(3) Art Glass Items, All Have Serious Damage/RepairWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Antique Framed Maple Hill 100& Pure Vermont Syrup Advertising SignHoller and Hammer4.5(57)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Lot of Consolidated Milk Glass - "Cosmos" Flowers.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Syrup Pitcher, Cranberry Opalescent Reverse SwirlWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Wards Orange Crush syrup dispenserChupp Auctions & Real Estate, LLC4.6(244)See Sold PriceMar 23, 2024
RARE Jersey-Creme soda fountain syrup dispenserChupp Auctions & Real Estate, LLC4.6(244)See Sold PriceMar 23, 2024
Syrup Pitcher, Cranberry Opalescent Windows PatternWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Syrup Pitcher, Cranberry Opalescent Windows PatternWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
SoldCOINSPOT - BULBOUS VARIANT SYRUP PITCHERCOINSPOT - BULBOUS VARIANT SYRUP PITCHER, cranberry opalescent, slight ring at top of neck, colorless applied handle, concave base with a circle of connected coinspots centered by a ten-petal daisy, pSee Sold Price
SoldCOINSPOT - BULBOUS VARIANT SYRUP PITCHERCOINSPOT - BULBOUS VARIANT SYRUP PITCHER, cranberry opalescent, slight ring at top of neck, colorless applied handle, concave base with a circle of connected coinspots centered by a ten-petal daisy, pSee Sold Price
SoldCOINSPOT - BULBOUS VARIANT SYRUP PITCHERCOINSPOT - BULBOUS VARIANT SYRUP PITCHER, green opalescent, applied handle, period lid. Late 19th/early 20th century. 6" HOA.Literature: Parallels Heacock/Elmore - Opalescent Glass From A to Z, p. 177See Sold Price
SoldCOINSPOT - BULBOUS VARIANT SYRUP PITCHERCOINSPOT - BULBOUS VARIANT SYRUP PITCHER, cranberry opalescent, applied colorless handle, period lid. Late 19th/early 20th century. 6" HOA.Literature: Heacock/Elmore - Opalescent Glass From A to Z, p.See Sold Price
SoldCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHERCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHER, green opalescent, period lid, applied green handle. Late 19th/early 20th century. 6" HOA.Undamaged. One interior open bubble, as made.Literature: Parallels Heacock -See Sold Price
SoldCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHERCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHER, cranberry opalescent, applied colorless handle, period lid. Late 19th/early 20th century. 5 3/4" H. Literature: Heacock/Elmore - Opalescent Glass From A-Z, fig. 843.See Sold Price
SoldCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHERCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHER, cranberry opalescent, applied colorless handle, period lid. Late 19th/early 20th century. 6 1/4" HOA.Some moderate roughness to the rim which is hidden by the lid, otSee Sold Price
SoldCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHERCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHER, blue opalescent, applied handle, period lid. Late 19th/early 20th century. 5 5/8" HOA.Undamaged. Sizeable interior bubble at the lower terminal of the handle, as madeSee Sold Price
SoldCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHERCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHER, cranberry opalescent, applied colorless handle, period lid. Late 19th/early 20th century. 6" HOA.Undamaged with a few isolated surface scratches.Literature: Heacock/ESee Sold Price
SoldCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHERCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHER, green opalescent, green applied handle, period lid. Late 19th/early 20th century. 6" HOA. Provenance: From a private Massachusetts collection.See Sold Price
SoldCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHERCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHER, cranberry opalescent, colorless applied handle, period lid. Late 19th/early 20th century. 5 3/4" HOA. Provenance: From the collection of Cay Bettinghaus.See Sold Price
SoldCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHERCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHER, blue opalescent, transparent blue applied handle, period lid. Late 19th/early 20th century. 6 1/4" HOA. Provenance: Personal collection of Judith (Judy) Cronin, OrleaSee Sold Price
SoldCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHERCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHER, green opalescent, green applied handle, period lid. Late 19th/early 20th century. 6" HOA. Provenance: Property of a West Coast collector.See Sold Price
SoldCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHERCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHER, blue opalescent, applied transparent blue handle, period lid with patent date. Late 19th/early 20th century. 6" HOA.Literature: Parallels Heacock/Elmore - OpalescentSee Sold Price
SoldCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHERCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHER, blue opalescent, transparent blue applied handle, period lid. Late 19th/early 20th century. 6" HOA. Provenance: From the collection of Cay Bettinghaus.See Sold Price
SoldCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHERCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHER, blue opalescent, applied handle, period lid. Late 19th/early 20th century. 6" HOA.Undamaged.Provenance: From a West Coast collection.See Sold Price
SoldCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHERCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHER, cranberry opalescent, applied colorless handle, period lid. Late 19th/early 20th century. 5 3/4" H.Undamaged with minor surface wear.Literature: Heacock/Elmore - OpalSee Sold Price
SoldCOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHERS, LOT OF THREECOINSPOT - BULBOUS SYRUP PITCHERS, LOT OF THREE, colorless, blue, and teal opalescent, each with an applied handle and period lid. Late 19th/early 20th century. 6" to 6 5/8" HOA.Teal and colorless witSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED VICTORIAN PATTERNS TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF TWOASSORTED VICTORIAN PATTERNS TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF TWO, comprising one colorless opalescent Coinspot - bulbous syrup pitcher with applied colorless handle and one ring neck spatter sugar shaker, eachSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED BLOWN OPALESCENT GLASS SYRUP PITCHERS, LOT OFASSORTED BLOWN OPALESCENT GLASS SYRUP PITCHERS, LOT OF THREE, colorless opalescent, comprising a frosted Bubble Lattice, a ring-neck Stripe, and a bulbous Coinspot, each having a period lid. Various mSee Sold Price
SoldVARIOUS COINSPOT SYRUP PITCHERS, LOT OF TWOVARIOUS COINSPOT SYRUP PITCHERS, LOT OF TWO, colorless opalescent, comprising a Bulbous example and a Coinspot and Swirl example, each with a period lid and colorless applied handle, one with a presseSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED OPALESCENT GLASS SYRUP PITCHERS, LOT OF TWOASSORTED OPALESCENT GLASS SYRUP PITCHERS, LOT OF TWO, blue opalescent, comprising a Coinspot and a Coinspot and Swirl example, each bulbous form with a period lid and applied handle. Various makers. LSee Sold Price
SoldCOINSPOT SYRUP PITCHERS, LOT OF TWOCOINSPOT SYRUP PITCHERS, LOT OF TWO, green opalescent and blue opalescent, each bulbous form with applied handle and period lid. Late 19th/early 20th century. 6" and 6 1/2" HOA. Provenance: CollectionSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED COINSPOT SYRUP PITCHERS, LOT OF TWOASSORTED COINSPOT SYRUP PITCHERS, LOT OF TWO, blue opalescent, comprising a tapered form and a bulbous form, each with applied handle and period hinged lid. Late 19th/early 20th century. 6" and 6 1/2"See Sold Price
Syrup Pitcher, Cranberry Opalescent Reverse SwirlWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Syrup Pitcher, Italian Red & White Latticinio SatinWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Syrup Pitcher, Italian Art Glass Latticinio RibbonWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Syrup Pitcher, Cranberry Opalescent Windows PatternWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Syrup Pitcher, Cranberry Opalescent Windows PatternWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Syrup Pitcher, Blue Opalescent Daisy & Fern PatternWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Syrup Pitcher, Blue Opalescent Daisy & Fern PatternWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Coinspot Pitcher w/ Applied HandleM.J. Stasak Jr. Auction and Appraisal Service4.8(2.1k)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024