SoldAmerican folk art wooden silhouetteAmerican folk art wooden silhouette- Profile of Uncle Sam, wear throughout. 69 3/4''hSee Sold Price
SoldTHREE AMERICAN FOLK ART FISH.Second half 20th century. Pair of cut out wooden silhouettes with weathered surface and traces of original paint. Impressed "Axe Wood Products, Walpole, Maine", 28"l. And a carved fish with tin fins aSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN FOLK ART HOLLOW-CUT SILHOUETTE OF A LADYAMERICAN FOLK ART HOLLOW-CUT SILHOUETTE OF A LADY, fabric backing, oval waist-length with block-printed dress, period eglomise glass. Housed under glass in a period, possibly original, wooden frame. CSee Sold Price
SoldSigned ROY FINSTER, American Folk Art Wooden Sculpture "Trumphet Angel"Signed ROY FINSTER, American Folk Art Wooden Sculpture "Trumphet Angel". size: 21.5h 14w. ASkart: Howard Roy Finster is known for Collaborative Painting; Folk ArtSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Folk Art, Wooden Boxing SculptureThis is a wonderful American Folk Art wood carving of two boxers, probably from the 1930's era. One boxer is African American and the other is painted in a blood red. The sculpture appears to have beeSee Sold Price
SoldAfrican American Folk art wooden bustHand carved male bust with white painted eyes, teeth and red mouth. Detailed carving of hair, beard and collar, felted bottom, piece is unmarked. Measures 15.5 inches high by 7 inches wide.See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Folk Art Wooden Root CarvingAmerican Folk Art Wooden Root Carving. Dimensions: 10 x 20 x 15 in.See Sold Price
SoldRare Puffy Sleeve Artist Silhouette American Folk ArtRare, American folk art silhouette miniature portrait, hollow cut head and watercolor painted gown by Puffy Sleeve Profilist / Artist, unsigned. It is unusual as the sitter is wearing a mauve tinted dSee Sold Price
SoldImportant Original Pair Doe Fullerton Family AmericanImportant Original Pair Doe Fullerton Family American Folk Art Silhouette Watercolor Gilt Highlights Portrait Woman Girl Lady Painting Vermont Heirs Jacob Maentel School Primitive Federal New England.See Sold Price
Sold4 American HP and Cut Out Folk Art SilhouettesUNITED STATES, 19TH CENTURY A collection of four American folk art silhouettes. All four silhouettes incorporate the cut paper method with pencil drawn and/or hand painted accents. Largest framed measSee Sold Price
Sold2 PC American Folk Art August Day SilhouettesUNITED STATES, 19TH CENTURY Two pairs of American folk art Silhouettes. The larger pair is hand painted by silhouettist August Day (1804-1850). Both portraits are further decorated with white highlighSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN FOLK ART PAINTED WOODEN TRADE SIGNAMERICAN FOLK ART PAINTED WOODEN TRADE SIGN, double-sided, marked "WM. McMASTER / PLUMBER / REGISTERED" in gold against black ground. Fourth quarter 19th/first quarter 20th century. 32" HOA.Old lossesSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN FOLK ART PAINTED WOODEN TRADE SIGNAMERICAN FOLK ART PAINTED WOODEN TRADE SIGN, marked "C. E. PALMER / TAILOR" in white against a black smaltz ground. Late 19th/early 20th century. 48 1/2" x 18 1/2".Moderate wear, abrasions, and discolSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN FOLK ART HOLLOW-CUT SILHOUETTEAMERICAN FOLK ART HOLLOW-CUT SILHOUETTE, a bust-length depiction of a young woman, no signature located, retains collection label "Emerson Greenaway Collection / No. 381". Housed in a period brass repSee Sold Price
SoldAntique American Painted Folk Art Wooden CardinalCirca 1900. Cut out cardinal figure with very handsome and early painted surface. H8"See Sold Price
SoldTwo American Folk Art Handbuilt Wooden Model SteamTwo American Folk Art Handbuilt Wooden Model Steam Ships c. 1930s - Offered Without Reserve - Two vintage paddle-wheelers, Neakaye is of the sternwheeler category, two full decks plus pilot house, pipSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN FOLK ART CARVED WOODEN BEAVER ICE FISHINGAMERICAN FOLK ART CARVED WOODEN BEAVER ICE FISHING DECOY, solid body with cut-out tin legs, metal-tack eyes, carved ears and buck teeth, articulated paddle tail with carved lattice to top, each with wSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Folk Art Carved Wooden AlligatorAmerican Folk Art Carved Wooden Alligatorcirca 1900, cross-hatched carved scales highlight its body while the fearsome head features inset red glass eyes and nail teeth within the articulated jaw, allSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN FOLK ART HOLLOW-CUT SILHOUETTE OF A YOUNG LADYAMERICAN FOLK ART HOLLOW-CUT SILHOUETTE OF A YOUNG LADY, sitter sporting comb, watercolor-painted blue dress. Housed under glass in a period painted frame with printed label attached to backboard forSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN FOLK ART HOLLOW-CUT SILHOUETTEAMERICAN FOLK ART HOLLOW-CUT SILHOUETTE, bust-length depiction of a young man with high collar, blue laid paper backing. Housed in a period, possibly original, molded giltwood frame with green eglomisSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN FOLK ART PAINTED WOODEN SIGNAMERICAN FOLK ART PAINTED WOODEN SIGN, framed panel with black trim and lettering on white ground, reading "No Smoking / Allowed / In This Barn" in bold type. Late 19th/early 20th century. 39 1/4" x 1See Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN FOLK ART PAINT-DECORATED WOODEN PULL TOYAMERICAN FOLK ART PAINT-DECORATED WOODEN PULL TOY, expressive spotted horse on a green platform base with metal wheels. First quarter 20th century. 26 1/2" HOA, 25 1/2" LOA.As-found condition lackingSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN FOLK ART PAINTED WOODEN TRADE SIGNAMERICAN FOLK ART PAINTED WOODEN TRADE SIGN, probably poplar, rectangular form with beveled edge, marked "TOWN CLERK." in gilt lettering on a brown ground within a black-painted border. Fourth quarterSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN FOLK ART HOLLOW-CUT SILHOUETTEAMERICAN FOLK ART HOLLOW-CUT SILHOUETTE, a bust-length depiction of a young woman, no signature located, retains collection label "Emerson Greenaway Collection / No. 306". Housed in a period gilt framSee Sold Price
American Folk Art Drawing of a CatSchmidt's Antiques Inc. Since 19114.8(431)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
(19th c) AMERICAN FOLK ART CAT PAINTINGJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
South American Folk Art Oil Painting of Female PortraitCain Modern Auctions4.4(44)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
19th Century American Folk Art Ship Model in Glass CaseHeritage Gallery Auctions4.4(56)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
SGND. COPY OF "TWENTIETH-CENTURY AMERICAN FOLK ART AND ARTISTS"Hartzell's Auction Gallery, Inc.4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Lot 3 High Rock Embossed Tin Signs Folk Art Wooden BoxesHoller and Hammer4.5(57)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Hand Made African American Folk Art DancerRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
After Sir Edwin Landseer, "Saved" American Folk Art Dog Rescue, Oil on Canvas PaintingHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024