Bacongo Fetish Statue
Qing Dynasty gilt bronze statue of Manjushri BodhisattvaJan 25, 2024AYUTTYHYA BUDDHA STATUEFeb 24, 2024Decorative 20th Century French StatueMar 09, 2024Antique Chinese Bronze Sitting Buddha Statue With A Flower Mark And Six Character MarkFeb 24, 2024Roman Life-Size Marble Statue of an Important MagistrateMar 05, 2024Tibetan / Chinese Bronze Statue of GarudaFeb 24, 2024Early 20thC Burkina Faso Bobo Fetish African Tribal Power StatueMar 03, 2024OLD CARVED FETISH STATUE BAKONGO VERY RAREFeb 25, 2024Ewe Fetish - Togo - African Art Tribal ArtFeb 28, 2024Songye statue - DRC ex Zaire - African Art Tribal ArtFeb 28, 2024Teke fetish - DRC ex Zaire - African Art Tribal ArtFeb 28, 2024SONGYE Kifwebe power figure statue sculpture Congo African Tribal Art 1464Feb 27, 2024SONGYE miniature Power figure e statue Congo African Tribal Art 1820Feb 27, 2024SONGYE Tempa Power figure sculpture statue Congo African Tribal Art 1735Feb 27, 2024KUSU Kakudji magical Figure Congo DRC African Tribal Art Statue Sculpture 1848Feb 27, 2024Power figure - Wood - Adan Ewe- TogoFeb 28, 2024Bacongo Maternity StatueFeb 28, 2024Bacongo Nail FetishFeb 28, 2024Bacongo Maternity StatueFeb 28, 2024Bacongo Maternity FetishFeb 28, 2024Bacongo StatueFeb 28, 2024Bacongo Nail FetishFeb 28, 2024Bacongo Nail Fetish MaskFeb 28, 2024Dog Doubled Head Bacongo Fetish SculptureFeb 28, 2024