Sold2 AC WILLIAMS VEHICLESpainted cast iron, Mack Gasoline Truck, 7 in long, Packard Sedan, missing spring clip, both are old restorations, C7-8.See Sold Price
Sold2 AC WILLIAMS VEHICLESpainted cast iron, Model T, 6" long, Mack Gasoline Truck, 7" long, C4-5.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 2 A.C. Williams Vehicles.C.I. with rubber tires. Size: 5" long. Cond.: Green sedan is restored. The blue coupe has new tires and a possible replaced rumble seat, otherwise, good.See Sold Price
Sold2 AC WILLIAMS VEHICLESpainted cast iron, w/interchangeable bodies, Fire Engine, 5" long, Sedan, 4 1/2" long, both red & black, Stake Body, 4" long, green, C5.See Sold Price
Sold(3) Cast Iron Cars(3) Cast Iron Cars to inc: (2) A.C. Williams Project Vehicles-Mid 30's Coupe & Late 30's Stake Truck & Hubley Late 30's RoadsterSee Sold Price
Sold2 AC Williams Cast Iron VehiclesIncludes a 7" fire ladder truck with replaced wheels and some touch-up; Stake truck, showing moderate to heavy playwear, C5See Sold Price
SoldAC Williams 2 Vehicles – 5 1/2" Gasoline Truck – aAC Williams 2 Vehicles – 5 1/2" Gasoline Truck – and 5 1/2" 2 pcs Stake Truck repainted new tiresSee Sold Price
Sold2- A.C. WILLIAMS 1920's -30's cast iron VEHICLESLot includes a 7" Stake truck, that is all original except for replaced tires, along with a all original 6" Rumble Seat coupe. No cracks or breaks. Very GoodSee Sold Price
Sold4 Early 20th C Cast Iron Trucks, Bus & CarEarly 20th century cast iron toy vehicles - A.C. Williams 2-piece green stake / farm truck, marked C to C C & Co., 7" L; red stake / farm truck, 4 3/4" L; green bus, 5" L; Made in USA blue sedan, 4" LSee Sold Price
Soldlot of 3 antique toy cast iron vehicles incl 2 bylot of 3 antique toy cast iron vehicles incl 2 by AC Williams & a Hubley fire engineSee Sold Price
Sold3 AC WILLIAMS VEHICLESpainted cast iron, Coast to Coast, 7" long, Austin, 3 1/2" long, Mack Stake Truck, 3 1/2" long, metal wheels have oxidation, C4-5.See Sold Price
Sold3 AC WILLIAMS VEHICLESpainted cast iron, Pickwick Nite Coach, Fageol Coach, Stutz Coupe, all are 3 1/2" long, C4.See Sold Price
SoldHUBLEY & AC WILLIAMS VEHICLESpainted cast iron, AC Williams Mack Stake Truck, red, 4 3/4 in long, Hubley Wrecker, red, 5 1/2 in long, C5.See Sold Price
Sold5 KILGORE & AC WILLIAMS VEHICLESpainted cast iron, nickel wheels, 2 Kilgore Sedans, 3 1/8 in long; AC Williams Wrecker, 4 1/2 in l ong, wheels have oxidation; Kilgore Roadster, 3 1/4 in long; AC Williams Coupe, 3 1/2 in long, C4-7.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 4 A.C. Williams Vehicles.C.I. with rubber and nickel plated tires. Size: 4 1/2" to 5 1/2" long. Cond.: Smaller gas truck is restored. Remaining vehicles are good to very good in condition overall. A nice grouping of A.C. WillSee Sold Price
Sold6 CAST IRON FARM VEHICLESpainted cast iron, Arcade Tractor w/2 Wagons, each 3 3/4 in long, playworn & heavy oxidation, C1-2; AC Williams Tractor & 2 Wagons, each 4 in long, some playwear, oxidation on tractor & wagon wheels,See Sold Price
SoldAC WILLIAMS VEHICLE LOTpainted cast iron, Mack Gasoline, 5 in, Model A, 4 1/4 in, 2 Mack Stake Trucks, 1 has a broken cab, 4 3/4 in, Bus, 6 in, Kilgore Dump, missing backend, 5 1/2 in, Hubley Wonder Cement Mixer, 3 1/2 in,See Sold Price
Sold3-TRACTOR cast iron TOYS, WILLIAMS & HUBELYLot includes a 3 1/2" Hubley tractor with white rubber ties, a A.C. Williams 4" road roller, and a 5 1/2" A.C. Williams tractor that is repainted. Condition varies. Good-Very GoodSee Sold Price
Sold2-1920's-30's cast iron FIRE LADDER TRUCKSLot includes a 7 1/2" A.C. Williams ladder truck. All original, with one replaced tire. May clean to a higher grade. Also included is a 8" Kenton horse drawn fire wagon, that has over paint. No cracksSee Sold Price
SoldTHOMAS TOYS AC WILLIAMS FORD VEHICLES8 painted cast iron Fords, made in the 1980's, repros of 1937 AC Williams Fords, 4 1/2 in long, C8-9.See Sold Price
SoldAC WILLIAMS & HUBLEY VEHICLESAC Williams Bus w/Spare Tire, painted cast iron, nickel wheels, 5 in, some surface oxidation; Bus, painted cast iron, nickel wheels, 4 1/2 in; Hubley 460 Pick Up Truck, die cast & iron, w/paint disturSee Sold Price
Sold3 CAST IRON VEHICLESpainted cast iron, AC Williams Twin Coach, 5" long, Hubley Wrecker, 4 1/2" long, AC Williams Bus, 4 1/2" long, C3-4.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 AC WILLIAMS Cast Iron VEHICLESIncludes 2 5" Fageol Buses one with repaint. Plus 4" Coupe with repaint. Very GoodSee Sold Price
Sold4 CAST IRON VEHICLESAC Williams Fire Engine, 5 in long, rubber tires worn; Hubley Airflow, 4 1/2 in long; AC Williams Gas Truck, 3 3/4 in long, oxidation on hubs; Arcade Fordson Tractor, 4 in long, oxidation on nickel whSee Sold Price
Rare Hubley Antique Cast Iron A.C. Williams UX 166 AirplaneIroquois Auctions4.2(130)See Sold PriceApr 20, 2024
Southern Pacific RR 4-8-8-2 AC-12 DCC/Sound Steam Loco #4275-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Vintage Cast Iron Mack Gasoline Tanker TruckMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
2 William C. Odiorne Silver Prints Paris Scenes 1920sConcept Art Gallery4.7(509)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE (1977) - William Plumb Collection: Set of Hand-Drawn Wayne Douglas BarlowePropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Antique cast iron 2 faced double sided black boy bankBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024