Chaim Soutine (Belarusian/French, 1893-1943) - La Petite Fille dans la VerdureFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Elisabeth Frink (British, 1930-1993) - Harbinger Bird IFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
AMERICAN SEASCAPE PAINTING BY ROSS EMBROSE MOFFETTAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
CHARLES HENRY GIFFORD (Massachusetts, 1839-1904), Luminist view of three sailboats in a quietEldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Estate Fresh Civil War Cavalry C. Roby 1863 With ScabbardRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ABSTRACT ARAB LEBANESE OIL PAINTING BY ETEL ADNANAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
SoldHUNGARIAN ANTI-SEMITIC POSTCARDHungarian anti-Semitic, anti-Communist postcard, ca. 1921, references the riots during the 133-day life of the Hungarian Soviet Republic in 1919. It was the second socialist state in the world to be fSee Sold Price
Sold"THE END OF THE WAR!"Â ANTI-SEMITIC POSTCARDHungarian anti-Semitic cartoon postcard, 5.25 x 3.75 in., issued in 1919. The cartoon refers to the Communist revolution in Hungary which resulted in a short-lived government (which included some JewsSee Sold Price
SoldVery Rare Polish anti-Semitic Postcard dated in 1910Very rare Polish anti-Semitic postcard from 1910 with Jews being represented by a poisonous spider in a web controlling all Poland with propaganda. It has a long anti-Semitic text on the reverse thatSee Sold Price
SoldEarly 1900 German Anti-Semitic Postcard - UnusedEarly 1900 German anti-Semitic postcard, never sent nor written. On the postcard we can see a drawing that compares an old Russian Jew with a russian-Polish louse. This comparison wants to show the faSee Sold Price
SoldAnti-Semitic postcard - Jewish Film EnchantmentAnti-Semitic postcard about the Jewish film enchantment in Wien. Postcard reads: Jewish film enchantment in Wien. Jewish businessmen blink you and they create the Vienese film". Postcard mocks the JewSee Sold Price
SoldAnti-Semitic Postcard - "The Eternal Jew" - Vienna 1938Anti-Jewish postcard, souvenir from the anti-Semitic exhibition "The Eternal Jew." Vienna, 1938. The reverse bears the stamp "Der Ewige Jude" from the exhibition with a German stamp with a swastika. SSee Sold Price
SoldNon-circulated Anti-Semitic Postcard With Post StampInteresting non-circulated anti-Semitic postcard that depicts a figure or caricature of a Jew with an anti-Jewish message held by this one. This figure is a copy of the Jew represented by Fips in theSee Sold Price
SoldPRE-1918 GERMAN ANTI-SEMITIC POSTCARDGerman anti-Semitic postcard printed in Dresden, ca. 1910, bears a cartoon showing a "Jew" named "Cohn" who has painted a horse in his stable. A poem at bottom read, loosely translated: "The Jew fallsSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN COLONIAL ANTI-SEMITIC POSTCARDEarly German anti-Semitic postcard referencing Germany's foreign colonies, 1899, shows a caricature of a Jew in a room labeled "German Colonial Politics"Â displaying a map to a group of Christian GerSee Sold Price
Anti-Semitic Postcard. Russia, 1905Anti-Semitic and Anti-Armenian postcard from Russia, 1905. Picture of a person hanging on a rope with a policeman waving a blood–coated sword. Russian caption promising Russian policemen a medaSee Sold Price
SoldAnti-Semitic Postcard. Russia, 1905Anti-Semitic postcard. Russia, 1905. The postcard was issued during the era of the Russian pogroms. A two-headed eagle holds a dagger and whip, topped by a skull. The eagle bears violent motifs. It apSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN ANTI-SEMITIC POSTCARD, CA. 1920Early German anti-Semitic postcard printed in Dresden ca. 1920, depicts caricatures of three Jews seated about a card table, captioned: "Das Ohr, das Auge und die Nase, trifft uberall dieselbe blase!"See Sold Price
SoldEarly XX Century Anti-Semitic Postcard "Jewish dudes"Early XX century anti-Semitic postcard dated in 1910 with the text "Jewish Dudes". It depicts some poor and elderly Jews posing for a photo somewhere in the East. A despective photo against the Jews,See Sold Price
SoldThe Wandering Jew anti-Semitic postcardP-003 "The Wandering Jew" anti-Semitic postcard which became the key graphic representation for the 1937 Munich German Museum political exhibition. Penciled notes on the reverse regarding reference boSee Sold Price
SoldAnti-Semitic Postcard. Russia, 1905Anti-Semitic postcard from the era of the pogroms, 1905. Picture of Russian citizens drinking toasts as they look at the bodies of the Jews murdered during the pogroms. [1] postcard. 8x13 cm. Russian.See Sold Price
SoldAUSTRIAN ANTI-SEMITIC POSTCARD, CA. 1910Austrian anti-Semitic postcard, ca. 1910, shows an interminable line of ragged "Jews"Â ending in Vienna, with a poem at top: "The Jews march together in line / What did they have in mind? / So they mSee Sold Price
SoldAnti Semitic Postcard Jews Working - Lodz WWIIAnti Semitic propaganda postcard showing some Jews forced to work on trenches. Description on the back "Polish theater of war Jews fill up the air-raid trenches on Freedom Square in Lodz, which had toSee Sold Price
POLISH ANTI-SEMITIC POSTCARD, 1907Early Polish anti-Semitic postcard depicts two Polish "Jews"Â, one alarmed at the sight of a shotgun leaning on a chair before his friend seated at a table. The friend consoles the man in poor YiddisSee Sold Price
Anti-Semitic Postcard. Russia, 1905Anti-Semitic postcard from Russia, from the era of the pogroms, 1905. The postcard depicts the leaders of the pogrom with skulls scattered around them, Russian text, and the names of the pogrom leaderSee Sold Price
SoldAnti-Semitic Postcard. Russia, 1905Anti-Semitic postcard from the era of the pogroms, 1905. Christian priest holding the Decalogue bearing inflammatory text against the Jews. [1] postcard. 8x13 cm. Russian. Very fine condition. Very raSee Sold Price
SoldEARLY NAZI ANTI-SEMITIC POSTCARDVery early Nazi Party issue anti-Semitic postcard, ca. 1925, 3.5 x 5.5 in., depicts a caricature of a startled Jew as he views a static swastika with rays emanating from it. The image is captioned inSee Sold Price
SoldEarly XX Century Anti-Semitic Postcard "Howling Wolves"Early XX century anti-Semitic postcard dated in 1907 with the text "Howling wolves". It depicts some poor Jews singing in the street surrounded by dogs and children. A despective drawing against the JSee Sold Price
United States Anti-Semitic PostcardUnited States Anti-Semitic Postcard with 1906 "Worth Isleboro," cancellation stamp.Estimate: $40 - $60See Sold Price
SoldSmall Cohen in the German Army - Antisemitic PostcardsTwo anti Semitic postcards, depicting “Small Cohen” in the German army. Published by S. Stern, Frankfurt, Germany. Circa 1900. One postcard carries a postal stamp from 1903. Undivided postSee Sold Price
Polish Jews Immigration to America - Lithograph SetLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
The Wandering Jew - Antisemitic Hand Colored EngravingLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
The Wandering Jew - Antisemitic Hand Colored EngravingLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Antisemitic Italian Poster - Late Resipiscence - WWILevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Antisemitic Engraving - Jewish Professions - 19th Cen.Levy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Museum of Horrors - A Jewish Ball - Antisemitic PosterLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Germany for the Germans - Antisemitic Rules for LifeLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
2 Antisemitic Train Tickets to Jerusalem - GermanyLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Emperor, Archbishop and Jews - Antisemitic BookletLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Rumors, Conspiracies and Gossip - Antisemitic BookletLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
17 Antisemitic Booklets - Jokes & Poems - 19th CenturyLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Antisemitic Postcard - Churchill's Jewish Army - WW2Levy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Antisemitic Postcard - Karlsbad - Germany, 19th CenturyLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Antisemitic Postcard - Levi & Rivka - 19th CenturyLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Leipzig Fair - Antisemitic Postcard - 19th CenturyLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Jewish Monster - Antisemitic Postcard - 19th CenturyLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Jews in the Army - Antisemitic Postcard - 19th CenturyLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Antisemitic Porcelain Pipe - Le Baron - 19th CenturyLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024