SoldSuperb Veracruz Remojadas Pottery Head, ex-Sotheby'sPre-Columbian, Mexico, Veracruz culture, also known as Totonac (Totonaca), Remojadas, ca. 300 to 600 CE. A near-lifesize anthropomorphic head sculpted with portrait-like features and representing a maSee Sold Price
SoldFine Veracruz Remojadas Pottery Portrait Head, ex KomorPre-Columbian, Gulf Coast Mexico, Veracruz (Vera Cruz) culture, Remojadas style, ca. late 3rd to 6th century CE. A handsome example of a hand-built pottery portrait head of a youthful individual. TheSee Sold Price
Veracruz Pottery Head of Dignitary TL'd, ex-Sotheby'sPre-Columbian, Mexico, Veracruz culture, also known as Totonac (Totonaca), Remojadas, ca. 600 to 900 CE. A superb, life-size, pottery head of a dignitary coated in stucco and rendered in a highly realSee Sold Price
Veracruz Pottery Head of Dignitary TL'd, ex-Sotheby'sPre-Columbian, Mexico, Veracruz culture, also known as Totonac (Totonaca), Remojadas, ca. 600 to 900 CE. A superb, life-size, pottery head of a dignitary coated in stucco and rendered in a highly realSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Veracruz Remojadas Pottery HeadA large Pre-Columbian pottery head from the Remojadas people of modern-day Veracruz region. This head depicts a priest with a black face and decorated headdress. It is presented on a black modern metaSee Sold Price
SoldVera Cruz Remojadas Pottery Head of Xipe Totec**Originally Listed At $300** Pre-Columbian, Gulf Coast Mexico, Vera Cruz (Veracruz), Remojadas style, ca. 600 to 800 CE. A hand-built pottery head depicting Xipe Totec, the Nahuatl god known as "OurSee Sold Price
Vera Cruz Remojadas Pottery Head of Xipe TotecPre-Columbian, Gulf Coast Mexico, Vera Cruz (Veracruz), Remojadas style, ca. 600 to 800 CE. A hand-built pottery head depicting Xipe Totec, the Nahuatl god known as "Our Lord the Flayed One." The headSee Sold Price
Vera Cruz Remojadas Pottery Head of Xipe Totec**Originally Listed At $300** Pre-Columbian, Gulf Coast Mexico, Vera Cruz (Veracruz), Remojadas style, ca. 600 to 800 CE. A hand-built pottery head depicting Xipe Totec, the Nahuatl god known as "OurSee Sold Price
Vera Cruz Remojadas Pottery Head of Xipe Totec**Originally Listed At $300** Pre-Columbian, Gulf Coast Mexico, Vera Cruz (Veracruz), Remojadas style, ca. 600 to 800 CE. A hand-built pottery head depicting Xipe Totec, the Nahuatl god known as "OurSee Sold Price
SoldVeracruz Pottery Figural Whistle, Ex Sotheby'sPre-Columbian, Gulf Coast of Mexico, Veracruz (also Vera Cruz) culture, ca. 3rd to 7th century CE. An impressive handmade pottery whistle of a standing figure propped upon three conical legs with an oSee Sold Price
SoldVeracruz Pottery Articulated Figure, ex Sotheby'sPre-Columbian, Mexico, Gulf Coast, Veracruz, Classic Period, ca. 100 BCE to 900 CE. An amazing molded terracotta standing figure with separately made articulated arms. In antiquity, these would have bSee Sold Price
Veracruz Pottery Articulated Figure, ex Sotheby'sPre-Columbian, Mexico, Gulf Coast, Veracruz, Classic Period, ca. 100 BCE to 900 CE. An amazing molded terracotta standing figure with separately made articulated arms. The ancients would have attachedSee Sold Price
Veracruz Pottery Articulated Figure, ex Sotheby'sPre-Columbian, Mexico, Gulf Coast, Veracruz, Classic Period, ca. 100 BCE to 900 CE. An amazing molded terracotta standing figure with separately made articulated arms. In antiquity, these would have bSee Sold Price
Veracruz Pottery Articulated Figure, ex Sotheby'sPre-Columbian, Mexico, Gulf Coast, Veracruz, Classic Period, ca. 100 BCE to 900 CE. An amazing molded terracotta standing figure with separately made articulated arms. The ancients would have attachedSee Sold Price
SoldVeracruz Nopiloa Pottery Mother & Child, ex Sotheby'sPre-Columbian, Gulf Coast Mexico, Veracruz (Vera Cruz), Nopiloa style, Late Classic Period, ca. 550 to 950 CE. A fabulous hollow-molded pottery figure depicting a mother standing atop delineated feet.See Sold Price
SoldRemojadas Large Pottery Head Fragment - Vera Cruz**First Time At Auction**Pre-Columbian, Remojadas, Veracruz, Mexico, ca. 600 to 800 CE. A fragment of a larger figure, this terracotta head displays poignant details characteristic of classic RemojadaSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Veracruz Pottery Head Fragment, Ht. 9"Pre-Columbian Veracruz Pottery Head Fragment. Remojadas, East Mexico, 400 - 600 CE. Provenance: The Miles and Shirley Fiterman Collection, Minneapolis, MN. Size: 9'' x 8'' x 4.75'' (23 x 20 x 12 cm).See Sold Price
SoldAncient Pre Columbian Vera Cruz Pottery Head c.600-900Ancient Pre Columbian Vera Cruz Pottery Head c.600-900 AD. Size 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches. Fine quality Vera Cruz Pottery head with almond shaped eyes. Provenance: Ex NYC Collection acquired from a USA estSee Sold Price
SoldVeracruz Remojadas Head - Youthful MalePre-Columbian, Remojadas, Vera cruz, Mexico, Ca. 600 to 800 CE. Nicely sculptured hollow pottery head originally from a large figure. Depicting a youthful male having ceremonial filed front teeth andSee Sold Price
SoldA VERACRUZ "SMILING" POTTERY HEAD, POSSIBLY REMOJADASA VERACRUZ "SMILING" POTTERY HEAD, POSSIBLY REMOJADAS LATE CLASSIC PERIOD, CIRCA 550-950 A.D., the smiling face with open lips revealing teeth details beneath a "mat" band headdress. The Ollin motifsSee Sold Price
Veracruz Pottery Head of a Warrior - Remojadas StylePre-Columbian, Gulf Coast Mexico, Veracruz, Remojadas, ca. 300 to 800 CE. A large, hand-built terracotta effigy head of a warrior from a full figure. He wears a magnificent feathered headdress atop aSee Sold Price
SoldA VERACRUZ "SMILING" POTTERY HEAD, POSSIBLY REMOJADASA VERACRUZ "SMILING" POTTERY HEAD, POSSIBLY REMOJADAS LATE CLASSIC PERIOD, CIRCA 550-950 A.D., the smiling face with open lips revealing teeth details beneath a "mat" band headdress. The Ollin motifsSee Sold Price
Veracruz Pottery Head of a Warrior - Remojadas Style**Originally Listed At $300** Pre-Columbian, Gulf Coast Mexico, Veracruz, Remojadas, ca. 300 to 800 CE. A large, hand-built terracotta effigy head of a warrior from a full figure. He wears a magnificeSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian VERACRUZ Head Fragment, 500ADPre-Columbian Pottery VERACRUZ Head Fragment, Remojadas culture, Bald man with cutaneous horn on his forehead. Filed teeth, open mouth, bubous eyes. Painted black mask. Vent hole on back of head. MounSee Sold Price
5 3/4" D. Caddo Rabbit Rattle Head Effigy. Ex Sam Johnson and Steve DowellTony Putty Artifacts4.7(404)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Ancient Idoma African Mask Ex Sotheby's, Ex Samuelly CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
9" Double Bird Head Effigy Pottery Vessel, St Francis Co Arkansas Ex Ray Meiners CollectionHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Colima, Valdivian, & Chupicuaro Pottery Figures (3)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Chimu Pottery Vessel w/ Supernatural Jaguar DeityArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024