwardian Antique Bureau in English Queen Anne RevivalThis is an Edwardian antique bureau in the English Queen Anne revival taste. Burr walnut dating to circa 1910. Well figured burr walnut in light tones Quarter veneered fall within crossbanded frame RaSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish Vitrine19th Century English Vitrine with shelves. Walnut with bevelled glass front and glass sides. Edwardian carving. Two glass shelves & mirrored back. Edwardian carving along sides of front, door and trelSee Sold Price
19th c. English Victorian marble top commode19th century English Victorian burl walnut marble top commode with serpentine front and three mirrored doors, 36.5"h x 48.5"w x 16"d.See Sold Price
SoldEdwardian Mirrored Walnut Game Tantalus w Cigar StorageAn Edwardian tantalus, walnut and brass case, with its three original hand-cut glass decanters, original mirror glass, labeled cigar and cigarette compartments, three velvet-lined compartments with coSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish walnut dresser top desk wtih pigeon holeEnglish walnut dresser top desk wtih pigeon hole interior, calendar top, and 2 ink wells, 13"h, 12 1/2"w, some loss to veneerSee Sold Price
Vintage Walnut Dresser by Harmony HouseA1 Consignment and Auction Gallery Inc4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
PR OF LATE 19TH C. SMALL ENGLISH CHESTSThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
LOUIS XV STYLE MIRRORED WALNUT VITRINE/ DISPLAY CASEAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1940 DAVIS CABINET WALNUT DRESSER W MIRRORCharleston Estate Services Ltd.4.5(64)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
19th C. American Victorian Eastlake Walnut DresserPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 29, 2024
19th C Burl Walnut Dresser Bx W/ Elaborate Brass Mounts + Fitted Interior 4 1/4"H X 9 3/4"W X 6George Cole Auctions4.5(391)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024